\tikzstyle{block} = [draw, fill=blue!20, rectangle,
minimum height=3em, minimum width=6em]
\tikzstyle{sum} = [draw, fill=blue!20, circle, node distance=1cm]
\tikzstyle{input} = [coordinate]
\tikzstyle{output} = [coordinate]
\tikzstyle{pinstyle} = [pin edge={to-,thin,black}]
% The block diagram code is probably more verbose than necessary
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=2cm,>=latex']
% We start by placing the blocks
\node [input, name=ID_STAR] {}; %ID*
\node [input, below of=ID_STAR,, node distance=2cm, name=ID] {}; %ID
\node [sum, right of=ID_STAR] (ID_SUM) {};
\node [block, right of=ID_SUM] (VD_GSC) {$VDGSC$}; %place PI block to the right of the summation symbol
\node [sum, right of=VD_GSC, node distance=2cm] (VD_SUM) {};
\node [output, right of=VD_SUM] (output1) {};
% We draw an edge between the controller and VD_SUM block to
% calculate the coordinate u. We need it to place the measurement block.
%\draw [->] (VD_GSC) -- node[name=u] {$u$} (VD_SUM);
%Place the gain blocks
\node [block, below of=VD_GSC] (Lgq) {Lg}; %gain Lg for the Iq current
\node [block, below of=Lgq] (Lgd) {Lg}; %gain Lg for the Id current
%Now place the inputs for these gain blocks
\node [input, left of=Lgq, name=IQLg] {}; %IQ
\node [input, left of=Lgd, name=IDLg] {}; %ID
%Place the Pi ccontoller for the q axis
\node [block, below of=Lgd] (VQ_GSC) {$VQGSC$};
%Place the summing juction for the Q axis PI controller
\node [sum, left of=VQ_GSC, node distance=2cm] (IQ_SUM) {};
%Place the inputs for IQsum
\node [input, left of=IQ_SUM, name=IQ_STAR] {}; %IQSTAR
\node [input, below of=IQ_STAR, name=IQ] {}; %IQ
%Place the voltage summing junction for the Q axis
\node [sum, right of=VQ_GSC, node distance=2cm] (IQ_SUM) {};
%Place the output for the q axis voltage output
\node [output, right of=IQ_SUM] (VQ_GSC) {};
%Now connect them together
%Connect IDSTAR (ID reference)
\draw [draw,->] (ID_STAR) -- node {$I_d^*$} (ID_SUM);
%Connect ID (ID reference)
\draw [draw,->] (ID) -- node {$I_d$} (ID_SUM);
% Once the nodes are placed, connecting them is easy.
%\draw [draw,->] (input) -- node {$r$} (sum);
%\draw [->] (sum) -- node {$e$} (controller);
%\draw [->] (VD_SUM) -- node [name=y] {$y$}(output);
%\draw [->] (y) |- (Lgq);
%\draw [->] (Lgq) -| node[pos=0.99] {$-$}
%node [near end] {$y_m$} (sum);
- 由于你的姆韦与显示的图像不同,我很困惑,你想获得什么。最后我决定复制显示的图像...
- 不幸的是,您认为作为起点的示例“非常”古老,并且使用了现已弃用的语法
- 所以我决定从头开始绘制你的方案......
