计算 fancyhdr 所需的头部高度,意外地不是线性的

计算 fancyhdr 所需的头部高度,意外地不是线性的

我正在尝试计算使用 创建的标题的高度fancyhdr。实际格式有点复杂,取决于某些命令的返回值(无法进行硬编码)。我尝试根据字体大小和已知间距计算所需的高度。然而,这与预期不符fancyhdr

如果我故意将 headerheight 设置为太小,fancyhdr 会建议 header 的大小。此值每次都有效,但不随行数线性缩放。下面写了一个 MWE。


  1. 为什么这些价值观是这样的?
  2. 我该如何正确计算身高?
  3. 是否可以通过 LaTeX 代码获取 fancyhdr 的估计(预渲染)?

\usepackage[lmargin=1.5in, rmargin=1.0in, tmargin=1.0in, bmargin=1.0in]{geometry}

\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} \fancypagestyle{customone}{ \fancyhf{} \lhead{ Line 1 } } \fancypagestyle{customtwo}{ \fancyhf{} \lhead{ Line 1\\ Line 2 } } \fancypagestyle{customthree}{ \fancyhf{} \lhead{ Line 1\\ Line 2\\ Line 3 } } \pagestyle{customtwo} \begin{document} \noindent The minimum required \textit{headheight} for \textit{customone} is 14.49998pt.\\ The minimum required \textit{headheight} for \textit{customtwo} is 27.04604pt.\\ The minimum required \textit{headheight} for \textit{customthree} is 41.5604pt.\\ The height difference between \textit{customone} and \textit{customtwo} is 12.54606pt.\\ The height difference between \textit{customtwo} and \textit{customthree} is 14.51436pt.\\ The heights divided by the number of lines are: 14.49998pt, 13.52302pt, 13.853466pt. \end{document}


页眉/页脚内容设置在框内,而此框实际上并不构成常规文本框/内容的一部分。因此,它不会使用相同的基线跳过(行高和深度)进行设置。因此,为了让您看到页眉使用的一致头部高度,请将内容设置在 内tabular,或使用\struts:



\usepackage[lmargin=1.5in, rmargin=1.0in, tmargin=1.0in, bmargin=1.0in]{geometry}


    \strut Line 1%

    \begin{tabular}{ c }
      Line 1\\
      Line 2

    \begin{tabular}{ c }
        pine 1\\
        Line 2\\
        Line 3


\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}% Just for this example


The minimum required \texttt{\string\headheight} for \texttt{customone} is 14.49998pt. \par
The minimum required \texttt{\string\headheight} for \texttt{customtwo} is 28.99997pt. \par
The minimum required \texttt{\string\headheight} for \texttt{customthree} is 43.49995pt. \par
The height difference between \texttt{customone} and \texttt{customtwo} is 14.49999pt. \par
The height difference between \texttt{customtwo} and \texttt{customthree} is 14.49998pt. \par
The heights divided by the number of lines are: 14.49998pt, 14.499985pt, 14.49998333pt.

%\texttt{\string\baselineskip}: \the\baselineskip% 14.5pt under 12pt base font size


