




\usepackage{graphicx, tabularx}

   \tabularx{\linewidth}{ @{} m{\imagecolwidth} X @{} }
     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,#1]{#2} &

\sloppy% Just for this example

\section{Is it possible to get this text line and the two pictures centered?}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a} horizontal centered? \includegraphics[height=8ex]{example-image-b}\\
\section{This text is centerd to the picture.}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\section{Third  text is not centerd.}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a} horizontal centered? \includegraphics[height=8ex]{example-image-b}\\
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\section{More than one text line: Output is OK. Of course it would be nice if the text is around the Picture B.}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. To see. Write some text to get more lines. More lines. Write some text to get more lines. \includegraphics[height=8ex]{example-image-b}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines.
\section{With Photoshop:}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a} horizontal centered? \includegraphics[height=8ex]{example-image-b}\\




\usepackage{graphicx, tabularx}

   \tabularx{\linewidth}{ @{} m{\imagecolwidth} X @{} }
     \includegraphics[width=\linewidth,#1]{#2} &

\sloppy% Just for this example

\section{Is it possible to get this text line and the two pictures centered?}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a} horizontal centered?
\section{This text is centerd to the picture.}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\section{Third  text is not centerd.}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a} horizontal centered?
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 This text is centerd to the picture.
\section{More than one text line: Output is OK. Of course it would be nice if the text is around the picture.}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a}
 Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines. To see.
 Write some text to get more lines. More lines. Write some text to get more
 lines. \includegraphics[height=8ex,valign=c]{example-image-b}  Write some text to get more lines. Write some text to get more lines.
\section{With Photoshop:}
\begin{centerentry}[height=4ex, width=4ex]{example-image-a} horizontal centered?



只是不要使用 的可选参数\begin{centerentry}。这样,​​图像将获得完整的线宽(\imagecolwidth在环境中相等),并且纵横比应该是 的默认值graphicx
