

我的表格单元格中有长句子,我想将文本换行,以便表格适合页面。目前表格超出了页面宽度。下面是我使用 Excel2LateX 生成的代码

  \caption{Add caption}
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Strategy}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Application area/sector}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Advantages}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Limitations}} \\
    Enhance energy efficiency and energy conservation & Applied mainly in commercial and industrial buildings & Energy saving from 10\% to 20\% easily achievable. & May involve extensive capital investment for installation of energy saving device. \\
    Increase usage of clean fuels & Substitution of coal by natural gas for power generation. & Natural gas emits 40Ð50\% less CO2 than coal due to its lower carbon content and higher combustion efficiency; cleaner exhaust gas (lower particulates and sulfur dioxide emissions). & Higher fuel cost for conventional natural gas. Comparable cost for shale gas. \\
    Adopt clean coal technologies & Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), pressurized fluidized bed combustor (PFBC) etc. to replace conventional combustion. & Allow the use of coal with lower emissions of air pollutants. & Significant investment needed to roll out technologies widely. \\
    Use of renewable energy & Hydro, solar (thermal), wind power,
and biofuels highly developed. & Use of local natural resources; no or low greenhouse and toxic gas emissions. & Applicability may depend on local resources availability and cost. Power from solar, wind, marine etc. are intermittent and associated technologies are not mature; most current renewable energies are more costly than conventional energy. \\
    Development of nuclear power & Nuclear fission adopted mainly in US, France, Japan, Russia and China. Nuclear fusion still in research and development phase. & No air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. & Usage is controversial; development of world's nuclear power is hindered due to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in 2011, e.g. Germany will phase out all its nuclear power by 2022. \\
    Afforestation and reforestation & Applicable to all countries & Simple approach to create natural and sustainable CO2 sinks. & Restricts/prevents land use for other applications \\
    Carbon capture and storage & Applicable to large CO2 point emission sources. & It can reduce vast amount of CO2 with capture efficiency 480\%. & CCS full chain technologies not proven at full commercial scale \\


对于这样的表格,您不应该使用l-column 类型。而p{<width>}应该使用定义指定宽度的列的类型:





\allcolwidth=\dimexpr\textwidth-8\tabcolsep\relax% this sets a width which is as wide as possible with 4 columns in a table

  \caption{Add caption}
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Strategy}} &
    \multicolumn{1}{p{0.25\allcolwidth}}{\centering\textbf{Application area/sector}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Advantages}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Limitations}} \\
    Enhance energy efficiency and energy conservation & Applied mainly in commercial and industrial buildings & Energy saving from 10\% to 20\% easily achievable. & May involve extensive capital investment for installation of energy saving device. \\
    Increase usage of clean fuels & Substitution of coal by natural gas for power generation. & Natural gas emits 40Ð50\% less CO2 than coal due to its lower carbon content and higher combustion efficiency; cleaner exhaust gas (lower particulates and sulfur dioxide emissions). & Higher fuel cost for conventional natural gas. Comparable cost for shale gas. \\
    Adopt clean coal technologies & Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), pressurized fluidized bed combustor (PFBC) etc. to replace conventional combustion. & Allow the use of coal with lower emissions of air pollutants. & Significant investment needed to roll out technologies widely. \\
    Use of renewable energy & Hydro, solar (thermal), wind power,
and biofuels highly developed. & Use of local natural resources; no or low greenhouse and toxic gas emissions. & Applicability may depend on local resources availability and cost. Power from solar, wind, marine etc. are intermittent and associated technologies are not mature; most current renewable energies are more costly than conventional energy. \\
    Development of nuclear power & Nuclear fission adopted mainly in US, France, Japan, Russia and China. Nuclear fusion still in research and development phase. & No air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. & Usage is controversial; development of world's nuclear power is hindered due to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in 2011, e.g. Germany will phase out all its nuclear power by 2022. \\
    Afforestation and reforestation & Applicable to all countries & Simple approach to create natural and sustainable CO2 sinks. & Restricts/prevents land use for other applications \\
    Carbon capture and storage & Applicable to large CO2 point emission sources. & It can reduce vast amount of CO2 with capture efficiency 480\%. & CCS full chain technologies not proven at full commercial scale \\


对于这么宽的表格,您不妨插入一个sidewaystable(由-package 提供rotating):





