

我尝试使用 bibtex 引用我论文中的前几章,但其中大部分目前尚未发表,因此我将其引用为准备中的内容。我尝试使用 \noop{} 功能,但遇到了一个问题。当我尝试在第四章中引用前三章时,准备中的最后一章被引用为“I”。例如,当我编译命令时\citep{Vincent17, Chapter2, Chapter3},我得到以下内容

(Vincent 等人 2017 年;准备中 2017a;I)。

如果我只引用第 3 章,我会得到我期望的结果(Vincent et al. In Preparation 2017b)。我在 In Preparation 中没有添加“a”和“b”,但 Bibtex 没有添加它们。以下是相关引用。我使用的是 natbib 和 hyperref 以及 cleveref 包。

  author =   {Matthew T Vincent and Travis O Brenden and James R Bence},
  title =    {Simulation testing the robustness of a multi-region tag-integrated assessment model that exhibits natal homing and estimates natural mortality and reporting rate},
  journal =      {Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.},
  year =     {2017}

  author =   {Matthew T Vincent and Travis O Brenden and James R Bence},
  title =    {Parameter estimation performance in a recovery-conditioned integrated tagging catch-at-age analysis model},
  journal =      {Manuscript in Preparation},
  year =     {\noop{3333}In~Preparation 2017a}}

  author =   {Matthew T Vincent and Travis O Brenden and James R Bence},
  title =    {Testing common assumptions used in simulations of multi-region Integrated Tagging and Catch-at-Age Analysis model performance},
  journal =      {Manuscript in Preparation},
  year =     {\noop{4444}In~Preparation 2017b}}
