

今天是我学习用 latex 制作表格的第二天。我面临以下困难。






  1. 我想让我的表格跨越多个页面,我试过了longtable,但它并没有真正实现我想要的效果。有人能帮我吗?

  2. 对于标题,我希望Table 1:也以粗体和大号显示,就像我在发表的论文中展示的那样。我希望我的标题跨越textwidth,但我不知道该怎么做。

  3. 发表的论文使用了哪种字体?如果有人能认出它,你能将我的字体/字体大小更改为论文中的字体吗?


  \caption{\textbf{\large{The Results of Future Abnormal Return}}\\ This table reports the  This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the }
     \multicolumn{2}{l}{}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{EW1M}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{EW3M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{EW6M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{EW12M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW1M} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW3M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW6M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW12M}\\
      \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{(3)}  &       \multicolumn{2}{c}{(4)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(5)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(6)}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(7)}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(8)}\\ \midrule
       Purchaser (NPV) &&0.019&^{***}&0.021&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.017&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.038&^{***}&0.060&^{***}\\
         Count &&130,982  &&129,738    &&128,316    &&124,121    &&130,982        &&129,738    &&128,316    &&124,121\\
          Purchaser (NPR) &&0.019&^{***}&0.021&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.017&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.038&^{***}&0.060&^{***}\\
       Count   &&130,904  &&129,660    &&128,239    &&124,051    &&130,982        &&129,738    &&128,316    &&124,121\\ 
Seller (NPV)&& -0.007   & *** & -0.015   & *** & -0.020   & *** & -0.026   & *** & -0.003   & *** & -0.007   & *** & -0.009   & *** & -0.007  & *** \\               &  & (-27.13) &     & (-35.89) &     & (-34.16) &     & (-31.93) &     & (-13.05) &     & (-17.63) &     & (-15.62) &     & (-8.71) &     \\
Count        &  & 300,988  &     & 297,590  &     & 291,807  &     & 278,807  &     & 300,988  &     & 297,590  &     & 291,807  &     & 278,807 &     \\     
Seller (NPR) &  & -0.007   & *** & -0.015   & *** & -0.020   & *** & -0.026   & *** & -0.003   & *** & -0.007   & *** & -0.009   & *** & -0.007  & *** \\
             &  & (-27.16) &     & (-35.94) &     & (-34.19) &     & (-31.97) &     & (-13.08) &     & (-17.68) &     & (-15.65) &     & (-8.76) &     \\
Count        &  & 300,902  &     & 297,505  &     & 291,722  &     & 278,726  &     & 300,902  &     & 297,505  &     & 291,722  &     & 278,726 &     \\
Mom12=5      &  & -0.002   & *** & -0.005   & *** & -0.005   & *** & -0.015   & *** & 0.000    &     & 0.000    &     & 0.003    & *** & 0.001   &     \\
             &  & (-3.54)  &     & (-6.53)  &     & (-4.65)  &     & (-10.33) &     & (0.88)   &     & (-0.31)  &     & (2.42)   &     & (0.67)  &     \\
Count        &  & 102,749  &     & 101,378  &     & 99,148   &     & 94,324   &     & 102,749  &     & 101,378  &     & 99,148   &     & 94,324  &     \\
Mom12=1      &  & 0.002    & *** & -0.002   & *   & -0.001   &     & 0.005    & **  & 0.003    & *** & 0.005    & *** & 0.014    & *** & 0.038   & *** \\
             &  & (2.43)   &     & (-1.55)  &     & (-0.44)  &     & (2.19)   &     & (4.17)   &     & (3.67)   &     & (7.59)   &     & (14.87) &     \\
Count        &  & 57,001   &     & 56,326   &     & 55,230   &     & 52,905   &     & 57,001   &     & 56,326   &     & 55,230   &     & 52,905  &     \\
Mom24=5      &  & -0.002   & *** & -0.008   & *** & -0.010   & *** & -0.021   & *** & -0.001   &     & -0.004   & *** & -0.002   & **  & -0.003  & **  \\
             &  & (-4.52)  &     & (-10.34) &     & (-9.60)  &     & (-14.28) &     & (-1.11)  &     & (-4.67)  &     & (-2.30)  &     & (-2.08) &     \\
Count        &  & 100,870  &     & 99,492   &     & 97,333   &     & 92,652   &     & 100,870  &     & 99,492   &     & 97,333   &     & 92,652  &     \\
Mom24=1      &  & 0.005    & *** & 0.004    & *** & 0.001    &     & 0.001    &     & 0.007    & *** & 0.011    & *** & 0.014    & *** & 0.030   & *** \\
             &  & (5.64)   &     & (2.84)   &     & (0.55)   &     & (0.52)   &     & (7.74)   &     & (8.20)   &     & (7.47)   &     & (10.83) &     \\
Count        &  & 48,490   &     & 47,999   &     & 47,176   &     & 45,153   &     & 48,490   &     & 47,999   &     & 47,176   &     & 45,153  &     \\
Overall      &  & 0.001    & *** & -0.004   & *** & -0.006   & *** & -0.010   & *** & 0.003    & *** & 0.002    & *** & 0.005    & *** & 0.014   & *** \\
             &  & (2.32)   &     & (-11.57) &     & (-12.01) &     & (-14.03) &     & (11.82)  &     & (6.10)   &     & (10.12)  &     & (18.43) &     \\
Count        &  & 432,005  &     & 427,360  &     & 420,155  &     & 402,960  &     & 432,005  &     & 427,360  &     & 420,155  &     & 402,960 &\\ \bottomrule   

