为什么 latex 构建 .tex 文件很慢?

为什么 latex 构建 .tex 文件很慢?

我有一个包含 796 行和 20 列的 .csv 文件,构建文件需要 15 分钟以上,而我正在从 .csv 读取文件,我们可以做些什么来快速构建以获得相同的结果吗?我正在使用软件包、、、、、、、、、和。您graphicx的评论非常宝贵。我无法在 csv 文件中写入所有行。谢谢。这是我的MWEbooktabsxstringdatatoolxintexprlongtablemintedmultirowcolortbltcolorboxxcolor

 \usepackage{graphicx,booktabs,xstring,datatool,xintexpr,longtable,minted} %for including eps graphics



      Unique ID,Name,Gender,Blood Group,Relationship with Head,Date of Birth,Baptised,Date of Baptism,Baptized By,Death,Date of Death,Transfer,Date of Transfer,Phone No.,Suspension,Reason,Areawise,Educational Qualification,Ocupation,Youth,Women,Signature
 ABC0001,Name 1,M,AB+,Head,03/05/1933,Y,19/06/1946,Baptized 1,N,,N,,1234567895,,,Area 3,Cl-X,Retd. G.Sw,Y,Y,
 ,Name 2,F,AB+,Wife,,Y,17/07/1960,Baptized 2,N,,N,,1234567896,,,Area 3,,House wife,N,N,
 ,Name 3,M,AB+,son,,Y,26/02/1980,Baptized 3,N,,N,,1234567897,,,Area 3,Cl-X,,N,N,
 ,Name 4,F,AB+,Daughter in law,,Y,27/06/1985,Baptized 4,N,,N,,1234567898,,,Area 3,Cl-VIII,House Wife,Y,Y,
 ,Name 5,F,AB+,Grand Daughter,,N,,Baptized 5,N,,N,,1234567899,,,Area 3,Cl-II,Student,Y,Y,
 ,Name 6,F,AB+,daughter ,,Y,,Baptized 6,N,,Y,,1234567900,,,Area 3,,,Y,Y,
 ,Name 7,M,AB+,Son,,Y,06/04/94,Baptized 7,N,,N,,1234567901,,,Area 3,B.A,Music Teacher,Y,Y,
 ,Name 8,M,A+,Son,,Y,30/04/1996 ,Baptized 8,N,,N,,1234567902,,,Area 3,B.A,Office Asst.,Y,Y,
 ABC0002,Name 9,F,A-,Head,,Y,17/04/1990 ,Baptized 9,N,,N,,1234567903,,,Area 4,Matriculate,Service,Y,Y,
 ,Name 10,M,A-,Father,,Y,,Baptized 10,Y,02/12/2007,,,1234567904,,,Area 4,,,Y,Y,
 ,Name 11,M,A-,Son ,,Y,11/06/08,Baptized 11,N,,N,,1234567905,,,Area 4,H.S. Passed,Student,Y,Y,
 ,Name 12,M,A-,Son ,,Y,,Baptized 12,N,,N,,1234567906,,,Area 4,Cl-VIII,Student,Y,Y,
 ABC0003     ,Name 13,M,A-,Head,,Y,,Baptized 13,N,,N,,1234567907,,,Area 1,Matriculate,Service,Y,Y,
 ,Name 14,F,A-,Wife,,Y,,Baptized 14,N,,N,,1234567908,,,Area 1,Graduate,Teacher,Y,Y,
 ,Name 15,F,A-,Daughter,,Y,,Baptized 15,N,,N,,1234567909,,,Area 1,Cl-IX,Student,Y,Y,
 ABC0004,Name 16,M,A-,Head,,Y,1935,Baptized 16,N,,N,,1234567910,,,Area 2,Cl-X,Retired,Y,Y,
