第一个 & 字符中的对齐制表符 & 位置错误。可能是什么问题?

第一个 & 字符中的对齐制表符 & 位置错误。可能是什么问题?
\overline{A \cap B \cap C} &\equiv x \notin A \cap B \cap C & \text{definition of complement} \\
&\equiv \neg x \in A \cap B \cap C &\text{definition of does not belong symbol} \\
&\equiv \neg(x \in A \land x \in B \land x\in C) & \text{definition of intersection} \\
&\equiv \neg(x \in A) \lor \neg (x \in B) \lor \neg (x \in C) & \text{by 1st DeMorgan's Law for logical equiv.} \\
&\equiv x \notin A \lor x \notin B \lor x \notin C & \text{by definition of does not belong symbol} \\
&\equiv x \in \overline{A} \lor x \in \overline{B} \lor x \in \overline{C} &\text{definition of complement} \\
&\equiv x \in (\overline{A} \cup \overline{B} \cup \overline{C}) &\text{definition of union}\\
&\equiv \overline{A} \cup \overline{B} \cup \overline{C} &\text{by meaning of set builder notation}







  \overline{A \cap B \cap C}
    &\equiv x \notin A \cap B \cap C                                           && \text{definition of complement} \\
    &\equiv \neg x \in A \cap B \cap C                                         && \text{definition of does not belong symbol} \\
    &\equiv \neg(x \in A \land x \in B \land x\in C)                           && \text{definition of intersection} \\
    &\equiv \neg(x \in A) \lor \neg (x \in B) \lor \neg (x \in C)              && \text{by 1st DeMorgan's Law for logical equiv.} \\
    &\equiv x \notin A \lor x \notin B \lor x \notin C                         && \text{by definition of does not belong symbol} \\
    &\equiv x \in \overline{A} \lor x \in \overline{B} \lor x \in \overline{C} && \text{definition of complement} \\
    &\equiv x \in (\overline{A} \cup \overline{B} \cup \overline{C})           && \text{definition of union} \\
    &\equiv \overline{A} \cup \overline{B} \cup \overline{C}                   && \text{by meaning of set builder notation}





\usepackage{amsmath} % for 'align*' env.

%% The following definition of '\widebar', for single
%% characters, is from the answer by @wipet at 
%% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/243950, with the
%% PlainTeX code adapted for usage in LaTeX.

   \def\tmp{0}\ifcat\noexpand\next A\def\tmp{1}\fi
   \ifdim\tmp pt=0pt \overline{#1}%
   \else {\mathpalette\widebarB{#1}}\fi}
   \tmpdim=\tmp\ht0 \advance\tmpdim by-.4pt
\def\widebarC#1#2 {\ifx#1\end \else 
\def\widebarD#1\end. {\fi\fi}
\def\widebarE{\widebarC A1.4 J1.2 L.6 O.8 T.5 U.7 V.3 
   W.1 Y.2 a.5 b.2 d1.1 h.5 i.5 k.5 l.3 m.4 n.4 o.6 p.4 
   r.5 t.4 v.7 w.7 x.8 y.8 \alpha1 \beta1 \gamma.6 
   \delta.8 \epsilon.8 \varepsilon.8 \zeta.6 \eta.4
   \theta.8 \vartheta.8 \iota.5 \kappa.8 \lambda.5 
   \mu1 \nu.5 \xi.7 \pi.6 \varpi.9 \rho1 \varrho1 
   \sigma.7 \varsigma.7 \tau.6 \upsilon.7 \phi1
   \varphi.6 \chi.7 \psi1 \omega.5 \cal1 \end. }


\overline{A \cap B \cap C} 
& \equiv \{\,x\mid x \notin (A \cap B \cap C) \,\}
&&\text{by definition of complement} \\
& \equiv \{\,x\mid \neg x \in (A \cap B \cap C ) \,\}
&&\text{by definition of does not belong symbol} \\
& \equiv \{\,x\mid \neg(x \in A \land x \in B \land x\in C) \,\}
&&\text{by definition of intersection} \\
& \equiv \{\,x\mid \neg(x \in A) \lor \neg (x \in B) \lor \neg (x \in C) \,\}
&&\text{by 1st DeMorgan's Law for logical equiv.} \\
& \equiv \{\,x\mid (x\notin A) \lor (x\notin B) \lor (x\notin C) \,\}
&&\text{by definition of does not belong symbol} \\
& \equiv \{\,x\mid (x \in \widebar{A}) \lor (x \in \widebar{B}) \lor (x \in \widebar{C}) \,\}
&&\text{by definition of complement} \\
& \equiv \{\,x\mid x \in (\widebar{A} \cup \widebar{B} \cup \widebar{C}) \,\}
&&\text{by definition of union}\\
& \equiv \widebar{A} \cup \widebar{B} \cup \widebar{C} 
&&\text{by meaning of set builder notation}

