为什么 \renewcommand{\bibcite}[2]{...} 会导致 LaTeX 警告:标签可能已更改。请重新运行以获取正确的交叉引用?

为什么 \renewcommand{\bibcite}[2]{...} 会导致 LaTeX 警告:标签可能已更改。请重新运行以获取正确的交叉引用?

这就是问题的答案LaTeX 警告:标签可能已更改。重新运行以获取正确的交叉引用 Why I am getting undefined references?,然而这个答案又带来另一个问题。


%we are repeating \bibcite command as defined in hyperref.sty
%so that we have it all together at one place.
\ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNThyperref}}{% not comment this, but the next two, to fix the warning
  1. https://github.com/abntex/abntex2/blob/master/tex/latex/abntex2/abntex2cite.sty#L547-L548


% How to make \PassOptionsToPackage add the option as the last option?
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/385895/how-to-make-passoptionstopackage-add


% Package hyperref Warning: Token not allowed in a PDF string?
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/384885/package-hyperref-warning-token-not


% How does 'filecontents' keep LaTeX parsing while temporarily stop writing output
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/104159/how-does-filecontents-keep-latex-parsing
  Author = {abnTeX2 and Lauro C{\'e}sar Araujo},
  Date-Added = {2013-01-09 10:37:38 +0000},
  Date-Modified = {2013-04-05 11:03:48 +0000},
  Organization = {Equipe abnTeX2},
  Title = {A classe abntex2},
  Url = {http://abntex2.googlecode.com/},
  Year = {2013},
  Bdsk-Url-1 = {http://code.google.com/p/abntex2/}}

The \cite{abntex2classe}.


Basic Builder: running pdflatex...done.
running pdflatex...done.

No errors. Warnings:

D:\test.tex: LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right.

No bad boxes.


Basic Builder: running pdflatex...done.
running bibtex...done.
running pdflatex...done.
running pdflatex...done.

No errors. No warnings. No bad boxes.

这些行是做什么的?有没有办法修复它们,以便LaTeX Warning: Label(s) may have changed. Rerun to get cross-references right每次编译简单文件时它们都不会引起警告?

%we are repeating \bibcite command as defined in hyperref.sty
%so that we have it all together at one place.
\ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNThyperref}}{% not comment this, but the next two, to fix the warning



%we are repeating \bibcite command as defined in hyperref.sty
%so that we have it all together at one place.




我不清楚这是否等同于 中的代码abntex2cite.sty,但根据您的经验,我猜不是。(即使现在等同,三个月或三年后可能就不是了。)