 ,Name 17,M,A-,Father,,Y,,Baptized 17,Y,died ,,,1234567911,,,Area 2,,,Y,Y,
 ,Name 18,F,A-,Mother,,Y,,Baptized 18,Y,died ,,,1234567912,,,Area 2,,,Y,Y,
 ,Name 19,F,A-,Wife,,Y,,Baptized 19,N,,N,,1234567913,,,Area 2,,House wife,Y,Y,
 ,Name 20,M,A-,Son,,Y,,Baptized 20,,,,,1234567914,Y,,Area 2,M.A pol.sc,Business,Y,Y,
 ,Name 21,F,A-,Daughter in Law,,Y,,Baptized 21,N,,N,,1234567915,,,Area 2,Under Graduate,Service,Y,Y,
 ,Name 22,M,A-,Grand son,,Y,,Baptized 22,N,,N,,1234567916,,,Area 2,M.A,Student,N,N,
 ,Name 23,M,A-,Grand son,,Y,,Baptized 23,N,,N,,1234567917,,,Area 2,B.A,Student,N,N,
 ,Name 24,F,A-,daughter ,,Y,,Baptized 24,,,,,1234567918,Y,,Area 2,,,N,N,
 ,Name 25,F,A-,Daughter in Law,,Y,,Baptized 25,N,,Y,,1234567919,,,Area 2,Under Graduate,Srevice,N,N,
 ABC0005,Name 26,M,AB+,Head,,Y,,Baptized 26,N,,N,,1234567920,,,Area 5,Graduate,Business,N,N,
 ,Name 27,F,A+,Wife,,Y,,Baptized 27,N,,N,,1234567921,,,Area 5,"M.A, B.ed",Lecturer,N,N,
 ,Name 28,F,A+,Daughter,,N,,Baptized 28,N,,N,,1234567922,,,Area 5,Student,Student,N,N,
 ,Name 29,F,B+,Daughter,,N,,Baptized 29,N,,N,,1234567923,,,Area 5,,,N,N,
 ,Name 30,M,B+,Son,,N,,Baptized 30,N,,N,,1234567924,,,Area 5,,,N,N,
 ABC0006,Name 31,F,B+,Head ,,Y,,Baptized 31,N,,N,,1234567925,,,Area 3,Cl-VII,House wife,N,N,
 ,Name 32,M,B+,Father,,Y,,Baptized 32,Y,22-1-2014,,,1234567926,,,Area 3,Cl-VII,Business,N,N,
 ,Name 33,M,B+,Son,,Y,,Baptized 33,N,,N,,1234567927,,,Area 3,Cl-X,,N,N,
 ,Name 34,F,B+,Daughter,,Y,,Baptized 34,N,,N,,1234567928,,,Area 3,Matriculate,,Y,Y,
 ,Name 35,F,B+,daughter ,,Y,,Baptized 35,N,,Y,,1234567929,,,Area 3,,,N,N,
 ABC0007,Name 36,M,O-,Head,,Y,,Baptized 36,N,,N,,1234567930,,,Area 6,B.A,Bussiness,Y,Y,
 ,Name 37,F,O+,Wife,,Y,,Baptized 37,N,,N,,1234567931,,,Area 6,,House wife,Y,Y,
 ,Name 38,M,B-,Son,,Y,,Baptized 38,N,,N,,1234567932,,,Area 6,H.S. Passed,,Y,Y,
 ,Name 39,F,O-,Daughter in law,,Y,,Baptized 39,N,,N,,1234567933,,,Area 6,Cl-X,,Y,Y,
 ,Name 40,F,O+,grand daughter ,,N,,Baptized 40,N,,N,,1234567934,,,Area 6,,,Y,Y,
 ,Name 41,M,O+,Son ,,Y,,Baptized 41,N,,N,,1234567935,,,Area 6,H.S. Passed,,Y,Y,
 ,Name 42,M,O+,Son,,N,,Baptized 42,N,,N,,1234567936,,,Area 6,Cl-VII,,Y,Y,     

