

我正在使用描述环境来处理一组定义。我的一个标签太长,无法放入页面的左边距。我不知道如何在项目标签中强制换行 - 我也不想这么做。有没有办法让描述环境检测标签是否太长并使其换行,以便项目标签仍然右对齐?


\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper, oneside, draft]{memoir}

% itemize environment configuration
\setlist[itemize]{noitemsep, topsep=0pt}

\item[Rate of Reinforcement] Text that doesn't matter. The label is the same label that I need to use.


编辑(后续):我根据已接受的答案实施了解决方案,但现在我得到了这个。知道为什么现在标签前面有问号吗? 奇怪的问号


我猜你的意思是这样的。我只是把 3cm 作为标签宽度,但你也可以从 memoir 中检索边距的确切宽度。

\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper, oneside, draft]{memoir}




\item[Rate of Reinforcement] Text that doesn't matter. The label is
  the same label that I need to use. Make the line a little longer to
  show that it breaks nicely.
\item[Rate of Reinforcement] Text that doesn't matter. The label is
  the same label that I need to use. Make the line a little longer to
  show that it breaks nicely.
\item[Rate of Reinforcement] Short line to see it fail!
\item[Rate of Reinforcement] Text that doesn't matter. The label is
  the same label that I need to use. Make the line a little longer to
  show that it breaks nicely.







\setlist[itemize]{noitemsep, topsep=0pt}

\newcommand{\biglabel}[1]% #1 = label for \item
  \bgroup% use local registers
  \ifoddpageoroneside% compute margin size
  \advance\dimen0 by 1in
  \settowidth{\dimen1}{\textbf{#1}}% compute label size
    \smash{\parbox[t]{\dimen0}{\raggedleft #1}}%

\item[\biglabel{Another Rate of Reinforcement}] Text that doesn't matter. The label is the same label that I need to use.
The question is what happens to the second line,



\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper, oneside, draft]{memoir}

% itemize environment configuration
\setlist[itemize]{noitemsep, topsep=0pt}


\item[Rate of Reinforcement] Text that doesn't matter. The label is the same label that I need to use.
\item[Reinforcement] Text that doesn't matter. The label is the same label that I need to use.



