如何在此 tikz 代码中移动圆圈的位置

如何在此 tikz 代码中移动圆圈的位置


\documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{angles,quotes}    
\def\myrad{3cm}% radius of the circle \def\myang{60}% angle for the arc    
\def\myrad{1.5cm}% radius of the circle
\def\myang{45}% angle for the arc

% the origin
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);

% the box for deterministic part
\draw [fill=blue!05!white,dashed] (-4,-4) rectangle (4,4);
\draw [draw=none,node font=\LARGE] (-4,3) rectangle (4,4) node[midway] 

% the circle and the dot at the origin
\draw (O) node[circle,inner sep=1.5pt,fill] {};
\draw [black!25,thick] circle [radius=\myrad];

 % the ``\theta'' arc
\draw  (\myrad,0) coordinate (xcoord) -- 
        node[midway,below] {$r=1$} (O) -- 
       (\myang:\myrad) coordinate (slcoord)
         pic [draw,thick,->,>=stealth,angle radius=1cm,"$\theta$"] {angle = xcoord--O--slcoord};
 % the outer ``s'' arc
\draw (\myrad,0) arc[start angle=0,end angle=\myang,radius=\myrad] {};
\node[draw=none,text width=4cm, font=\Large,align=center] at (0.25,-3){$0\leq \boldsymbol{\theta} \leq \pi/4$\vspace{2mm}$x=\cos(\theta_i)$\\$y=\sin(\theta_i)$};        



您的 MWE 存在一些错误:

  • 包裹丢失amsmatmathtools
  • 丢失的\end{tikzpicture}

通过添加tikzbackgroundsfitpositioningscopes您的 MWE 重写了如下:

\usetikzlibrary{angles, backgrounds, fit, quotes, positioning, scopes}

           node distance = 5mm,
  my angle/.style = {draw, thick, -stealth, 
                     angle radius=1cm,"$\theta$"}
\def\myrad{1.5cm}% radius of the circle
\def\myang{45}% angle for the arc
% the origin
\node (C) [circle,draw=red, minimum size=2*\myrad] {};
\node     [circle, inner sep=1pt, fill] {};
% angle
    (C.center) -- node[below] {$r=1$} (0:\myrad)    coordinate (A)
               arc (0:45:1.5)               coordinate (B)
               -- cycle;
\draw   pic [my angle] {angle = A--C--B};
% box for deterministic part
\node (D) [above=of C, font=\Large] {Deterministic};

% math
\node (E) [below=of C, font=\Large] {%
    0 & \boldsymbol{\theta} \leq \pi/4  \\
    x & = \cos(\theta_i)            \\
    y & =\sin(\theta_i)
% background rectangle
\scoped[on background layer]
    \node [draw, dashed, fill=gray!20, inner xsep=11mm,
           fit=(C) (D) (E)] {};

现在,所有图像元素的位置都是相对的,因此您可以集中控制节点之间的距离(按node distance)和图像元素的大小。上面的代码可能比您的 MWE 中的代码略短。

我不清楚为什么方程式中的 用\theta粗体显示,而图像中却没有。我认为你应该删除boldsymbol方程式中的 。方程式现在位于amsmath( mathtools) 环境中aligned。我更喜欢居中,而不是删除方程式中的 & 符号并aligned替换为gathered


附录: 为圆圈和角度区域添加了颜色。希望我理解正确 :)


\usetikzlibrary{angles, backgrounds, fit, quotes, positioning, scopes}

           node distance = 5mm,
  my angle/.style = {draw, thick, -stealth,
                     angle radius=1cm,"$\theta$"}
\def\myrad{1.5cm}% radius of the circle
\def\myang{45}% angle for the arc
% the origin
\node (C) [circle, draw=red, fill=red!10, minimum size=2*\myrad] {};% added fill, color is red!10. you can change color according to your taste/wish
\node     [circle, inner sep=1pt, fill] {};
% angle
\draw[thick, fill=white] % added fill, color is white. you can change color according to your taste/wish
    (C.center) -- node[below] {$r=1$} (0:\myrad)    coordinate (A)
               arc (0:45:1.5)               coordinate (B)
               -- cycle;
\draw   pic [my angle] {angle = A--C--B};
% box for deterministic part
\node (D) [above=of C, font=\Large] {Deterministic};

% math
\node (E) [below=of C, font=\Large] {%
    0 & \leq \boldsymbol{\theta} \leq \pi/4  \\
    x & = \cos(\theta_i)            \\
    y & = \sin(\theta_i)
% background rectangle
\scoped[on background layer]
    \node [draw, dashed, fill=blue!10, inner xsep=11mm,
           fit=(C) (D) (E)] {};
