- 标题未居中对齐
- 每行的文本不从同一点开始
- 文本之间的间距太大。见下图:
\textbf{Stakeholder} & \textbf{Travel Time} & \textbf{Service Frequency} & \textbf{Accessibility} & \textbf{Operating Cost}\\
\textbf{User} & Prefers the most direct routes, in order to reduce travel time & Prefers high frequency service with little or no waiting time &Prefers high proximity and access to the infrastructure like stops and stations to their desired origins and destinations. & Desires the cheapest fare possible for each trip. \\
\textbf{Operator} & Prefers to operate indirect routes, in order to maximize patronage. & Will offer service frequencies that will ensure a maximum utilization of resources and least operational cost. & Prefers central locations where more passengers can access the service irrespective of distance to individual origins and destinations & Desires competitive and profitable fares. \\
\textbf{Agency} & Prefers a travel time that is in line with the agency’s policy. & Prefers service frequencies that reflects the strategic transit goal of the government. & Prefers infrastructure coverage that satisfies most of the community. & Willing to subsidize fares, in order to make it affordable for users and profitable for operators. \\
\caption{Different travel stakeholders and their perceived objectives \label{[Tab1.3:Expanded form of table one whowing more modes and their attributes]}}
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\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l *{4}{Y} @{}}
\textbf{Stakeholder} &
\mc{Travel Time} & \mc{Service Frequency} &
\mc{Accessibility} & \mc{Operating Cost}
\textbf{User} & Prefers the most direct routes, in order to reduce travel time & Prefers high frequency service with little or no waiting time &Prefers high proximity and access to the infrastructure like stops and stations to their desired origins and destinations. & Desires cheapest fare possible for each trip. \\
\textbf{Operator} & Prefers to operate indirect routes, in order to maximize patronage. & Will offer service frequencies that will ensure a maximum utilization of resources and least operational cost. & Prefers central locations where more passengers can access the service irrespective of distance to individual origins and destinations. & Desires competitive and profitable fares. \\
\textbf{Agency} & Prefers a travel time that is in line with the agency’s policy. & Prefers service frequencies that reflects the strategic transit goal of the government. & Prefers infrastructure coverage that satisfies most of the community. & Willing to subsidize fares, in order to make it affordable for users and profitable for operators. \\
\caption{Different travel stakeholders and their perceived objectives}
\label{Tab1.3} % there's no point in having an overly long \label
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\Centering \textbf{Stakeholder}
\Centering\textbf{Travel Time}
\Centering \textbf{Service Frequency}
\Centering \textbf{Accessibility}
\Centering \textbf{Operating Cost}
\textbf{User} & Prefers the most direct routes, in order to reduce travel time & Prefers high frequency service with little or no waiting time &Prefers high proximity and access to the infrastructure like stops and stations to their desired origins and destinations. & Desires the cheapest fare possible for each trip. \\
\textbf{Operator} & Prefers to operate indirect routes, in order to maximize patronage. & Will offer service frequencies that will ensure a maximum utilization of resources and least operational cost. & Prefers central locations where more passengers can access the service irrespective of distance to individual origins and destinations & Desires competitive and profitable fares. \\
\textbf{Agency} & Prefers a travel time that is in line with the agency’s policy. & Prefers service frequencies that reflects the strategic transit goal of the government. & Prefers infrastructure coverage that satisfies most of the community. & Willing to subsidize fares, in order to make it affordable for users and profitable for operators. \\
\caption{Different travel stakeholders and their perceived objectives \label{[Tab1.3:Expanded form of table one whowing more modes and their attributes]}}
\usepackage{array, booktabs, makecell, tabularx}
\lipsum[11] % for see the text width
\begin{tabular}{@{}>{\bfseries} l
\thead[b]{Stake\-\\holder} & \thead[b]{Travel Time} & \thead[b]{Service\\ Frequency} & \thead[b]{Accessibility} & \thead[b]{Operating Cost}\\
User & Prefers the most direct routes, in order to reduce travel time & Prefers high frequency service with little or no waiting time &Prefers high proximity and access to the infrastructure like stops and stations to their desired origins and destinations. & Desires the cheapest fare possible for each trip. \\
Operator & Prefers to operate indirect routes, in order to maximize patronage. & Will offer service frequencies that will ensure a maximum utilization of resources and least operational cost. & Prefers central locations where more passengers can access the service irrespective of distance to individual origins and destinations & Desires competitive and profitable fares. \\
Agency & Prefers a travel time that is in line with the agency’s policy. & Prefers service frequencies that reflects the strategic transit goal of the government. & Prefers infrastructure coverage that satisfies most of the community. & Willing to subsidize fares, in order to make it affordable for users and profitable for operators. \\
\caption{Different travel stakeholders and their perceived objectives
\label{[Tab1.3:Expanded form of table one whowing more modes and their attributes]}}