如何包含图像、\caption 并使表格内容居中

如何包含图像、\caption 并使表格内容居中


\begin{table}  [ht]
  \begin{tabular}{||c c c c ||} 
 Sample number & Dimensions & Result & Observations \\ [0.5ex] 
 H1E & $T:29.37\pm0.01$ mm &
 \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{h1e.jpg}} &
 Valid test\\
 &  $L:29.00\pm0.01$ mm &  &   \\
 & W:$33.90\pm0.01$ mm & & \\
  H2E & $T:29.40\pm0.01$ mm &
 \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{h2e.jpg}} &
 Invalid test, no parallelism\\
 &  $L:28.50\pm0.01$ mm &  &   \\
 & W:$34.41\pm0.01$ mm & & \\
  H3E & $T:29.17\pm0.01$ mm &
 \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{h3e.jpg}} &
 Valid test\\
 &  $L:27.50\pm0.01$ mm &  &   \\
 & W:$30.39\pm0.01$ mm & & \\
  H4E & $T:30.55\pm0.01$ mm &
 \raisebox{-\totalheight}{\includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{h4e.jpg}} &
 Valid test\\
 &  $L:29.94\pm0.01$ mm &  &   \\
 & W:$31.70\pm0.01$ mm & & \\
  \caption{Static compression tests in axial direction of honeycomb}


两个主要挑战是DimensionsResult列。我建议使用p列来Dimensions将所有三行包装到一个单元格中。对于Result列,可以使用包valign=m中的选项。最后,为了保持一致性,内部的s 应该全部替换为s。adjustbox\hline\midrule

\usepackage{graphicx, array, booktabs}

 Sample number & Dimensions & Result & Observations \\ \midrule
 H1E & $T:29.37\pm0.01$ mm \newline
       $L:29.00\pm0.01$ mm \newline
       W:$33.90\pm0.01$ mm &
 \includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth,valign=m]{h1e.jpg} &
 Valid test \\ \midrule
 H2E & $T:29.40\pm0.01$ mm \newline
       $L:28.50\pm0.01$ mm \newline
       W:$34.41\pm0.01$ mm &
 \includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth,valign=m]{h2e.jpg} &
 Invalid test, no parallelism \\ \midrule
 H3E & $T:29.17\pm0.01$ mm \newline 
       $L:27.50\pm0.01$ mm \newline
       W:$30.39\pm0.01$ mm &
 \includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth,valign=m]{h3e.jpg} &
 Valid test\\ \midrule
 H4E & $T:30.55\pm0.01$ mm \newline
       $L:29.94\pm0.01$ mm \newline
       W:$31.70\pm0.01$ mm &
 \includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth,valign=m]{h4e.jpg} &
 Valid test \\ \bottomrule
\caption{Static compression tests in axial direction of honeycomb}




这里有两个布局,带有标题。一个makecell仅用于单元格中的填充和换行符hhline,另一个用于 tabstackengine另一种尺寸对齐,在两种情况下,尺寸都分组在一个单元格中:

\usepackage{makecell, booktabs, caption, hhline}
\captionsetup{font =footnotesize, skip=6pt}


\begin{table} [!ht]
  \begin{tabular}{||c >{\stackMath}ccc ||}
 \makecell{Sample\\ number} & Dimensions (mm)& Result & Observations \\ [0.5ex]
 H1E & {$\tabbedLongunderstack[l]{%
 T: & 29.37\pm0.01\\ L: & 29.00\pm0.01\\ W: & 33.90\pm0.01}$} &
 \raisebox{\dimexpr 1.6ex-\height}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{vent_cat}} &
 Valid test\\
  H2E &%
T: & 29.40\pm0.01 \\ L: & 28.50\pm0.01 \\ W: & 34.41\pm0.01}$} &
 \raisebox{\dimexpr 2ex-\height}{\parbox{0.2\textwidth}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{vent_cat}%\\
 \centering\captionof{figure}{\\Ventriloquist Cat}}} &
 Invalid test, no parallelism\\
  H3E & {$\tabbedLongunderstack[l]{T: & 29.17\pm0.01 \\ L: & 27.50\pm0.01 \\ W: & 30.39\pm0.01}$} &
 \raisebox{\dimexpr 2ex-\height}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{vent_cat}} &
 Valid test\\%
  H4E & {$\tabbedLongunderstack[l]{T: &30.55\pm0.01 \\ L: &\phantom{0}9.94 \pm0.01 \\ W:&31.70\pm0.01 }$} &
 \raisebox{\dimexpr 2ex-\height}{\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{vent_cat}} &
 Valid test\\
  \caption{Static compression tests in axial direction of honeycomb}

\begin{table} [!ht]
 \begin{tabular}{c >{$}c<{$}cc}
 \makecell{Sample \\ number} & \text{Dimensions (mm)} & Result & Observations \\ [0.5ex]
 H1E & \makecell{T: 29.37\pm0.01\\ L: 29.00\pm0.01\\ W: 33.90\pm0.01} &
 \raisebox{\dimexpr 2ex-\height}{\parbox{0.3\textwidth}{\centering\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{sendak}\captionof{figure}{Where the Wild Things are}}} &
 Valid test\\
 H2E & \makecell{T: 29.40\pm0.01 \\ L: 28.50\pm0.01 \\ W: 34.41\pm0.01} &
 \raisebox{\dimexpr 2ex-\height}{\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{sendak}} &
 Invalid test, no parallelism\\
 H3E & \makecell{T: 29.17\pm0.01 \\ L: 27.50\pm0.01 \\ W: 30.39\pm0.01} &
 \raisebox{\dimexpr 2ex-\height}{\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{sendak}} &
 Valid test\\%
 H4E & \makecell{T: 30.55\pm0.01 \\ L: 9.94\pm0.01 \\ W: 31.70\pm0.01 } &
 \raisebox{\dimexpr 2ex-\height}{\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{sendak}} &
 Valid test\\\bottomrule
 \caption{Static compression tests in axial direction of honeycomb}


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