- 消除边缘处的 c 字母。(红色圆圈)
- 创建相同风格的树,但现在是水平的(下面的示例)。
\documentclass[tikz,border=10pt,multi] {standalone}
treenode/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered, font=\sffamily, top color=white, bottom color=blue!20},
arn/.style = {treenode, circle, font=\sffamily\bfseries, draw=black, fill=white, text width=6.5ex},
arnrec/.style = {treenode, rectangle, font=\sffamily\bfseries, draw=black, fill=white, text width=ex,minimum width=4.0ex, minimum height=4.0ex},
arnsmall/.style = {treenode, circle, font=\sffamily\bfseries, draw=black, fill=white, text width=1.5ex}, root/.style = {treenode, font=\Large, bottom color=red!30}
make f/.style={
append={[f, arnsmall, tier=prez]},
l sep+=-5mm,
make empty/.style={
no edge,
for children={
edge path={
\noexpand\path [draw, \forestoption{edge}] (!uu.parent anchor) -- (.child anchor)\forestoption{edge label};
my x/.style n args=2{
edge label={node [midway, #2, font=\footnotesize, text=black] {$c_{#1}$}},
for tree={
l sep+=5mm,
[6, my x={61} {left}
[1, my x={6,1}{left}
[5, my x={1,5}{fill=white}
[2, my x={6,2}{fill=white}
[3, my x={6,3}{fill=white}
[4, my x={6,4}{fill=white}
[8, my x={6,8}{fill=white}
[7, my x={6,7}{fill=white}
[9, my x={9,6}{fill=white}
超出了我暂时的能力,但使用 pure 的解决方案tikz
\usetikzlibrary{chains, positioning, quotes, shapes}
off chain/.code={\def\tikz@lib@on@chain{}}%
node distance = 11mm and 22mm,
start chain = A going right,
N/.style = {% Node
ellipse, draw, minimum size=5mm,
inner sep=1mm, outer sep=0mm,
on chain=A},
every chain label/.style={inner sep=1mm, font=\footnotesize}
\node [N] {1,2};
\node [N] {2,3};
\node [N] {3,6};
\node [N] {6,7};
\node (n1) [N, off chain, below=of A-2] {2,5};
\node (n2) [N, off chain, below=of A-3] {3,4};
\draw (A-1) to ["${1,3|2}$"] (A-2)
(A-2) to ["${2,6|3}$"] (A-3)
(A-3) to ["${3,7|6}$"] (A-4)
(A-2) to ["${3,5|2}$"] (n1)
(A-2) to ["${2,4|3}$"] (n2);
附录(1): 如果您喜欢使用带有粗体字母的彩色节点,如下所示:
N/.style = {% Node
ellipse, draw, minimum size=5mm,
top color=white, bottom color=blue!20, % <-- added color to nodes
font=\bfseries, % <-- added boldface to node content
inner sep=1mm, outer sep=0mm,
on chain=A},
\usetikzlibrary{chains, positioning, quotes, shapes}
off chain/.code={\def\tikz@lib@on@chain{}}%
treenode/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt,
text centered, font=\sffamily,
top color=white, bottom color=blue!20},
arn/.style = {treenode, circle, font=\sffamily\bfseries,
draw=black, fill=white, text width=6.5ex},
node distance = 11mm and 22mm,
start chain = A going right,
every chain label/.style={inner sep=1mm, font=\footnotesize},
arn/.append style = {on chain=A}
\node [arn] {1,2};
\node [arn] {2,3};
\node [arn] {3,6};
\node [arn] {6,7};
\node (n1) [arn, off chain, below=of A-2] {2,5};
\node (n2) [arn, off chain, below=of A-3] {3,4};
\draw (A-1) to ["${1,3|2}$"] (A-2)
(A-2) to ["${2,6|3}$"] (A-3)
(A-3) to ["${3,7|6}$"] (A-4)
(A-2) to ["${3,5|2}$"] (n1)
(A-2) to ["${2,4|3}$"] (n2);
这是一个使用 Ti 的方法钾Z 的图形语法,但不依赖于需要 LuaTeX 的图形绘制算法。如果您乐于使用 LuaTeX,您可以做更多花哨(和更自动化)的事情。此外,真正理解这一点的人可能比我更自动地做到这一点,即使坚持使用 pdfTeX。(我无法弄清楚如何从放置规则中排除一个节点,所以最终手动放置它们。即便如此,语法也使代码非常简洁。)
\graph [nodes={draw, ellipse}]%, grow right sep=10mm, branch down sep=10mm]
{ a/"1,2" --["$1, 3|2$"] b/"2,3"[x=1] -- {c/"3,6"[>"$2, 6|3$",x=2] --["$3, 7|6$"] f/"6,7"[x=3], d/"3,4"[>"$2, 4|3$", x=2, y=-1], e/"2,5"[>"$3, 5|2$", y=-1] } };
如果你希望只改变图形的结构,并让其使用与森林树相同的样式,你可以应用 Ti钾Z 样式与图表类似。例如,
\tikzset{% cwestiwn Wilmer Rojas: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/387249/
treenode/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered, font=\sffamily, top color=white, bottom color=blue!20},
arn/.style = {treenode, circle, font=\sffamily\bfseries, draw=black, fill=white, text width=6.5ex},
\graph [nodes={arn}, edge quotes={midway, anchor=center, font=\footnotesize, fill=white}]%, grow right sep=10mm, branch down sep=10mm]
{ a/"1,2" --["$1, 3|2$"] b/"2,3"[x=1] -- {c/"3,6"[>"$2, 6|3$",x=2] --["$3, 7|6$"] f/"6,7"[x=3], d/"3,4"[>"$2, 4|3$", x=2, y=-1], e/"2,5"[>"$3, 5|2$", y=-1] } };
arn edges/.style={midway, #1, font=\footnotesize, text=black},
my x/.style n args=2{
edge label={node [arn edges={#2}] {$c_{#1}$}},
\graph [nodes={arn}, edge quotes={arn edges={fill=white}}] ...
由于这里没有加载 Forest 设置,因此我们将其忽略,这样我们
\tikzset{% cwestiwn Wilmer Rojas: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/387249/
treenode/.style = {align=center, inner sep=0pt, text centered, font=\sffamily, top color=white, bottom color=blue!20},
arn/.style = {treenode, circle, font=\sffamily\bfseries, draw=black, fill=white, text width=6.5ex},
arn edges/.style={midway, #1, font=\footnotesize, text=black},
\graph [nodes={arn}, edge quotes={arn edges={fill=white}}]%, grow right sep=10mm, branch down sep=10mm]
{ a/"1,2" --["$1, 3|2$"] b/"2,3"[x=1] -- {c/"3,6"[>"$2, 6|3$",x=2] --["$3, 7|6$"] f/"6,7"[x=3], d/"3,4"[>"$2, 4|3$", x=2, y=-1], e/"2,5"[>"$3, 5|2$", y=-1] } };