参考文献:Fama, EF & French, KR 2008,《解剖异常》,《金融杂志》,第 63 卷,第 4 期,第 1653-1678 页



\usepackage[singlelinecheck=false, font={large, bf}]{caption}



      \caption{The Results of Future Abnormal Return}\label{tab:addlabel}\\ 
      \multicolumn{18}{@{}p{\linewidth}@{}}{This table reports the  This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the } \\
         \multicolumn{2}{l}{}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{EW1M}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{EW3M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{EW6M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{EW12M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW1M} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW3M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW6M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW12M}\\
      \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{(3)}  &       \multicolumn{2}{c}{(4)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(5)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(6)}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(7)}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(8)}\\ \midrule
    \caption{\textbf{\large{The Results of Future Abnormal Return} - Continued}} \\
     \multicolumn{2}{l}{}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{EW1M}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{EW3M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{EW6M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{EW12M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW1M} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW3M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW6M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW12M}\\
      \multicolumn{2}{c}{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{(3)}  &       \multicolumn{2}{c}{(4)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(5)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(6)}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(7)}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(8)}\\ \midrule
       Purchaser (NPV) &&0.019&^{***}&0.021&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.017&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.038&^{***}&0.060&^{***}\\*
         Count &&130,982  &&129,738    &&128,316    &&124,121    &&130,982        &&129,738    &&128,316    &&124,121\\  \addlinespace
          Purchaser (NPR) &&0.019&^{***}&0.021&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.017&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.038&^{***}&0.060&^{***}\\ 
       Count   &&130,904  &&129,660    &&128,239    &&124,051    &&130,982        &&129,738    &&128,316    &&124,121\\ \addlinespace 
Seller (NPV)&& -0.007   & ^{***} & -0.015   & ^{***} & -0.020   & ^{***} & -0.026   & ^{***} & -0.003   & ^{***} & -0.007   & ^{***} & -0.009   & ^{***} & -0.007  & ^{***} \\*               &  & (-27.13) &     & (-35.89) &     & (-34.16) &     & (-31.93) &     & (-13.05) &     & (-17.63) &     & (-15.62) &     & (-8.71) &     \\* 
Count        &  & 300,988  &     & 297,590  &     & 291,807  &     & 278,807  &     & 300,988  &     & 297,590  &     & 291,807  &     & 278,807 &     \\ \addlinespace   
Seller (NPR) &  & -0.007   & ^{***} & -0.015   & ^{***} & -0.020   & ^{***} & -0.026   & ^{***} & -0.003   & ^{***} & -0.007   & ^{***} & -0.009   & ^{***} & -0.007  & ^{***} \\ \addlinespace
             &  & (-27.16) &     & (-35.94) &     & (-34.19) &     & (-31.97) &     & (-13.08) &     & (-17.68) &     & (-15.65) &     & (-8.76) &     \\*
Count        &  & 300,902  &     & 297,505  &     & 291,722  &     & 278,726  &     & 300,902  &     & 297,505  &     & 291,722  &     & 278,726 &     \\  \addlinespace
Mom12=5      &  & -0.002   & ^{***} & -0.005   & ^{***} & -0.005   & ^{***} & -0.015   & ^{***} & 0.000    &     & 0.000    &     & 0.003    & ^{***} & 0.001   &     \\*
             &  & (-3.54)  &     & (-6.53)  &     & (-4.65)  &     & (-10.33) &     & (0.88)   &     & (-0.31)  &     & (2.42)   &     & (0.67)  &     \\* 
Count        &  & 102,749  &     & 101,378  &     & 99,148   &     & 94,324   &     & 102,749  &     & 101,378  &     & 99,148   &     & 94,324  &     \\ \addlinespace
Mom12=1      &  & 0.002    & ^{***} & -0.002   & *   & -0.001   &     & 0.005    & ^{**}  & 0.003    & ^{***} & 0.005    & ^{***} & 0.014    & ^{***} & 0.038   & ^{***} \\ 
             &  & (2.43)   &     & (-1.55)  &     & (-0.44)  &     & (2.19)   &     & (4.17)   &     & (3.67)   &     & (7.59)   &     & (14.87) &     \\*
Count        &  & 57,001   &     & 56,326   &     & 55,230   &     & 52,905   &     & 57,001   &     & 56,326   &     & 55,230   &     & 52,905  &     \\ \addlinespace
Mom24=5      &  & -0.002   & ^{***} & -0.008   & ^{***} & -0.010   & ^{***} & -0.021   & ^{***} & -0.001   &     & -0.004   & ^{***} & -0.002   & ^{**}  & -0.003  & ^{**}  \\*
             &  & (-4.52)  &     & (-10.34) &     & (-9.60)  &     & (-14.28) &     & (-1.11)  &     & (-4.67)  &     & (-2.30)  &     & (-2.08) &     \\* 
Count        &  & 100,870  &     & 99,492   &     & 97,333   &     & 92,652   &     & 100,870  &     & 99,492   &     & 97,333   &     & 92,652  &     \\ \addlinespace
Mom24=1      &  & 0.005    & ^{***} & 0.004    & ^{***} & 0.001    &     & 0.001    &     & 0.007    & ^{***} & 0.011    & ^{***} & 0.014    & ^{***} & 0.030   & ^{***} \\* 
             &  & (5.64)   &     & (2.84)   &     & (0.55)   &     & (0.52)   &     & (7.74)   &     & (8.20)   &     & (7.47)   &     & (10.83) &     \\*
Count        &  & 48,490   &     & 47,999   &     & 47,176   &     & 45,153   &     & 48,490   &     & 47,999   &     & 47,176   &     & 45,153  &     \\  \addlinespace
Overall      &  & 0.001    & ^{***} & -0.004   & ^{***} & -0.006   & ^{***} & -0.010   & ^{***} & 0.003    & ^{***} & 0.002    & ^{***} & 0.005    & ^{***} & 0.014   & ^{***} \\*
             &  & (2.32)   &     & (-11.57) &     & (-12.01) &     & (-14.03) &     & (11.82)  &     & (6.10)   &     & (10.12)  &     & (18.43) &     \\* 
Count        &  & 432,005  &     & 427,360  &     & 420,155  &     & 402,960  &     & 432,005  &     & 427,360  &     & 420,155  &     & 402,960 &\\ \bottomrule   





