





    \newenvironment{classification}{\noindent\textbf{AMS subject classifications.}}{}

    \newcommand{\email}[1]{\texttt{\small #1}}



    % % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
    % % % % %          Title of the Paper and Acknowledgement
    % % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
            \title{Your Title of the Paper
                \thanks{Acknowledgement: The authors thanks the support of so and so project/funding \dots}
    % % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
    % % % % %         Authors,, Affiliations and email ids
    % % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------

    \author[1]{Author A\footnote{Presenting  Author.}}
    \author[2]{Author B}
    \author[3]{Author C}  % Author having same Affiliation that of Author A
    \author[4]{Author D}
    \affil[1]{Affiliation of Author A. \email{[email protected]}}
    \affil[2] {Affiliation of Author B. \email{[email protected]}}
    \affil[3] {Affiliation of Author C. \email{[email protected]}}
    \affil[4]{Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Manipal, India. \email{[email protected]}}
    % % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------

    \date{(Received on  , Accepted on )} 

    \newcommand\shorttitle{The Running title of the article(give a short title)}
    \newcommand\authors{Authors on the Author A et.al.,}


    Your abstract goes here\dots The citation can be done using \verb|\cite{key}| and this will result the respective number in the reference list, Eg.\cite{einstein}.

    ginverse, drazin inverse, diffrential equation

    13C10; 15A09; 15A24; 15B57


    Use \verb|\section{}| command to type your sections.  Here, goes your introduction or preliminaries...

    \section{Your section title\dots}



     Albert Einstein. 
     {\em Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K{\"o}rper}. 
     Journal of Mathematics, 322(10):89--921, 1905.

      \bibitem{impj}  The Japan Reader {\em Imperial Japan 1800-1945} 1973:
      Random House, N.Y.

      \bibitem{norman} E. H. Norman {\em Japan's emergence as a modern
      state} 1940: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific

      \bibitem{fo} Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi {\em Anti-Foreignism and Western
      Learning in Early-Modern Japan} 1986: Harvard University Press.





\protect\@nameuse{@sep1} \protect\Authfont AUTHORNAME\protect\footnote {AFFILL}\protect\textsuperscript {,}
\protect\@nameuse{@sep2} \protect\Authfont AUTHORNAME\protect\footnote {AFFILL}\protect\textsuperscript {,}

第二个就复杂多了。这个包用 counter 来统计作者的数量authors

如果计数器authors小于 3,我们可以简单地使用它\AB@authlist来显示页眉中的作者。但是如果它大于或等于 3,我们必须拆分第一作者。这可以通过一个简单的分隔参数来完成:

\newenvironment{classification}{\noindent\textbf{AMS subject classifications.}}{}

\newcommand{\email}[1]{\texttt{\small #1}}

    \let\footnote\@gobble% ignore \footnote
    \let\textsuperscript\@gobble% ignore protected \textsuperscript
    \expandafter\let\csname textsuperscript \endcsname\@gobble
    \let\Authfont\relax% do not use a special font
    \def\Authand{, }% separate list of authors by ,
    \ifnum\value{authors}<3 % one ore two authors
      \AB@authlist% show them all
    \else% 3 or more authors
      % show only the first one followed by "et.~al"
      \expandafter\@firstof@authlist\AB@authlist\@nil\ et.~al%
\def\@firstof@authlist#1\footnote#2\@nil{#1}% skip all from the first footnote



% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
% % % % %          Title of the Paper and Acknowledgement
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
        \title{Your Title of the Paper
            \thanks{Acknowledgement: The authors thanks the support of so and so project/funding \dots}
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------
% % % % %         Authors,, Affiliations and email ids
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------

\author[1]{Author A\footnote{Presenting  Author.}}
\author[2]{Author B}
\author[3]{Author C}  % Author having same Affiliation that of Author A
\author[4]{Author D}
\affil[1]{Affiliation of Author A. \email{[email protected]}}
\affil[2] {Affiliation of Author B. \email{[email protected]}}
\affil[3] {Affiliation of Author C. \email{[email protected]}}
\affil[4]{Department of Statistics, Manipal University, Manipal, India. \email{[email protected]}}
% % % % %--------------------------------------------------------------------

\date{(Received on  , Accepted on )} 

\newcommand\shorttitle{The Running title of the article(give a short title)}


Your abstract goes here\dots The citation can be done using \verb|\cite{key}| and this will result the respective number in the reference list, Eg.\cite{einstein}.

ginverse, drazin inverse, diffrential equation

13C10; 15A09; 15A24; 15B57


Use \verb|\section{}| command to type your sections.  Here, goes your introduction or preliminaries...

\section{Your section title\dots}



 Albert Einstein. 
 {\em Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter K{\"o}rper}. 
 Journal of Mathematics, 322(10):89--921, 1905.

  \bibitem{impj}  The Japan Reader {\em Imperial Japan 1800-1945} 1973:
  Random House, N.Y.

  \bibitem{norman} E. H. Norman {\em Japan's emergence as a modern
  state} 1940: International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific

  \bibitem{fo} Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi {\em Anti-Foreignism and Western
  Learning in Early-Modern Japan} 1986: Harvard University Press.




有 4 位作者,但只显示一位


\author[3]{Author C}  % Author having same Affiliation that of Author A
\author[4]{Author D}

