make4ht,tikz 和 utf-8 编码问题

make4ht,tikz 和 utf-8 编码问题

考虑以下简单的 Latex 文件:


% see
% Fix due to Michal Hoftich
\input pgfsys-tex4ht.def

         \foreach \x in {-3,...,3} {
            \draw(\x,0.25) --(\x,0)node[below]{$\x$};
          \foreach \x in {-2.5,...,2.5} {
            \draw(\x,0.18) --(\x,0);
          \filldraw[blue](1.5,0) circle (1mm);

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3


运行时pdflatex会生成 pdf 图像:


运行时make4ht会产生基本相同的 html/svg 图像:


make4ht -u不幸的是,当我们使用 utf-8 选项运行 MWE 时,情况变得很糟糕,因为我们得到:


make4ht -u前两幅图像是正确的,但在使用tikz 代码中出现的负数时,存在编码/svg 问题;更准确地说,减号有问题。我的真实应用程序使用 utf-8,因此放弃-u开关对我来说不是一个真正的选择。

知道如何在使用时修复最后一张图片make4ht -u吗?

我认为使用 utf-8 编码会遇到同样的错误,htlatex但我更喜欢使用它,make4ht因为它的语法更好。

[使用文件内容MWE 中的包是为了纠正 PGF 中的一个错误,该错误导致 tikz 无法与 tex4ht 很好地播放;请参阅与 htlatex 一起使用时,如何解决 pgf 中的错误? 了解详情。pdflatex首先在 MWE 上运行,否则make4ht会出错,因为文件pgfsys-tex4ht-alt.def尚未创建。


问题是pgfsys-tex4ht.def将 SVG 文件的编码设置为iso-8859-1

 \pgfsys@invoke{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>



\def\htmlencoding{\expandafter\getEncoding\Preamble ,charset=,\@nil}



% Copyright 2006 by Till Tantau
% This file may be distributed and/or modified
% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
% 2. under the GNU Public License.
% See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more details.

\ProvidesFileRCS $Header: /cvsroot/pgf/pgf/generic/pgf/systemlayer/pgfsys-tex4ht.def,v 1.25 2013/08/06 17:46:08 tantau Exp $

% Driver commands for tex4ht

% Load common pdf commands:
\input pgfsys-common-svg.def

% tex4ht-specific stuff:
\def\pgfsys@invoke#1{\pgf@sys@fail{svg code in preamble}}



%% initial support of Mathml and xhtml inside svg through the svg:foreignelement tag
%% it'll allow us to have complicated text nodes in the tex4ht driver

%Example  (to improve the display, you have to use css)
%\tikzpicture[svg text only=false]
%\draw (0,0) node[inner sep=0pt,draw] {tight}
%(0cm,2em) node[inner sep=5pt,draw] {loose}
%(0cm,4em) node[fill=red!20] {default};
%\draw (3,0) node[inner sep=0pt,draw] {TIGHT}
%(3cm,2em) node[inner sep=5pt,draw] {LOOSE}
%(3cm,4em) node[fill=red!20] {DEFAULT};
%\draw (6,0) node[inner sep=0pt,draw] {$tight$}
%(6cm,2em) node[inner sep=5pt,draw] {$loose$}
%(6cm,4em) node[fill=red!20] {$default$};
%\draw (9,0) node[inner sep=0pt,draw] {$TIGHT$}
%(9cm,2em) node[inner sep=5pt,draw] {$LOOSE$}
%(9cm,4em) node[fill=red!20] {$Default$};
% you can use the options "svg text css=filename", "svg text id=idname", "svg text class=classname" to customize the display through the use of css

% % \Configure{[]}{$}{$}   these two lines aren't needed for tex4ht and moreother they produce errors with plain tex !
% % \Configure{()}{$}{$}
% \Configure{$$}{}{}{}%$$
% \Configure{$}{}{}{}%$
%  \Configure{SUB}{\HCode{<tspan baseline-shift="sub">}}{\HCode{</tspan>}}
%  \Configure{SUP}{\HCode{<tspan baseline-shift="sub">}}{\HCode{</tspan>}}
%  \Configure{SUBSUP}{}{}{}
%  \Configure{htf} 
%    {0}{+}{<tspan font-family="}
%    {\%s}{" font-size="\%s}{}{}
%    {">}{</tspan>}