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, chains, positioning, quotes}
\newcommand\ppbb{path picture bounding box}
\tikzset{CNTRL/.style =
> = Triangle,
shorten <>/.style = {shorten <=##1, shorten >=##1},
block/.style = {rectangle, draw, fill=##1,
minimum height=8mm, minimum width=16mm,
outer sep = 0mm},
dot/.style = {fill=##1,
circle, inner sep=0mm, outer sep=0mm, minimum size=1mm,
node contents={}},
mlt/.style = {fill=##1,
rectangle, draw=black, minimum size=6mm,
path picture={\draw[very thick,shorten <>=1.5mm,-]
(\ppbb.north west) edge (\ppbb.south east)
(\ppbb.south west) -- (\ppbb.north east);
},% end of node contents
node contents={}},
sum/.style = {fill=##1,
circle, draw=black, minimum size=6mm,
path picture={\draw[very thick,shorten <>=1mm,-]
(\ppbb.north) edge (\ppbb.south)
(\ppbb.west) -- (\ppbb.east);
},% end of node contents
node contents={}},
}% end of CNTRL style
}% end of tikzset
node distance = 6mm and 12mm,
start chain = A going below,
block/.default = cyan!30,
dot/.default = black,
mlt/.default = cyan!30,
sum/.default = cyan!30,
% We start by placing math operators in third column of scheme's elements
\node [sum, on chain=A]; % A-1
\node [mlt, on chain=A];
\node [dot, on chain=A];
\node [mlt, on chain=A];
\node [sum, on chain=A];
\node [mlt, on chain=A]; % A-6
\node [on chain=A] {$\lambda$}; % A-7
\draw[->] (A-3) edge (A-2) (A-2) edge (A-1)
(A-3) edge (A-4) (A-4) edge (A-5)
(A-6) edge (A-5) (A-7) edge (A-6);
% nodes in second column
\node (c21) [block,left=of A-1] {$K_3(s)$};
\node (c22) [left=of A-3] {$L_e(\omega_0 - \omega_r)$};
\node (c23) [block,left=of A-5] {$K_3(s)$};
\node (c24) [left=of A-6] {$\frac{L_m}{L_s}(\omega_0 - \omega_r)$};
\draw[->] (c21) edge ["$u_1$"] (A-1)
(c23) edge ["$u_2$"] (A-5)
(c24) edge (A-6);
\draw (c22) edge (A-3);
% nodes in first column
\node (c11) [sum, left=of c21];
\node (c12) [dot,below=of c11];
\node (c13) [below=of c12] {$i_{rd}$};
\node (c16) [sum, left=of c23];
\node (c15) [dot,above=of c16];
\node (c14) [above=of c15] {$i_{rq}$};
\draw[->] (c13) -- (c12) -- (c11);
\draw[->] (c14) -- (c15) -- (c16);
\draw[->] (c11) edge (c21) (c16) edge (c23);
\draw[->] (c12) -- ++ (0.5,0) -- (A-4 -| c23.west) -- (A-4);
\draw[->] (c15) -- ++ (0.5,0) -- (A-2 -| c21.west) -- (A-2);
% inputs
\node (in-d) [left=of c11] {$i_{rd_\mathrm{ref}}$};
\node (in-q) [left=of c16] {$i_{rq_\mathrm{ref}}$};
\draw[->] (in-d) edge (c11) (in-q) edge (c16);
% nodes in fourth column
\node (c41) [right=of A-3] {$\frac{2}{v_{\mathrm{Link}}}$};
% nodes in fifth column
\node (c51) [mlt, right=of A-1 -| c41];
\node (c52) [dot, at={(c41 -| c51)}];
\node (c53) [mlt, right=of A-5 -| c41];
\draw[->] (A-1) edge (c51) (A-5) edge (c53)
(c52) edge (c51) (c52) edge (c53);
\draw (c41) -- (c52);
% outputs
\node (out-d) [right=of c51] {$m_{rd}$};
\node (out-q) [right=of c53] {$i_{rq}$};
\draw[->] (c51) edge (out-d) (c53) edge (out-q);
- 我希望上面的代码足够不言自明,不需要进一步解释
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows.meta, calc, chains, positioning, quotes}
% for use this \tikzset yiu need to load in the preamble %
% the folowing tikz libraries: %
