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\begin{centerbox}{Exercice 1}%
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
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Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
\begin{centerbox}{Exercice 1}%
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=2,raster equal height=rows,raster valign=top,raster column skip=5mm]
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
\begin{centerbox}{Exercice 1}%
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
\begin{tcbraster}[raster columns=2,raster equal height=rows,raster valign=top,raster column skip=5mm]
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
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Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
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Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $(g_k)\in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ be a sequence that converges uniformly a.e. to g ( in the sense that there exists a null set $Z\subset I:[a,b]$ such that $(g_k)$ converges uniformly to g on $I\setminus Z$). Then $g \in\mathcal{R}^{*}(I)$ and (*) $\int_{I}g=\lim\int_{I} g_k$
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.
Let $f_{k}(x):=g_{k}(x)$ and $f(x):=g(x)$ for $x\in I\setminus Z$ and $:=0$ on $Z$. By Theorem 8.3 and Exercise 3.C we have $\int_{I}g_k=\int_{I}f_k=\int_{k}f=\int_{I}g$.