\usepackage{tabularx} %% tables
\newcommand{\tabitem}{~~\llap{\textbullet}~~} %%% bullet in table
{\begin{tabular}{|c |c |c |c |} \hline
\textit{\textbf{Governing Equations}} & \textit{\textbf{Basic Assumptions}} & \textit{\textbf{Advantages}} & \textit{\textbf{Disadvantages }}\\
\textbf{Navier-Stokes} & \makecell{ \tabitem Incompressible Newtonian fluid \\ \tabitem Only gravity is considered as body force } & \tabitem Comprehensive & \tabitem Computationally expensive \\
& & & \\
\caption[Simulation Costs]{Simulation costs based on actual walltime per simulation time per CPU and per control volume (CV). Approximates were applied, due to some inevitable factors, such as queueing time on Tinaroo.}
我更喜欢使用带有 功能的环境,而不是大致模拟 itemize 环境enumitem
\usepackage{ltablex,booktabs,ragged2e, enumitem, makecell, float, textcomp}
\newcommand{\tabitem}{~~\llap{\textbullet}~~} %%% bullet in table
\setlist[itemize]{wide =0pt, leftmargin=*, nosep, before=\vspace{-\baselineskip}, after = \vspace{-\baselineskip}}
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|c |X |c |c |} \hline
\thead{Governing Equations} & \thead{Basic Assumptions} & \thead{Advantages} & \thead{Disadvantages}\\
\textbf{Navier-Stokes} & \mbox{}\begin{itemize} \item Incompressible Newtonian fluid
\item Only gravity is considered as body force\end{itemize} & \tabitem Comprehensive & \tabitem Computationally expensive \\
& & & \\