% arrows.meta, calc, chains, positioning and quotes %
alias path picture bounding box/.code=%
\pgfnodealias{#1}{path picture bounding box},
CNTRL/.style =
> = Triangle,
shorten <>/.style = {shorten <=##1, shorten >=##1},
block/.style = {rectangle, draw, fill=##1,
minimum height=8mm, minimum width=16mm,
outer sep = 0mm},
dot/.style = {fill=##1,
circle, inner sep=0mm, outer sep=0mm, minimum size=1mm,
node contents={}},
mlt/.style = {fill=##1,
rectangle, draw=black, minimum size=6mm,
path picture={%
\tikzset{alias path picture bounding box=@}
\draw[very thick,shorten <>=1.5mm,-]
(@.north west) edge (@.south east)
(@.south west) -- (@.north east);
},% end of node contents
node contents={}},
sum/.style = {fill=##1,
circle, draw=black, minimum size=6mm,
path picture={%
\tikzset{alias path picture bounding box=@}
\draw[very thick,shorten <>=1mm,-]
(@.north) edge (@.south)
(@.west) -- (@.east);
},% end of node contents
node contents={}},
% default styles settings:
block/.default = cyan!30,
dot/.default = black,
mlt/.default = cyan!30,
sum/.default = cyan!30,
}% end of CNTRL style
}% end of tikzset
node distance = 6mm and 12mm,
start chain = A going below,
% We start column with math operators (third column of elements in scheme)
\node [sum, on chain=A]; % A-1 <-- node name
\node [mlt, on chain=A];
\node [dot, on chain=A];
\node [mlt, on chain=A];
\node [sum, on chain=A];
\node [mlt, on chain=A]; % A-6
\node [on chain=A] {$\lambda$}; % A-7
\draw[->] (A-3) edge (A-2) (A-2) edge [near end, "$-$" ] (A-1)
(A-3) edge (A-4) (A-4) edge [near end, "$-$" '] (A-5)
(A-6) edge (A-5) (A-7) edge (A-6);
% nodes in second column
\node (c21) [block,left=of A-1] {$K_3(s)$};
\node (c22) [left=of A-3] {$L_e(\omega_0 - \omega_r)$};
\node (c23) [block,left=of A-5] {$K_3(s)$};
\node (c24) [left=of A-6] {$\frac{L_m}{L_s}(\omega_0 - \omega_r)$};
\draw[->] (c21) edge ["$u_1$"] (A-1)
(c23) edge ["$u_2$"] (A-5)
(c24) edge (A-6);
\draw (c22) edge (A-3);
% nodes in first column
\node (c11) [sum, left=of c21];
\node (c12) [dot,below=of c11];
\node (c13) [below=of c12] {$i_{rd}$};
\node (c16) [sum, left=of c23];
\node (c15) [dot,above=of c16];
\node (c14) [above=of c15] {$i_{rq}$};
\draw[->] (c13) -- (c12) to [near end, "$-$"] (c11);
\draw[->] (c14) -- (c15) to [near end, "$-$"] (c16);
\draw[->] (c11) edge (c21) (c16) edge (c23);
\draw[->] (c12) -- ++ (0.5,0) -- (A-4 -| c23.west) -- (A-4);
\draw[->] (c15) -- ++ (0.5,0) -- (A-2 -| c21.west) -- (A-2);
% inputs
\node (in-d) [left=of c11] {$i_{rd_\mathrm{ref}}$};
\node (in-q) [left=of c16] {$i_{rq_\mathrm{ref}}$};
\draw[->] (in-d) edge (c11) (in-q) edge (c16);
% nodes in fourth column
\node (c41) [right=of A-3] {$\frac{2}{v_{\mathrm{Link}}}$};
% nodes in fifth column
\node (c51) [mlt, right=of A-1 -| c41];
\node (c52) [dot, at={(c41 -| c51)}];
\node (c53) [mlt, right=of A-5 -| c41];
\draw[->] (A-1) edge (c51) (A-5) edge (c53)
(c52) edge (c51) (c52) edge (c53);
\draw (c41) -- (c52);
% outputs
\node (out-d) [right=of c51] {$m_{rd}$};
\node (out-q) [right=of c53] {$i_{rq}$};
\draw[->] (c51) edge (out-d) (c53) edge (out-q);
- tikz 图片的简短代码