 % read in text file to database

 % set up counters
 \newcounter{Female}   % Female Membership Counter
 \newcounter{Male}     % Male Membership Counter
 \newcounter{FemaleD}  % Female Death counter
 \newcounter{MaleD}    % Male Death counter
 \newcounter{Total}    % Total Membership counter
 \newcounter{TotalD}   % Total Death counter
 \newcounter{MaleB}    % Baptised Male counter
 \newcounter{FemaleB}  % Baptised female counter
 \newcounter{MaleU}    % UnBaptised Male counter
 \newcounter{FemaleU}  % UnBaptised female counter
 \newcounter{TotalU}   % Total Unbaptised Member counter
 \newcounter{TotalB}   % Total Baptised counter
 \newcounter{MaleT}    % Total male transfer
 \newcounter{FemaleT}  % Total female transfer
 \newcounter{TotalT}   % Total transfer
 \newcounter{MaleE}    % Existing male members
 \newcounter{FemaleE}  % Existing female members
 \newcounter{TotalE}    % Existing total members
 \newcounter{MaleBE}   % Existing male baptised
 \newcounter{FemaleBE} % Existing female baptised
 \newcounter{TotalBE}  % Existing total baptised
 %\newcounter{SerialI}   % Serial Numbering Iteration according to name present
 \newcounter{Serial}   % Serial Numbering according to name present
 \newcounter{SerialN}   % Serial Numbering 
 \newcounter{A}         % Coding for Area 1
 \newcounter{B}         % Coding for Area 2
 \newcounter{C}         % Coding for Area 3
 \newcounter{D}         % Coding for Area 4
 \newcounter{E}         % Coding for Area 5
 \newcounter{F}         % Coding for Area 6
 \newcounter{AT}         % Coding for Area 1 total members
 \newcounter{BT}         % Coding for Area 2 total members
 \newcounter{CT}         % Coding for Area 3 total members
 \newcounter{DT}         % Coding for Area 4 total members
 \newcounter{ET}         % Coding for Area 5 total members
 \newcounter{FT}         % Coding for Area 6 total members
 \newcounter{AreaT}      % Total areawise members
 \newcounter{AH}         % Coding for Area 1 Total Household 
 \newcounter{BH}         % Coding for Area 2 Total Household 
 \newcounter{CH}         % Coding for Area 3 Total Household 
 \newcounter{DH}         % Coding for Area 4 Total Household
 \newcounter{EH}         % Coding for Area 5 Total Household
 \newcounter{FH}         % Coding for Area 6 Total Household
 \newcounter{GA}         % Coding for Area 1
 \newcounter{GB}         % Coding for Area 2
 \newcounter{GC}         % Coding for Area 3
 \newcounter{GD}         % Coding for Area 4
 \newcounter{GE}         % Coding for Area 5
 \newcounter{GF}         % Coding for Area 6
 \newcounter{GAH}         % Coding for Area 1 household
 \newcounter{GBH}         % Coding for Area 2 household
 \newcounter{GCH}         % Coding for Area 3 household
 \newcounter{GDH}         % Coding for Area 4 household
 \newcounter{GEH}         % Coding for Area 5 household
 \newcounter{GFH}         % Coding for Area 6 household
 \newcounter{TotalG}     % Counter for total existing member
 \newcounter{TotalGH}    % Counter for total house existing
 \newcounter{TotalUE}    % counter for existing unbaptise
 \newcounter{TotalUME}   % counter for unbaptised existing male
 \newcounter{TotalUFE}   % counter for unbaptised existing female 
 \newcounter{FSus}       % counter for female suspension
 \newcounter{MSus}       % counter for male suspension
 \newcounter{TotalSus}   % counter fot total suspension
 %% Counter for blood group
 \newcounter{Ap}         % counter for blood group A+
 \newcounter{Am}         % counter for blood group A+
 \newcounter{Bp}         % counter for blood group B+
 \newcounter{Bm}         % counter for blood group B-
 \newcounter{Op}         % counter for blood group O+
 \newcounter{Om}         % counter for blood group O-
 \newcounter{ABp}         % counter for blood group AB+
 \newcounter{ABm}         % counter for blood group AB-
 \newcounter{BloodT}    % counter for total blood group

 %\DeclareTCBListing{mybox}{ s O{} m }{%
  %colback=red!5!white,colframe=red!75!black,fonttitle=\bfseries,IfBooleanTF={#1}{listing side text}{text side listing},title=#3,#2}
 \DeclareTColorBox{mybox}{ o }{colframe=white,colback=gray!15!white,
 IfValueTF={#1}{title={\flqq #1\frqq},fonttitle=\bfseries}{}}

