如何向 AAAI 补充部分标题添加宽文本或一列文本?

如何向 AAAI 补充部分标题添加宽文本或一列文本?


[已编辑] 以下是一个示例。我想要的是让补充部分横跨文档顶部,然后继续以两列显示。此外,我希望补充中的任何新图或表格都以前缀“S”显示。


My Good Title}
\author{John Doe\\
Technologies Institute \\
Some University \\
Springfield, PA 12345\\





% \makeatletter
%%%%%%%%%% Prefix a "S" to all equations, figures, tables and reset the counter

\textbf{\large Supplemental Materials: A far more interesting title like\\
Latent-Variable Probabilistic Widgets}

\section{Tree Explosions, it's real}
More formally, given a graph $H = (V,E)$, a \emph{tree decomposition} is a tree whose nodes, called \emph{bags}, are labeled with subsets of $V$, in such a way that the following properties are satisfied:
\item For each node $v \in V$, there is a bag $\eta$ that contains $v$.
\item For each edge $(u,v) \in E$, there is a bag $\eta$ that contains $u$ and $v$.
\item If bags $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ contain $v$, then all the bags on the path from $\eta$ to $\eta^\prime$ also contain $v$.





  • 使用命令,\onecolumn您可以将两列更改为一列(包括分页符)。
  • 使用包multicol您可以启动具有环境的两列部分\begin{multicols}{2}

请参阅以下 MWE


\usepackage{multicol} % <===============================================

My Good Title}
\author{John Doe\\
Technologies Institute \\
Some University \\
Springfield, PA 12345\\




% \makeatletter
%%%%%%%%%% Prefix a "S" to all equations, figures, tables and reset the counter

\onecolumn % <==========================================================
\textbf{\large Supplemental Materials: A far more interesting title like\\
Latent-Variable Probabilistic Widgets}

\begin{multicols}{2} % <================================================
\section{Tree Explosions, it's real}
More formally, given a graph $H = (V,E)$, a \emph{tree decomposition} is a tree whose nodes, called \emph{bags}, are labeled with subsets of $V$, in such a way that the following properties are satisfied:
\item For each node $v \in V$, there is a bag $\eta$ that contains $v$.
\item For each edge $(u,v) \in E$, there is a bag $\eta$ that contains $u$ and $v$.
\item If bags $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ contain $v$, then all the bags on the path from $\eta$ to $\eta^\prime$ also contain $v$.
\end{multicols} % <=====================================================


生成的 pdf






\textbf{\large Supplemental Materials: A far more interesting title like\\
Latent-Variable Probabilistic Widgets}
\section{Tree Explosions, it's real}
More formally, given a graph $H = (V,E)$, a \emph{tree decomposition} is a tree whose nodes,

 called \emph{bags}, are labeled with subsets of $V$, in such a way that the following properties are satisfied:
    \item For each node $v \in V$, there is a bag $\eta$ that contains $v$.
    \item For each edge $(u,v) \in E$, there is a bag $\eta$ that contains $u$ and $v$.
    \item If bags $\eta$ and $\eta^\prime$ contain $v$, then all the bags on the path from $\eta$ to $\eta^\prime$ also contain $v$.



\documentclass[letterpaper, twocolumn]{article}

My Good Title}
\author{John Doe\\
Technologies Institute \\
Some University \\
Springfield, PA 12345\\


\clearpage% or \cleardoublepage  if you like to start on odd page of two side document

