%% pjhus extracted contours and volume
\caption{Expert evaluation of cardiac function and oedema volume}
\begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c c c c}\hline
\textbf{Patient ID} & \textbf{Pathology} & \textbf{Gander} & \textbf{Age} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf {Generated-Contours }} &\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Ground-Truth Volume}}\\\cline{5-10}
& & & &\textbf{Outer (\%)}&\textbf{Inner (\%)}&\textbf{EDV (ml)}&\textbf{ESV (ml)}&\textbf{EF (\%)}&\textbf{oedema (\%)}\\\hline
Patient-A001& A001& Male & 57& 83.23& 96.30& 106& 72& 32& 43\\
Patient-A002& A002 &Male& 46& 87.68& 97.00& 111& 51& 54& 17\\
Patient-A003& A003& Male& 58& 82.00& 96.87& 177&97& 45& 30\\
Patient-A004& A004 &Male& 48& 82.56& 98.00& 173& 98& 43& 29\\\hline
\textbf{Mean Average} &-&-&-& 84.6&96.4&144.8&80.3&45.3&36.7\\
\textbf{SD}&-&-&-& 2.63&1.42&34.28&27.63&8.38&10.79\\
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\caption{Expert evaluation of cardiac function and oedema volume}
\begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c c c c}\hline
\textbf{Patient ID} & \textbf{Pathology} & \textbf{Gander} & \textbf{Age} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{\textbf {Generated-Contours }} &\multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Ground-Truth Volume}}\\\cline{5-10}
& & & &\textbf{Outer (\%)}&\textbf{Inner (\%)}&\textbf{EDV (ml)}&\textbf{ESV (ml)}&\textbf{EF (\%)}&\textbf{oedema (\%)}\\\hline
Patient-A001& A001& Male & 57& 83.23& 96.30& 106& 72& 32& 43\\
Patient-A002& A002 &Male& 46& 87.68& 97.00& 111& 51& 54& 17\\
Patient-A003& A003& Male& 58& 82.00& 96.87& 177&97& 45& 30\\
Patient-A004& A004 &Male& 48& 82.56& 98.00& 173& 98& 43& 29\\\hline
\textbf{Mean Average} &-&-&-& 84.6&96.4&144.8&80.3&45.3&36.7\\
\textbf{SD}&-&-&-& 2.63&1.42&34.28&27.63&8.38&10.79\\