 %\arrayrulewidth=0.7pt % change thickness of vertical and horizontal lines of a table
 \rowcolor{green!20}\bf\rotatebox{90}{Sl.~No.} & \bf{Unique ID} & \hfill\bf{Name}\hfill~ & \bf\rotatebox{90}{Gender}& \bf{Date\newline of\newline Birth}& \bf\rotatebox{90}{Blood Group} & \bf\rotatebox{90}{Baptised}&\bf{Date\newline of\newline Baptism} & \hfill\bf{Baptized By}\hfill~ & \bf\rotatebox{90}{Death}& \bf{Date\newline of\newline Death} & \bf\rotatebox{90}{Transfer}& \bf\rotatebox{90}{Phone No.} & \bf{\hspace{6mm}Areawise} & \bf{Signature}\\\hline \endhead

 \DTLforeach*{death}{\id=Unique ID,\name=Name,\g=Gender,\bg=Blood Group,\d=Death,\b=Baptised,\tr=Transfer,\phone=Phone No.,\a=Areawise,\DOB=Date of Birth,\DOBap=Date of Baptism,\by=Baptized By,\DOD=Date of Death}{% build table
 \DTLiffirstrow{}{\\\hline} %
 % add \midrule before first data row
 \IfStrEq{\g}{F}{% check if female
   \stepcounter{Female}% add 1 to counter
   \IfStrEq{\d}{Y}{\stepcounter{FemaleD}}{}% if also dead, add 1 to that counter
   \stepcounter{Male}% similar for male

 \IfStrEq{\g}{F}{% check if female

   \IfStrEq{\b}{Y}{\stepcounter{FemaleB}}{\stepcounter{FemaleU}}% if also dead, add 1 to that counter


 \IfStrEq{\g}{F}{% check if female

   \IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{Y}{\stepcounter{FemaleT}}}{}% if also dead, add 1 to that counter



 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 1}{\stepcounter{A}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 2}{\stepcounter{B}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 3}{\stepcounter{C}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 4}{\stepcounter{D}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 5}{\stepcounter{E}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 6}{\stepcounter{F}}{}

 %% Coding for Areawise Total Household
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 1}{\IfBeginWith{\id}{ABC}{\stepcounter{AH}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 2}{\IfBeginWith{\id}{ABC}{\stepcounter{BH}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 3}{\IfBeginWith{\id}{ABC}{\stepcounter{CH}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 4}{\IfBeginWith{\id}{ABC}{\stepcounter{DH}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 5}{\IfBeginWith{\id}{ABC}{\stepcounter{EH}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\a}{Area 6}{\IfBeginWith{\id}{ABC}{\stepcounter{FH}}{}}{}


 \IfStrEq{\d}{Y}{\IfInteger{\theSerial}{\noindent\raise.5em\vbox{\cellcolor{red!20}\theSerialN} & \cellcolor{red!20}\id & \cellcolor{red!20}\name & \cellcolor{red!20}\g & \cellcolor{red!20}\DOB & \cellcolor{red!20}\bg & \cellcolor{red!20}\b & \cellcolor{red!20}\DOBap & \cellcolor{red!20}\by & \cellcolor{red!20}\d & \cellcolor{red!20}\DOD & \cellcolor{red!20}\tr & \cellcolor{red!20}\phone & \cellcolor{red!20}\a & \cellcolor{red!20}  }{}}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{Y}{\IfInteger{\theSerial}{\noindent\raise.5em\vbox{\cellcolor{blue!20}\theSerialN} & \cellcolor{blue!20}\id & \cellcolor{blue!20}\name & \cellcolor{blue!20}\g & \cellcolor{blue!20}\DOB & \cellcolor{blue!20}\bg & \cellcolor{blue!20}\b & \cellcolor{blue!20}\DOBap & \cellcolor{blue!20}\by & \cellcolor{blue!20}\d & \cellcolor{blue!20}\DOD & \cellcolor{blue!20}\tr & \cellcolor{blue!20}\phone & \cellcolor{blue!20}\a & \cellcolor{blue!20} }{}}{\IfInteger{\theSerial}{
 \noindent\raise.5em\vbox{\theSerialN} & \id & \name & \g &\DOB & \bg & \b &\DOBap & \by & \d &\DOD & \tr & \phone & \a & }{}}}



 %% Coding for existing household and existing members
 \DTLforeach*{death}{\id=Unique ID,\name=Name,\g=Gender,\bg=Blood Group,\d=Death,\b=Baptised,\tr=Transfer,\a=Areawise, \s=Suspension}{
 %% Set values for area existing member

