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\section{Renal function}

\subsection{Urine composition}

Uremic toxins can be classified in accordance with their physiochemical characteristics, which affect the removal process during dialysis \cite{RefWorks:102, RefWorks:6, RefWorks:94}: % SORT AND COMPRESS doesn't work
small and water-soluble compounds
        they display a molecular weight lesser than 500 $Dalton$ ($Da$);
        the main molecules are urea, creatinine, uric acid and guanidine;
        they are easily removed through dialysis;
        they are not necessarily toxic; 
medium size molecules
        they are compounds, mostly polypeptides, with relatively high Mw, such as $ \beta_2 $- microglobulin and leptin;
        they are solely removed with membranes equipped with pores large enough to allow the substances to pass; 
liposoluble and/or protein-bound compounds: 
        they display a low Mw, similar to phenols and indoles; 
        these molecules are predominantly toxic and difficult to be removed by way of the majority of the dialysis methods available nowadays;
        their removal widely depends on the equilibrium between the free and the occupied sites;
        for this type of solutes, the use of adsorbent methods may be more effective \cite{RefWorks:9, RefWorks:105, RefWorks:143}. %16-18 cambiare stile bibliografia

\subsection{Peritoneal dialysis}

An additional limit is represented by the absence of hydrostatic pressure gradients able to guarantee convective mass exchange; the process is solely diffusive. The control over the removal  of the fluid is obtained though the variation of the dialysate composition, for instance by adding glucose or icodextrin as osmolytes in dialysate \cite{sitoedta}.





Neirynck N, Vanholder R, Schepers E, Eloot S, Pletinck A, Glorieux G.
\newblock An update on uremic toxins.
\newblock Int Urol Nephrol. 2013 Feb;45(1):139--150.

Barreto FC, Stinghen AE, de~Oliveira RB, Franco AT, Moreno AN, Barreto DV,
\newblock The quest for a better understanding of chronic kidney disease
  complications: an update on uremic toxins.
\newblock J Bras Nefrol. 2014 Apr-Jun;36(2):221--235.

Vanholder RC, Eloot S, Glorieux GL.
\newblock Future Avenues to Decrease Uremic Toxin Concentration.
\newblock Am J Kidney Dis. 2016 Apr;67(4):664--676.

Basile C.
\newblock Uremic Toxins: The Case of Protein-Bound Compounds.
\newblock Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia. 2010 Sep-Oct;27(5):498--507.

Lekawanvijit S, Kompa AR, Wang BH, Kelly DJ, Krum H.
\newblock Cardiorenal syndrome: the emerging role of protein-bound uremic
\newblock Circ Res. 2012 Nov 9;111(11):1470--1483.

Ito S, Yoshida M.
\newblock Protein-bound uremic toxins: new culprits of cardiovascular events in
  chronic kidney disease patients.
\newblock Toxins. 2014 Feb 20;6(2):665--678.

Baxter Healthcare Corporation. EXTRANEAL (icodextrin) Peritoneal Dialysis
  Solution: Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy. 2014;.



    Author = {N. Neirynck and R. Vanholder and E. Schepers and S. Eloot and A. Pletinck and G. Glorieux},
    Journal = {Int Urol Nephrol},
    Month = {Feb},
    Number = {1},
    Pages = {139-150},
    Title = {An update on uremic toxins},
    Volume = {45},
    Year = {2013},

    author={F. C. Barreto and A. E. Stinghen and R. B. de Oliveira and A. T. Franco and A. N. Moreno and D. V. Barreto and R. Pecoits-Filho and T. B. Drueke and Z. A. Massy},
    title={The quest for a better understanding of chronic kidney disease complications: an update on uremic toxins},
    journal={J Bras Nefrol},

    Author = {R. C. Vanholder and S. Eloot and G. L. Glorieux},
    Month = {Apr},
    Number = {4},
    Pages = {664-676},
    Title = {Future Avenues to Decrease Uremic Toxin Concentration},
    Journal = {Am J Kidney Dis},
    Volume = {67},
    Year = {2016},

    author={C. Basile},
    title={Uremic Toxins: The Case of Protein-Bound Compounds},
    journal={Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia},

    Author = {S. Lekawanvijit and A. R. Kompa and B. H. Wang and D. J. Kelly and H. Krum},
    Journal = {Circ Res},
    Month = {Nov 9},
    Number = {11},
    Pages = {1470-1483},
    Title = {Cardiorenal syndrome: the emerging role of protein-bound uremic toxins},
    Volume = {111},
    Year = {2012},

    Author = {S. Ito and M. Yoshida},
    Journal = {Toxins},
    Month = {Feb 20},
    Number = {2},
    Pages = {665-678},
    Title = {Protein-bound uremic toxins: new culprits of cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease patients},
    Volume = {6},
    Year = {2014}}

    year =   {2014},
    title =  {Baxter Healthcare Corporation. EXTRANEAL (icodextrin) Peritoneal Dialysis Solution: Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy},


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    Author = {N. Neirynck and R. Vanholder and E. Schepers and S. Eloot and A. Pletinck and G. Glorieux},
    Journal = {Int Urol Nephrol},
    Month = {Feb},
    Number = {1},
    Pages = {139-150},
    Title = {An update on uremic toxins},
    Volume = {45},
    Year = {2013},

    author={F. C. Barreto and A. E. Stinghen and R. B. de Oliveira and A. T. Franco and A. N. Moreno and D. V. Barreto and R. Pecoits-Filho and T. B. Drueke and Z. A. Massy},
    title={The quest for a better understanding of chronic kidney disease complications: an update on uremic toxins},
    journal={J Bras Nefrol},

    Author = {R. C. Vanholder and S. Eloot and G. L. Glorieux},
    Month = {Apr},
    Number = {4},
    Pages = {664-676},
    Title = {Future Avenues to Decrease Uremic Toxin Concentration},
    Journal = {Am J Kidney Dis},
    Volume = {67},
    Year = {2016},

    year =   {2014},
    title =  {Baxter Healthcare Corporation. EXTRANEAL (icodextrin) Peritoneal Dialysis Solution: Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy},



\cite{RefWorks:102, RefWorks:6, RefWorks:94}

