为什么在 Windows 2012 中停止 ColdFusion 11 服务时会出现错误?

为什么在 Windows 2012 中停止 ColdFusion 11 服务时会出现错误?

通过 Windows 服务控制台停止 ColdFusion 11 服务需要很长时间,最终会出错。它最终会停止(几分钟后)。

当我尝试使用“net stop ColdFusion 11 Application Server”在命令行上停止服务时,我收到以下响应:

C:\Windows\system32>net stop "ColdFusion 11 Application Server"
The ColdFusion 11 Application Server service is stopping........................
A system error has occurred.

System error 170 has occurred.

The requested resource is in use.

The ColdFusion 11 Application Server service was stopped successfully.

