您好,TEX/PGF/Tikz 社区,
我在使用 tikz 时遇到了麻烦,因为我想删除此图右侧和顶部的刻度标记
看到图片中丑陋的红色“圆圈”标记 :)。我知道可以删除两侧的刻度标记,但我只想删除一侧的刻度标记。有谁知道我该如何解决这个问题。我还想知道如何使其他刻度标记变小。
\documentclass[a4paper, 11 pt]{article}
width=8cm}% most (standard) used width
% Dimensions of plot
% used default size determined in \pgfplotsset
% Domain for values
xmin = 1,
xmax = 20,
ymin = 0,
ymax = 250,
% Axis labeling
xlabel = {Frequency [Hz]},
ylabel = {Amplitude},
title = {Test plot},
%legend style = {at={(1.05,0.95)}, anchor = north east, cells = {anchor = west}}
\addplot [red, mark = none, thick, smooth] coordinates{(1,20)(5,60)(7,90)(17,150)};
您需要xtick pos=bottom,ytick pos=left
,或者也可以使用tick pos=left
\documentclass[a4paper, 11 pt]{article}
width=8cm}% most (standard) used width
% Dimensions of plot
% used default size determined in \pgfplotsset
% Domain for values
xmin = 1,
xmax = 20,
ymin = 0,
ymax = 250,
% Axis labeling
xlabel = {Frequency [Hz]},
ylabel = {Amplitude},
title = {Test plot},
%legend style = {at={(1.05,0.95)}, anchor = north east, cells = {anchor = west}},
% position of ticks
xtick pos=bottom,
ytick pos=left,
% or alternatively
%tick pos=left,
% length of ticks
\addplot [red, mark = none, thick, smooth] coordinates{(1,20)(5,60)(7,90)(17,150)};