%  % undo:
%  \Configure{htf}{0}{+}{<span\Hnewline
%     class="}{\%s}{-\%s}{x-x-\%d}{}{">}{</span>}


% we don't want tex4ht putting <p> and </p> tags automatically in our svg code and causing invalid xhtml in our svg pictures
  \pgfkeys{/pgf/tex4ht node/escape=false}%
  % text only nodes are the default. Advantage : pure svg pictures are
  % the default, nicer for text only nodes.  
  % Disadvantages : this rendering methods produce more invalid or degraded svg pictures than with the foreignelement tag
  %% we use css to control the display of foreignelement rendered text nodes
      .foreignobject {%
        font-size:120\%; % this is the trick....a font of size 100% in
                         % a box scaled down to half size makes it a
                         % half size font. 
                         % you'll have to double the size of things
                         % that you want to have a regular size in
                         % this half-scaled box though  
        % can't wait for the stix font...the cmr10, etc font are
        % available from the mozilla site, times and symbols should be
        % okey  
        % background-color:\#12ff55;  usefull for debugging positioning
        text-align:center; % good for centered text nodes...will have to improve that later on...with more integration with pgf options for text nodes
      math {%, math[mode="inline"] {
        font-family:STIXGeneral,Times,Symbol, cmr10,cmsy10,cmex10,cmmi10;
        font-style: normal;
        % background-color:\#99ff99;

  \par% FIXME : was '\Par' but that seems to be undefined!?

\def\htmlencoding{\expandafter\getEncoding\Preamble ,charset=,\@nil}
% this is okay for both rendering methods for text nodes (mtext or foreignelement)...
  \global\advance\pgf@sys@svg@picnum by 1\relax%
  % Ok, compute width/height
  \advance\pgf@x by-\pgf@xa%
  \advance\pgf@y by-\pgf@ya%
  \HCode{<object data="\jobname-\the\pgf@sys@[email protected]" width="}%
  % Calculate pixel coordinates (this does not really make sense, but
  % we have to do it anyway). Assume 96dpi.
  % Add one pixel for security:
  \advance\pgf@x by1pt%
  \advance\pgf@y by1pt%
  \pgfsys@invoke{" height="}%
  \pgfsys@invoke{" type="image/svg+xml"><p>SVG-Viewer needed.</p></object>}%
  \special{t4ht>\jobname-\the\pgf@sys@[email protected]}%
  %%%%%%%% This is necessary to control the svg through css
    /pgf/tex4ht node/css/.get=\pgfsys@foreignobject@css
  \pgfsys@invoke{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="\htmlencoding" standalone="no"?>\Hnewline% added that
  <?xml-stylesheet href="\pgfsys@[email protected]" type="text/css"?>\Hnewline}% added that 
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% maybee I should add an option to change the css, for the whole picture
  \pgfsys@invoke{<svg xmlns=""
    xmlns:xlink="" width="\the\pgf@xc"
    height="\the\pgf@yc" viewBox="}%
  \pgfsys@invoke{">\Hnewline  <g transform="translate(0,}
  \pgfsys@invoke{) scale(1,-1) translate(0,}%
  \pgfsys@invoke{)">\Hnewline }%
  \advance\pgf@ya by-\pgf@picminy\relax%
  \advance\pgf@picmaxy by-\pgf@picminy\relax% maxy is now the height
  \advance\pgf@picmaxx by-\pgf@picminx\relax% maxx is now the width
  \pgf@xa=\pgf@trimleft@final\relax  \ifdim\pgf@xa=0pt \else\kern\pgf@xa\fi
  \pgf@xa=\pgf@trimright@final\relax \ifdim\pgf@xa=0pt \else\kern\pgf@xa\fi
  \pgfsys@invoke{</g>\Hnewline </svg>\Hnewline }%
  \special{t4ht<\jobname-\the\pgf@sys@[email protected]}%

%% we'll use this hbox for the mtext rendering method (the "text only=true" option)
  \fi\fi% tweak for TikZ
    transform="scale(1,-1) translate(\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@x},0)"
      \HCode{ font-size="\f@size"}%
  \HCode{>\Hnewline }%
  \HCode{</text>\Hnewline }%

