% Do not a driver counter, i.e. a resetting counter for those two counter fellows here:
\stepcounter{lofcntr}% We don't need labels here, I suppose?
% Store the definition of \ext@figure etc. first
% Prepend the extension with the number of the current list of ...
}{\typeout{Worked!}}{\typeout{Failed miserably!}}
}{\typeout{Patch success}}{\typeout{Patch failure}}
}{\typeout{Patch success}}{\typeout{Patch failure}}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 1st lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 1st lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 1st lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 1st lof}
\captionof{table}{Some table caption for 1st lot}
\captionof{table}{Some table caption for 1st lot}
\captionof{table}{Some table caption for 1st lot}
\captionof{table}{Some table caption for 1st lot}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 2nd lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 2nd lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 2nd lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 2nd lof}
\captionof{table}{Some table caption for 2nd lot}
\captionof{table}{Some table caption for 2nd lot}
\captionof{table}{Some table caption for 2nd lot}
\captionof{table}{Some table caption for 2nd lot}
以下是使用链接的建议Christian 的回答和网站上KOMA-Script
关于额外 LoF 的建议。如果 LoF 不应开始新页面,则它不应是章节。因此您必须使用选项listof=leveldown
listof=totoc,% ToC entry for all LoFs and similar lists
listof=leveldown]% LoF and similar lists as section instead chapter
\usepackage{blindtext}% only for dummy text
\chapter{First Chapter}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 1st lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 1st lof}
\chapter{Secound Chapter}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 2nd lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 2nd lof}
\chapter{Third Chapter}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 3nd lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 3nd lof}
但如果您需要超过 12 个额外的 LoF,您将获得
错误。请注意,即使使用标准类,您的 MWE 也具有相同的限制。
如果您需要更多 LoF,您可以加载KOMA-Script
listof=totoc,% ToC entry for all LoFs and similar lists
listof=leveldown% LoF and similar lists as section instead chapter
\usepackage{scrwfile}% if there are more than 12 additional aux files needed
\usepackage{blindtext}% only for dummy text
\AtBeginDocument{\clearlof}% then the default lof is not used
\NewDocumentCommand\examplelofs{m}% only for dummy LoFs
{\value{lofcntr}} = {#1}
\chapter{First chapter}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 1st lof}
\captionof{figure}{Some figure caption for 1st lof}