更新命令 \chapter

更新命令 \chapter


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 {\GenericWarning{}{Warning: A starred chapter can not have parameters. I am going to ignore them!}\@StarredWith}%



\parbox[b]{\dimexpr\textwidth-3em\relax}{\raggedright \color{ctcolormain}
\titlefont Chapitre \thechapter \newline \newline \newline
\color{ctcolorblack} \subtitlefont #1}





 \cchapter{First}{first comment}



我究竟做错了什么 ?




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\draw[ctcolormain,line width=8pt,rounded corners=8pt,shorten <= -10pt]
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 {\GenericWarning{}{Warning: A starred chapter can not have parameters. I am going to ignore them!}\@StarredWith}%


 \mchapter{First chapter}

 Some content

 \mchapter[Second changed toc title]{Second with other toc title}

 Some content 

 \mchapter*{Third Starred}

 Some content

 \section{test section}

 \mchapter{Fourth numbered 3}

 Final content





{\GenericWarning{}{Warning: A starred chapter can not have parameters. I am going to ignore them!}\@StarredWith}%