%% we save this definition

%% we have to use some "evil" ^^ tex4ht hackery
% tex4ht hackery
{% grouping necessary cause we change the catcode of ":"
  %%% this is necessary to calculate the size of text nodes with
  %%% inline maths  
  % (it is an improvement of tex4ht, got to ask eitan gurary if he
  % could put it in the tex4ht code) 
    \a:DviMath\leavevmode \MathClass
  % these are configures for the foreignelement rendering method of text nodes : we let tex4ht write xhtml and mathml in the svg picture
        display="inline" }\DviMathAlt}{\EndDviMath}{}%%% we REALLY need to use \DviMathAlt here instead of \DviMath see above remark
        display="block" }\IgnorePar
      \ifvmode\else \HCode{<!--tex4ht:inline-->}\fi\EndP
      \DviMath}{\EndDviMath\ShowPar\pgfsys@foreignobject@par{\csname HCondtrue\endcsname\noindent}
    \Configure{SUB}{\Send{BACK}{<\a:mathml msub><\a:mathml mrow\Hnewline>}%
      \Tg</\a:mathml mrow>\Tg<\a:mathml mrow\Hnewline>\trap:base}{\Tg</\a:mathml mrow>\TG</\a:mathml msub\Hnewline>}%
    \Configure{SUP}{\Send{BACK}{<\a:mathml msup><\a:mathml mrow\Hnewline>}%
      \Tg</\a:mathml mrow>\Tg<\a:mathml mrow\Hnewline>\trap:base}{\Tg</\a:mathml mrow>\TG</\a:mathml msup\Hnewline>}%
    \Configure{SUBSUP}{\Send{BACK}{<\a:mathml msubsup><\a:mathml mrow\Hnewline>}%
      \Tg</\a:mathml mrow>\Tg<\a:mathml mrow\Hnewline>\trap:base}{\Tg</\a:mathml mrow>\Tg<\a:mathml mrow\Hnewline>\trap:base}{\Tg</\a:mathml mrow>\TG</\a:mathml msubsup\Hnewline>}%
  \global\let\pgfsys@foreignobject@par=\par % use this instead of \par
                                % -- \Configure is no \long macro (at
                                % least in one of the older
                                % versions). 

  % these are the configures for the mtext rendering method of text
  % nodes : we turn everything into regular character (don't want math
  % modes or subsup) 
  % and we hope it works (it doesn't if the text nodes aren't simple) 
    % no configures for \(\) and \[\] those might be needed for
    % context or Latex. Let me know ! 
    \Configure{$$}{}{}{}% no block maths
    \Configure{$}{}{}{}%$ no inline maths
    \Configure{SUB}{\HCode{<tspan baseline-shift="sub">}}{\HCode{</tspan>}}%
    \Configure{SUP}{\HCode{<tspan baseline-shift="sub">}}{\HCode{</tspan>}}%
    \Configure{SUBSUP}{}{}{}% not both sub and sup
    \Configure{htf} {0}{+}{<tspan font-family="}{\%s}{" font-size="\%s}{}{}{">}{</tspan>}%

% a counter to produce unique ids for each text node rendered with foreign element

% pgfutil@minipage
%  I had to change it to make it play nice with the way tex4ht puts <p> and <\p> tags 

  \hbox to#2\bgroup
% though it works, I'm desabling the above mentioned hack to make tex4ht behave with <p> <\p>, because it blurps the positioning 
% (I''l try to fix that later, it's a css thing)
%    \ifpgfsys@textonly\else\HtmlParOn\fi
% \noindent is better as it doesn't produce indentation AND it makes you leave vertical mode
%  same thing here
%  \ifpgfsys@textonly\else\EndP\HtmlParOff\fi

