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这是一份 2 列格式的文档。图 1 绘制在表 1 的顶部。我认为表 1 太长,所以它溢出到了第 ​​2 列。理想情况下,我希望表 1 位于引用文档内容的页面底部。

\usepackage{graphicx}   % Including figure files
\usepackage{amsmath}    % Advanced maths commands
\usepackage{amssymb}    % Extra maths symbols

% Figure_1
    % To include a figure from a file named example.*
    % Allowable file formats are eps or ps if compiling using latex
    % or pdf, png, jpg if compiling using pdflatex
    \caption{Absolute magnitude vs. semimajor axis for (1839) Ragazza, (2373) Immo, (2386) Nikonov, (2521) Heidi and (3860) Plovdiv. Asteroids belonging to the Gefion family from Nesvorny (2012) are depicted as gray circles. As a reference, asteroid (1272) Gefion is also included and depicted with a black circle. The location of the 5:2 mean motion resonance is represented by a vertical dashed line.}

% Table 1
    \caption{Observational circumstances for the asteroids observed for this campaign.}
    \begin{tabular}{|lccccc|} % six columns, alignment for each
        Asteroid Target & Observation Date UTC (GMT) & Solar Analog Star & Airmass & Phase Angle (degrees) & Heliocentric distance (AU)\\
        (1839) Ragazza & 2014/11/24 17:00:00 & SAO 93936 & 1.031 & 21.6 & 2.551\\
        (2373) Immo & 2014/09/23 23:00:00 & SAO 93936 & 1.345 & 23.6 & 2.505\\
        (2386) Nikonov & 2015/01/17 23:00:00 & SAO 120107 & 1.087 & 17.0 & 3.162\\
        (2521) Heidi & 2014/09/04 10:00:00 & SAO 75021 & 1.011 & 15.6 & 3.013\\
        (3860) Plovdiv & 2015/09/22 17:00:00 & SAO 93936 & 1.322 & 22.8 & 2.384\\



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LATEX 浮动放置命令[htbp]被有意禁用。出版商将在制作过程中调整图表和表格的布局,因此作者不必担心放置问题,以免失望和浪费精力。

只需将 LATEX 代码放置在文本中第一次提及图形或表格的位置附近,并将确切位置留给出版商。默认情况下,图形或表格将占据页面的一列。要生成覆盖两列的更宽版本,请使用 figure*table*环境。
