

我想知道是否有人知道我的问题的答案。首先,我有一个超过 100 的数字问题列表,在这个论坛上,我被告知使用这段代码,它运行完美,我感谢这个论坛,但是




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\newcommand\apj{1925ApJ....61...38R}  % Journal abbreviations 
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\setcounter{secnumdepth}{3}  %to include subsection in table of cont.
\pagenumbering{roman}       %change page number style


Here, the power density was varied by adjusting the position of the focussing lens using the motorised linear actuator.  The laser energy was kept fixed while the lens was moved to several positions from the focal point into the target.  The observed spectra showed that the relative intensity increased as the power density dropped as result of defocussing and the associated increase of the laser spot size (i.e. the size of the laser cone lead to greater emission of EUV photons).\\
Each of the four spectra above shared a similar spectral profile except for the lowest power density ($\phi$ = 3.93$\times$10$^{10}$) in the $Sn$, $W$ and $Pb$ spectra in which the spectral profile bear only resemblance at longer wavelengths.\\

Inverse Bremsstrahlung or free-free absorption, occurs when a photon is absorbed by an electron in the continuum.   In inverse B. during the collision with atom the electron absorbs a photon or a number of photons.  
The absorption of a photon by a free electron which gains kinetic energy due to the absorption.
Free electrons can absorb radiation in a non-resonant process called inverse-bremsstrahlung, only in the process of collision with heavy charged particles such as ions or atomic nuclei. The third particle, in this case ion/nucleus, is needed for energy and momentum conservation. Both cannot be conserved if only a photon interact with an electron. Not only one photon but also many photons can be emitted in one elementary act of scattering.  The process of the emission of more that one photon is called stimulated multiphoton bremsstrahlung.\\

Atomic processes in plasmas
The charged particles in the plasma interact strongly, with the most essential mechanisms
being excitation, relaxation, ionisation and recombination. In plasmas the
two main processes which take place are collisional and radiative but the importance
of each process varies with the type of plasma present, and also as the plasma
evolves. Collisional processes dominate at high plasma densities while at low
plasma densities, the ions in the plasma interact mainly through radiative processes.
The plasma density and the competition between collisional and radiative
mechanisms are important in determining the energy evolution of the plasma and
the ionisation balance within the plasma. Every atomic process occurring in the
plasma can be balanced by an equal and opposite process.

