我正在尝试设置目录,其中章节用罗马数字列出。但是,当我到达第 VIII 章时,这与章节标题重叠。我可以通过在每个罗马数字前添加一个空格来解决这个问题,但我试图找出是否有更巧妙的方法来做到这一点,以便文本自动留空。
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这是使用 的解决方案titletoc
[2em] %
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{\thecontentslabel.\hspace{3pt}}% <numbered-entry-format>; you could also use {\thecontentslabel. } to show the numbers
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{}% <numberless-entry-format>
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\setcounter{tocdepth}{2}% Display up to \subsection in ToC
\chapter{Chapter the First}
\section{A section}
\section{Another section}
\section{A last section with subsections}
\subsection{A nice subsection}
\subsection{An enthralling subsection}
\subsection{The subsection you’ve always dreamt of}
\chapter{Chapter the Second}
\chapter{Chapter the Third}
\chapter{Chapter the Fourth}
\chapter{Chapter the Fifth}
\chapter{Chapter the Sixth}
\chapter{Chapter the Seventh}
\section{Yet another section}