 %%set values for existing members
 \IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 1}{\stepcounter{GA}}{}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 2}{\stepcounter{GB}}{}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 3}{\stepcounter{GC}}{}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 4}{\stepcounter{GD}}{}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 5}{\stepcounter{GE}}{}}{}}{}
 \IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 6}{\stepcounter{GF}}{}}{}}{}
 %%set values for existing household number of each areawise
 \IfStrEq{\id}{}{}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 1}{\stepcounter{GAH}}{}}{}}{}}
 \IfStrEq{\id}{}{}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 2}{\stepcounter{GBH}}{}}{}}{}}
 \IfStrEq{\id}{}{}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 3}{\stepcounter{GCH}}{}}{}}{}}
 \IfStrEq{\id}{}{}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 4}{\stepcounter{GDH}}{}}{}}{}}
 \IfStrEq{\id}{}{}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 5}{\stepcounter{GEH}}{}}{}}{}}
 \IfStrEq{\id}{}{}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\a}{Area 6}{\stepcounter{GFH}}{}}{}}{}}
 %% set values for suspension from church
 %% set values for blood group members
 \IfStrEq{\s}{Y}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{A+}{\stepcounter{Ap}}{}}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{A+}{\stepcounter{Ap}}{}}{}}{} }
 \IfStrEq{\s}{Y}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{A-}{\stepcounter{Am}}{}}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{A-}{\stepcounter{Am}}{}}{}}{} }
 \IfStrEq{\s}{Y}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{B+}{\stepcounter{Bp}}{}}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{B+}{\stepcounter{Bp}}{}}{}}{} }
 \IfStrEq{\s}{Y}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{B-}{\stepcounter{Bm}}{}}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{B-}{\stepcounter{Bm}}{}}{}}{} }
 \IfStrEq{\s}{Y}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{O+}{\stepcounter{Op}}{}}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{O+}{\stepcounter{Op}}{}}{}}{} }
 \IfStrEq{\s}{Y}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{O-}{\stepcounter{Om}}{}}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{O-}{\stepcounter{Om}}{}}{}}{} }
 \IfStrEq{\s}{Y}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{AB+}{\stepcounter{ABp}}{}}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{AB+}{\stepcounter{ABp}}{}}{}}{} }
 \IfStrEq{\s}{Y}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{AB-}{\stepcounter{ABm}}{}}{\IfStrEq{\d}{N}{\IfStrEq{\tr}{N}{\IfStrEq{\bg}{AB-}{\stepcounter{ABm}}{}}{}}{} }

 % set total values
 % set total values for alive and death members
 % set total values for transfer members
 % set values for existing members
 % set values for existing baptised members

 % set values for areawise


 % Total for suspension

 % Total blood group for existing members


 \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=blue!80!white, colframe=red!75!black, rounded corners, halign=center] 
 \color{white}\LARGE\fontsize{185}{185}\bfseries\section*{\MakeUppercase{ABC membership summary}}

 %\tcbset{enhanced,colback=blue!80!white,colframe=yellow!75!black,fonttitle=\bfseries,frame code app={\path[tcb fill frame]
 %([yshift=-2mm]frame.north)circle (8mm); } }
 %\begin{tcolorbox}[title=\LARGE \bfseries \hfill ~ABC \hfill~]
 %\color{white}\LARGE\bfseries\section*{\MakeUppercase{\hfill membership summary\hfill~}}


 \begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,arc=3mm,boxrule=1.5mm,frame hidden,colback=blue!10!white,borderline={1mm}{0mm}{blue,dotted} ]
 % print results for all members
 Male Membership   &: & \theMale \\
 Female Membership &: & \theFemale \\
 \it Total            & : & \theTotal \\
 No. of Male Unbaptised     & : & \theMaleU \\
 No. of Female Unbaptised   & : & \theFemaleU\\
 \it Total            & : & \theTotalU \\
 && \\
 Male Baptised   & : & \theMaleB \\
 Female Baptised & : & \theFemaleB \\
 \it Total   & : & \theTotalB
 No. of Male Death   & & &: & \theMaleD \\
 No. of Female Death & &&: & \theFemaleD\\
 \it Total    &  && : & \theTotalD \\
 Male Transfers   &&& : & \theMaleT\\
 Female Transfers &&& : & \theFemaleT\\
 \it Total  &&&: & \theTotalT
 {\bf Areawise   }       &   & {\bf Household} & {\bf Members}\\ \midrule
 Area 1  & : & \theAH          & \theA \\
 Area 2     & : & \theBH          & \theB \\
 Area 3  & : & \theCH          & \theC  \\
 Area 4  & : & \theDH          & \theD \\
 Area 5    & : & \theEH          & \theE \\
 Area 6  & : & \theFH          & \theF \\
 \it Total  & : & \theSerial           & \theAreaT

