在如何控制引用标题首字母的大小写,我最终不知怎么地要求一个宏来将首字母从 更改为lower case
,upper case
Christian Hupfer 就用他的 做到了这一点。
但是,回到巨著,我很快就想起我还需要一个宏,可以将首字母从 更改upper case
为lower case
。那么,是否可以修改 Hupfer 宏\NameRef
,使其根据首字母是lower case
还是进行更改upper case
% label is defined, now get hyperlink
use counter= abc,
number within=chapter,
number freestyle={\noexpand\thechapter.\noexpand\arabic{\tcbcounter}~\noexpand\mytitleagree},%Used to make for LONG titles in the references.
detach title,
before upper={\tcbtitle\quad},
code={\gdef\mytitleagree{#2}},%Used to make for LONG titles in the references.
title=ALERT \thetcbcounter,%
#1,%Required for references.
\emph{Relative to the title of the tcolorbox}
is not a number
\emph{nameref gives}
We can see \nameref{abc:3-1}
\emph{Hupfer's NameRef gives}
\NameRef{abc:3-1} can be seen.
\emph{Similarly, relative to the title of the subsection, nameref gives}
Since \nameref{1-1-1} is a number, ...
\emph{and Hupfer's NameRef gives}
\NameRef{1-1-1} being a number
\textbf{all of which is what I asked for.}
But with
is not everything
\emph{I would like }
``We can see that infinity is not everything''
but \emph{nameref gives}
We can see that \nameref{abc:3-2} is not everything
\emph{NameRef also gives}
We can see that \NameRef{abc:3-2} is not everything.
\emph{Similarly, relative to the title of the subsection, nameref gives}
\nameref{1-1-2} is a number
but I would also like
Since two is a number
while, at this time, Hupfer's NameRef gives
Since \NameRef{1-1-2} is a number