LaTeX 中带有图片、标尺和多行的标题

LaTeX 中带有图片、标尺和多行的标题


|      |  | Text                                        TEXT
| Pic  |  | ________________________________________________
|______|  | Text              TEXT                      TEXT

我使用了 fancyhdr,但我无法弄清楚如何将标尺放在整行上,fancyhdr 允许我将标尺放在 L/C/R 文本下方。此外,我无法创建垂直标尺。对于这张图片,我放弃了。因为我花了很多时间来弄清楚标尺。

我原本想将 myheadings 样式与 markboth 命令结合使用,但是我无法换行,而且 LaTeX 会将所有内容放在一行上,即使尝试使用 \newline 命令等也是如此。

\documentclass{12pt, twoside}{article}
\markboth{}{Left text \hfill center text \hfill right text \newline second line left}

Page 1
Page 2






\fancyhead[LO, RE]{\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{example-image-a}}
            Left text \hfill Right text \\
            \rule{0pt}{14pt}Second line left \hfill Center text \hfill Second line right
            Left text \hfill  Right text \\
            \rule{0pt}{14pt}Second line left \hfill Center text \hfill Second line right


Page 1
Page 2

第 1 页:





抱歉,我花了这么长时间才完成这项工作。不过,由于我刚刚完成了解决方案,因此我会发布它,尽管它可能与 CarLaTeX 的解决方案相似:


% Dummy text
\setlipsumdefault{1-20}     % Make sure we get enough dummy text to fill several pages



%% Define variables for the text fields
%% Please note: They resemble the scheme from the fancyhdr documentation,
%%              but we will use only one of the fields from fancyhdr to place the text!

% Set contents of the textfields
\newcommand{\fhtexttl}{Text top left}
\newcommand{\fhtexttr}{Text top right}
\newcommand{\fhtextbl}{Text bottom left}
\newcommand{\fhtextbc}{Text bottom center}
\newcommand{\fhtextbr}{Text bottom right}

% For twoside classes (e.g. book, report}, we need to shuffle things around
% First, define variables for odd pages

% Now, define variables for even pages -- everything is mirrored

%% Define the image we use

% Set width of image


% Calculate height of image

% Set distance between image, vertical line, and the other header field

% Set width of the vertical line between image and text

% Calculate width of textfield

% Define spacer inserted at begin/end of text lines in textfield
% so the horizontal line extends beyond the textlines
% (Note: '~' is ignored everywhere but at the start of the first line, so we use a \rule here)

%% Clear all headers

%% Set up headers for right (odd pages)
% Logo

% Text

%% Set up headers for left (even pages)
% Logo

% Text

% Set this to the header height actually needed

% Uncomment the following line if you don't want to have a line below the complete header!

