我使用 Tikz 制作了以下部分绘图:
\tikzset{Node/.style={minimum size = 0.5cm, inner sep = 0pt}}
auto,node distance=3cm
\node[Node] (1) {Phonèmes};
\node[Node] (2) [below left = 1.0cm and 5.0cm of 1] {Voyelles};
\node[Node] (3) [below left = 1.0cm and 1.0cm of 1] {Semi-consonnes};
\node[Node] (4) [below right = 1.0cm and 1.0cm of 1] {Consonnes};
\path[draw, thick]
(1) edge node[above, midway] {} (2)
(1) edge node[] {} (3)
(1) edge node[] {} (4);
我首先想让三条箭头从 Phonèmes 一词中心下方的同一点开始。此外,我希望箭头结束于文本节点中心上方。我查看了多个主题,但没有一个能帮助我解决问题。
node distance = 10mm and 10mm,
Node/.style={minimum size = 0.5cm, inner sep = 0pt},
\node[Node] (1) {Phonèmes};
\node[Node] (2) [below left = of 1] {Semi-consonnes};
\node[Node] (3) [left = of 2] {Voyelles};
\node[Node] (4) [below right= of 1] {Consonnes};
\draw[-Stealth, thick]
(1.south) edge (2.north) % <-- changed
(1.south) edge (3.north) % <-- changed
(1.south) to (4.north); % <-- changed