% I'll have to fix those names later
% this is the alternate hbox routine that renders text nodes through the foreignobject tag 
  % Compute box y translation  (x translation is correct).
  \HCode{<g transform="scale(1,-1) translate(0,\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@y}) % got to translate in y
    scale(0.5,0.5)">\Hnewline}% scaling work around (damn dumb browsers !)
  % Compute box size (scaled 2 times)
  % this is necessary to make the browser scale the font down 50% (the STUPID browsers won't make font-size:50% happen, 
  % so we have to work around this by making svg scale the things down 50%, doubling the size of the text node frame (i.e. no changement there)
  \advance\pgf@y by 2\dp#1\relax
  % this is to adjust the y translation to compensate for the differences between the TeX and the Html models for lines
    $abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZf_1^1\overline D)_1^1\vec i\vec j$}%
  \advance\pgf@t by -\ht\pgfsys@foreignobject@Box\relax
  \advance\pgf@s by \dp#1\relax
  \advance\pgf@s by -\dp\pgfsys@foreignobject@Box\relax
    \advance \pgf@y by -2\pgf@s\relax
  \HCode{<foreignObject x="0" y="\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@t}"
    width="\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@x}" height="\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@y}">}%
  % this is to make use of the css, class and id options through which you can control the way things display
    /pgf/tex4ht node/css/.get=\pgfsys@foreignobject@css,%
    /pgf/tex4ht node/class/.get=\pgfsys@foreignobject@class,%
    /pgf/tex4ht node/id/.get=\pgfsys@foreignobject@id
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="\pgfsys@[email protected]" />\Hnewline
    % I'll have to look into this, perhaps there are better
    % doctype....&nbsp; aren't recognised and produces invalid svg
    % pictures a workaround (not implemented yet) would be to make
    % them into entities of the svg picture. 
    <body id="\pgfsys@foreignobject@id" class="\pgfsys@foreignobject@class" xmlns="" >\Hnewline 
  % debug positioning not needed but it would be nice to let it there to control things later on
  % \HCode{<rect x="0" y="0" width="\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@x}" height="\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@y}" 
  %   style="fill:yellow;stroke:red; fill-opacity:0.5;stroke-opacity:0.5"/>}
  \global\advance\pgf@sys@svg@nodenum by 1\relax    

% the options and the code that controls it all (switches between \pgfsys@mtext@hbox and \pgfsys@foreignelement@hbox)

  tex4ht node/escape/.is choice,
  tex4ht node/escape/false/.code={\let\pgfsys@hbox\pgfsys@mtext@hbox\pgfsys@mtext@configure\pgfsys@textonlytrue},
  tex4ht node/escape/true/.code={\let\pgfsys@hbox\pgfsys@foreignobject@hbox\pgfsys@foreignobject@configure\pgfsys@textonlyfalse},
  tex4ht node/css/.initial=\jobname,
  tex4ht node/class/.initial=foreignobject,
  tex4ht node/id/.initial=\jobname\the\pgf@sys@svg@picnum-\the\pgf@sys@svg@nodenum

% this might be needed 

% There is something rellay wrong with the way "%" chars are used in here... you should code "}%" to avoid unnecessary spaces
% and it is unnecessary to code \cs%
% got to be carefull with numbers though, cf the texbook...2\relax and 2 % are okey


\def\pgfsys@shadingoutsidepgfpicture#1{\pgf@sys@fail{svg code in preamble}}
\def\pgfsys@shadinginsidepgfpicture#1{\pgf@sys@fail{svg code in preamble}}

    \setbox\pgfpic=\hbox to0pt{%

  \pgf@sys@svg@sh@defs% hmmm....
  \pgfsysprotocol@literal{<g transform="translate(\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@xa},\pgf@sys@tonumber{\pgf@ya})">\Hnewline}%

  % Protect against color.4ht evil meddling with xcolor:

  % \ConfigureEnv{pgfpicture}{}{}{}{} there is no environment in plain TeX and this produces errors
  % this might be needed for context or latex though....let me know !


%%% Local Variables: 
%%% mode: latex
%%% End: 




Michal 的解决方案完美地回答了我的问题。对于我的用例,我需要稍微重新打包它,因为我想从包的文档类文件中自动应用它,所以编辑pgfsys-tex4ht.def对我来说不是一个选择。由于这对于评论来说太长了,我在这里给出了详细信息,但这实际上只是 Michal 想法的一个小变化。

为了自动应用 Michal 的“补丁”,我们扩展了与 htlatex 一起使用时,如何解决 pgf 中的错误?通过创建一个pgfsys-tex4ht-alt.def包含以下内容的新文件:

% Two fixes to pgfsys-tex4ht.def due to Michal Hoftich
\input pgfsys-tex4ht.def

% from

% from
\RequirePackage{etoolbox}% for \patchcmd
\def\htmlencoding{\expandafter\getEncoding\Preamble ,charset=,\@nil}

这里的第一行修复\Hnewline与 htlatex 一起使用时,如何解决 pgf 中的错误?最后一部分是 Michal 解决方案的代码,它使用\patchcmd来自电子工具箱包裹。




   % hack to fix two pgf bugs - apply only when when using tex4ht

