

我想创建一个包含两个独立部分的参考书目。虽然参考文献在文本中正确显示,但参考书目为空。没有警告,但 biber 日志显示:

INFO - Sorting list 'apa/global/' of type 'entry' with scheme 'apa' and locale 'en-GB'
INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'en-GB'


以下 mwe 复制了我的问题:

  author =       {Name1, Surname1},
  title =        {Title of the first book in the First category},
  publisher =    {Name of the Publisher},
  year =         {2017},
  keywords =     {firstcategory}
  author =       {Name2, Surname2},
  title =        {Title of the second book in the First category},
  publisher =    {Name of the Publisher},
  year =         {2016},
  keywords =     {firstcategory}
  author =       {Name3, Surname3},
  title =        {This is the title of first article in the Second category},
  journal =      {Name of the Journal},
  year =         {2017},
  volume =       {01},
  number =       {12},
  pages =        {1-20},
  keywords =     {secondcategory}
I would like to split my bibliography in two section. Authors \parencite{B1,B2} with the keyword "firstcategory" in the bib. file should appear in the First Category and author \parencite{A1} with the keyword "secondcategory" should appear in the Second Category.



要按类别打印参考书目,您必须将 添加到类别中bibtex keys,而不是keywords(但您也可以\printbibliography通过关键字过滤命令)。要打印所有类别,请使用命令\bibbycategory。要打印部分类别,您当然可以使用\printbibliography[category=…]

  author = {Name1, Surname1},
  title = {Title of the first book in the First category},
  publisher = {Name of the Publisher},
  year = {2017},
  keywords = {firstcategory}
  author = {Name2, Surname2},
  title = {Title of the second book in the First category},
  publisher = {Name of the Publisher},
  year = {2016},
  keywords = {firstcategory}
  author = {Name3, Surname3},
  title = {This is the title of first article in the Second category},
  journal = {Name of the Journal},
  year = {2017},
  volume = {01},
  number = {12},
  pages = {1-20},
  keywords = {secondcategory}
\defbibheading{one}{\section*{First category}}
\defbibheading{two}{\section*{Second category}}

I would like to split my bibliography in two section. Authors \parencite{B1,B2} with the keyword "firstcategory" in the bib. file should appear in the First Category and author \parencite{A1} with the keyword "secondcategory" should appear in the Second Category.







  author =       {Name1, Surname1},
  title =        {Title of the first book in the First category},
  publisher =    {Name of the Publisher},
  year =         {2017},
  keywords =     {firstcategory}
  author =       {Name2, Surname2},
  title =        {Title of the second book in the First category},
  publisher =    {Name of the Publisher},
  year =         {2016},
  keywords =     {firstcategory}
  author =       {Name3, Surname3},
  title =        {This is the title of first article in the Second category},
  journal =      {Name of the Journal},
  year =         {2017},
  volume =       {01},
  number =       {12},
  pages =        {1-20},
  keywords =     {secondcategory}
    keyword=firstcategory or keyword=secondcategory

I would like to split my bibliography in two section. Authors \cite{B1,B2} with the keyword "firstcategory" in the bib. file should appear in the First Category and author \cite{A1} with the keyword "secondcategory" should appear in the Second Category.




