在 thesis.cls 中将年份更改为月份和年份

在 thesis.cls 中将年份更改为月份和年份



\usepackage{amssymb}        % to get all AMS symbols
\usepackage{graphicx}       % to insert figures
\usepackage{hyperref}       % PDF hyperreferences??
\usepackage[sorting=nyt, backend=biber, maxcitenames=2, useprefix,     doi=false, isbn=false, url=false]{biblatex-chicago}
\input macros2.2.tex
%%%%%%%%%%%%   All the preamble material:   %%%%%%%%%%%%

\title{Something long}


\otherdegrees{Bachelor of Arts in  \\ 
      FARGO, ND \\

\degree{Master of Arts}     %  #1 {long descr.}
{M.A., Pelican Studies}     %  #2 {short descr.}

\dept{Department of}            %  #1 {designation}
{Bird Logic}        %  #2 {name}

\advisor{Prof.}             %  #1 {title}
     {Mmm}          %  #2 {name}

\reader{Dr.~Guy}        %  2nd person to sign thesis
\readerThree{Dr.~Gee}       %  3rd person to sign thesis

\abstract{  \OnePageChapter The answer to every question ever   % because it is very short


 \dedication[Dedication]{ To all the pretty people. % NEVER use      \OnePageChapter here.


\ToCisShort % use this only for 1-page Table of Contents

%\LoFisShort    % use this only for 1-page Table of Figures
\emptyLoF   % use this if there is no List of Figures

%\LoTisShort    % use this only for 1-page Table of Tables
\emptyLoT   % use this if there is no List of Tables


\input macros.tex

\chapter{About birds}

我希望这些信息足以回答这个问题。我现在不在电脑旁,但 mwe 应该会生成一个包含最重要的信息的文档。



您可以使用 更改年份\degreeyear{}


\usepackage{amssymb}        % to get all AMS symbols
\usepackage{graphicx}       % to insert figures
\usepackage{hyperref}       % PDF hyperreferences??

%%%%%%%%%%%%   All the preamble material:   %%%%%%%%%%%%

\title{This is the Name of my Thesis}


\otherdegrees{B.A., North Dakota State University, 2005 \\
          M.S., University of Reno, 2007}

\degree{Doctor of Philosophy}       %  #1 {long descr.}
    {Ph.D., Rocket Science}     %  #2 {short descr.}

\dept{Department of}            %  #1 {designation}
    {Rocket Science}        %  #2 {name}

\advisor{Prof.}             %  #1 {title}
    {Ed Visor}          %  #2 {name}

\reader{Prof.~Rachel Goddard}       %  2nd person to sign thesis
\readerThree{Ms.~Thora Nea}     %  3rd person to sign thesis

\abstract{  \OnePageChapter % because it is very short

    Often the abstract will be long enough to require
    more than one page, in which case the macro
    ``$\backslash$OnePageChapter'' should {\it not}
    be used.

    But this one isn't, so it should.

\dedication[Dedication]{    % NEVER use \OnePageChapter here.
    To all of the fluffy kitties.

\acknowledgements{  \OnePageChapter % *MUST* BE ONLY ONE PAGE!
    Here's where you acknowledge folks who helped.
    But keep it short, i.e., no more than one page,
    as required by the Grad School Specifications.

% \IRBprotocol{E927F29.001X}    % optional!

\ToCisShort % use this only for 1-page Table of Contents

\LoFisShort % use this only for 1-page Table of Figures
% \emptyLoF % use this if there is no List of Figures

\LoTisShort % use this only for 1-page Table of Tables
% \emptyLoT % use this if there is no List of Tables

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%       BEGIN DOCUMENT...         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\degreeyear{December, 1234}


\input macros.tex