  \allcolwidth=\dimexpr\textwidth-8\tabcolsep\relax%this sets a width which is as possible with 4 columns
  \caption{Add caption}
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Strategy}} &
    \multicolumn{1}{p{0.25\allcolwidth}}{\centering\textbf{Application area/sector}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Advantages}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\textbf{Limitations}} \\
    Enhance energy efficiency and energy conservation & Applied mainly in commercial and industrial buildings & Energy saving from 10\% to 20\% easily achievable. & May involve extensive capital investment for installation of energy saving device. \\
    Increase usage of clean fuels & Substitution of coal by natural gas for power generation. & Natural gas emits 40Ð50\% less CO2 than coal due to its lower carbon content and higher combustion efficiency; cleaner exhaust gas (lower particulates and sulfur dioxide emissions). & Higher fuel cost for conventional natural gas. Comparable cost for shale gas. \\
    Adopt clean coal technologies & Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), pressurized fluidized bed combustor (PFBC) etc. to replace conventional combustion. & Allow the use of coal with lower emissions of air pollutants. & Significant investment needed to roll out technologies widely. \\
    Use of renewable energy & Hydro, solar (thermal), wind power,
and biofuels highly developed. & Use of local natural resources; no or low greenhouse and toxic gas emissions. & Applicability may depend on local resources availability and cost. Power from solar, wind, marine etc. are intermittent and associated technologies are not mature; most current renewable energies are more costly than conventional energy. \\
    Development of nuclear power & Nuclear fission adopted mainly in US, France, Japan, Russia and China. Nuclear fusion still in research and development phase. & No air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. & Usage is controversial; development of world's nuclear power is hindered due to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in 2011, e.g. Germany will phase out all its nuclear power by 2022. \\
    Afforestation and reforestation & Applicable to all countries & Simple approach to create natural and sustainable CO2 sinks. & Restricts/prevents land use for other applications \\
    Carbon capture and storage & Applicable to large CO2 point emission sources. & It can reduce vast amount of CO2 with capture efficiency 480\%. & CCS full chain technologies not proven at full commercial scale \\





\usepackage{booktabs, makecell, tabularx}

    \caption{Add caption}
    &   \thead[b]{Application\\ area/sector}
        &   \thead[b]{Advantages}
            & \thead[b]{Limitations}                \\
Enhance energy efficiency and energy conservation
    &   Applied mainly in commercial and industrial buildings 
        &   Energy saving from \SIrange{10}{20}{\%} easily achievable. 
            &   May involve extensive capital investment for installation of energy saving device. \\
Increase usage of clean fuels 
    &   Substitution of coal by natural gas for power generation. 
        &   Natural gas emits \SIrange{10}{20}{\%} less CO2 than coal due to its lower carbon content and higher combustion efficiency; cleaner exhaust gas (lower particulates and sulfur dioxide emissions). 
            &   Higher fuel cost for conventional natural gas. Comparable cost for shale gas.      \\
Adopt clean coal technologies 
    &   Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), pressurized fluidized bed combustor (PFBC) etc. to replace conventional combustion. 
        &   Allow the use of coal with lower emissions of air pollutants. 
            &   Significant investment needed to roll out technologies widely. \\
Use of renewable energy 
    &   Hydro, solar (thermal), wind power,
and biofuels highly developed. 
        &   Use of local natural resources; no or low greenhouse and toxic gas emissions. 
            &   Applicability may depend on local resources availability and cost. Power from solar, wind, marine etc. are intermittent and associated technologies are not mature; most current renewable energies are more costly than conventional energy. \\
Development of nuclear power 
    &   Nuclear fission adopted mainly in US, France, Japan, Russia and China. Nuclear fusion still in research and development phase. 
        &   No air pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions. 
            &   Usage is controversial; development of world's nuclear power is hindered due to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in 2011, e.g. Germany will phase out all its nuclear power by 2022. \\
Afforestation and reforestation 
    &   Applicable to all countries 
        &   Simple approach to create natural and sustainable CO2 sinks. 
            &   Restricts/prevents land use for other applications \\
Carbon capture and storage 
    &   Applicable to large CO2 point emission sources. 
        &   It can reduce vast amount of CO2 with capture efficiency \SI{480}{\%}. 
            &   CCS full chain technologies not proven at full commercial scale \\