 %% print results for death members
 %No. of Male Death   & & &\hspace{1mm}: & \theMaleD \\
 %No. of Female Death & &&\hspace{1mm}: & \theFemaleD\\
 %\it Total    &  &&\hspace{-0.07mm} : & \theTotalD 
 %% print results for unbaptised member
 %Male Transfers   & : & \theMaleT\\
 %Female Transfers & : & \theFemaleT\\
 %\it Total  &: & \theTotalT


 \begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced,arc=3mm,boxrule=1.5mm,frame hidden,colback=green!10!white,borderline={1mm}{0mm}{green,dotted} ]


 %\begin{mybox}[\hfill Existing Members \hfill]{}
 Existing Male   & : & \theMaleE\\
 Existing Female & : & \theFemaleE\\
 \it Total  &: & \theTotalE \\
 Existing Baptised Male & : & \theMaleBE\\
 Existing Baptised Female & : & \theFemaleBE\\
 \it Total  & : & \theTotalBE\\
 Unbaptised Existing Male & : & \theTotalUME \\
 Unbaptised Existing Female & : & \theTotalUFE\\
 \it Total  & :& \theTotalUE
 {\bf Blood Group} & &{\bf Members}\\ \midrule
 \hspace*{9mm} A+  & : & \theAp \\
 \hspace*{9mm} A~-  & : & \theAm \\
 \hspace*{9mm} B+  & : & \theBp \\
 \hspace*{9mm} B~-  & : & \theBm \\
 \hspace*{9mm} O+  & : & \theOp \\
 \hspace*{9mm} O~-  & : & \theOm \\
 \hspace*{7mm} AB+  & : & \theABp \\
 \hspace*{7mm} AB~-  & : & \theABm \\
 \it \hfill~~~ Total \hfill~ & : & \theBloodT
 {\bf Areawise   }       &   & {\bf Household} & {\bf Members}\\ \midrule
 Area 1  & : & \theGAH          & \theGA \\
 Area 2     & : & \theGBH          & \theGB \\
 Area 3  & : & \theGCH          & \theGC  \\
 Area 4  & : & \theGDH          & \theGD \\
 Area 5    & : & \theGEH          & \theGE \\
 Area 6  & : & \theGFH          & \theGF \\
 \it Total & : & \theTotalGH          & \theTotalG \\
 Female Suspension&:&  &\theFSus \\
 Male Suspension&:&  &\theMSus \\
 \it Total &:&  &\theTotalSus \\


正如发布的那样(在一台 3 年前的笔记本电脑上),我通常得到

real    0m7.695s
user    0m5.013s
sys     0m2.650s

如果我将其增加到 800 行以上,则需要

real    24m42.629s
user    24m38.998s
sys     0m2.636s


这不是 TeX 速度的内在问题,例如每次构建 lualatex 或 xelatex 格式时,都会读取文件 UnicodeData.txt 以获取大小写映射和其他信息,这些信息超过 29,000 行,每行有 15 个;分隔的字段,只需一秒钟左右即可用 tex 进行解析并分配相关内容\lccodes等。

看来您使用的循环(至少)是二次的,因此如果您将输入时间延长 10 倍,则运行时间会延长 100 倍。由于您似乎只对某些字段进行总计,因此应该可以使其时间与输入的大小成线性关系。

相比之下,下面的文件只需不到 2 秒

real    0m1.780s
user    0m1.250s
sys     0m0.515s

要处理您展示的格式的 800 行文件

$ wc -l MemberSummary.csv
800 MemberSummary.csv

制作 22 页如下内容




  \iterate \let\iterate\relax}


{\catcode`\,=\catcode`\& % make comma a table separator

\read\zz to \hdline

\setlength\LTright{-5cm plus 1fil}
%  \hdline
 \read\zz to \tmp\tmp\\

