我正在编辑我的讲义并使用 amsthm 包。由于我错过了一些讲座,我想将页面上第一个定理的计数器设置为某个数字。仅限第一个,例如 12.7。其他应遵循该编号。如何以这种方式设置计数器?它只适用于 \setcounter{section}{12} 和 \setcounter{defi}{7}。但是,我对其他定理样式有不同的编号,因为 defi 指的是定义样式和注释名称。有没有办法一次设置所有计数器以获得连续的编号?
% many other newtheorems here
% many other newtheorems here
\section{Section A}
\defi \blindtext
\anme \blindtext
\section{Section B}
\defi \blindtext
\anme \blindtext
% My standard header for TeX.SX answers:
\documentclass[a4paper]{article} % To avoid confusion, let us explicitly
% declare the paper format.
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Not always necessary, but recommended.
% End of standard header. What follows pertains to the problem at hand.
\usepackage{amsmath} % strictly speaking, this is not needed, but...
\theoremstyle{theorem} % it's the default, but added for clarity
\section{First section}
Some text at the beginning of the section.
This is actually the first section in my paper.
Define something.
A preliminary result:
Blah blah blah.
Another result:
Mumble mumble.
My first theorem:
State something.
With a corollary:
It follows immediately.
That's enough for the first section.
\section{Later section}
\setcounter{theo}{6} % MUST follow the "\section" command
Some text at the beginning of the section.
This should actually be the twelfth section in my paper.
Define something else.
Another preliminary result:
Whatever you want.
Another theorem:
State something.
With a corollary:
It follows immediately.
And so on.