正确使用\longtable,包S中为数字定义的列类型siunitx(并且只使用 9 列,而不是 MWE 中的 18 列),使用新命令\sym在表中指定数字*(以更一致的方式),在表格部分(最后一部分除外)的底部添加“继续下一页”,...

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\begin{longtable}{@{} l*{8}{ S[table-format=-3.5,
                  @{} }             
\caption{The Results of Future Abnormal Return}
\label{tab:addlabel}            \\

\multicolumn{9}{@{} p{\linewidth} @{}}{
This table reports the  This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the}   \\
    & {EW1M}  & {EW3M}  & {EW6M}  & {EW12M} & {VW1M}  & {VW3M}  & {VW6M}  & {VW12M} \\
    & {(1)}   &  {(2)}  & {(3)}   &  {(4)}  & {(5)}   & {(6)}   & {(7)}   & {(8)}   \\
\caption{The Results of Future Abnormal Return} \\
    & {EW1M}  & {EW3M}  & {EW6M}  & {EW12M} & {VW1M}  & {VW3M}  & {VW6M}  & {VW12M} \\
    & {(1)}   &  {(2)}  & {(3)}   &  {(4)}  & {(5)}   & {(6)}   & {(7)}   & {(8)}   \\
                        Continue on the next page}
% table body
Purchaser (NPV) 
    & 0.019\sym{***}    & 0.021\sym{***}    & 0.025\sym{***}    & 0.025\sym{***}
    & 0.01\sym{***}     & 0.025\sym{***}    & 0.038\sym{***}    & 0.060\sym{***}    \\
    & (36.58)           & (26.98)           & (23.34)           & (16.84)
    & (34.03)           & (31.64)           & (34.72)           & (38.85)           \\
    & 130,982           & 129,738           & 128,316           & 124,121    
    & 130,982           & 129,738           & 128,316           & 124,121           \\
Purchaser (NPR)
    & 0.019\sym{***}    & 0.021\sym{***}    & 0.025\sym{***}    & 0.025\sym{***}
    & 0.017\sym{***}    & 0.025\sym{***}    & 0.038\sym{***}    & 0.060\sym{***}    \\
    & (36.57)           & (26.99)           & (23.37)           & (16.89)    
    & (34.03)           & (31.64)           & (34.72)           & (38.85)           \\
    & 130,904           & 129,660           & 128,239           & 124,051   
    & 130,982           & 129,738           & 128,316           & 124,121           \\
Seller (NPV)
    & -0.007\sym{***}   & -0.015\sym{***}   & -0.020\sym{***}   & -0.026\sym{***}
    & -0.003\sym{***}   & -0.007\sym{***}   & -0.009\sym{***}   & -0.007\sym{***}   \\               & (-27.13)          & (-35.89)          & (-34.16)          & (-31.93)
    & (-13.05)          & (-17.63)          & (-15.62)          & (-8.71)           \\
    & 300,988           & 297,590           & 291,807           & 278,807  
    & 300,988           & 297,590           & 291,807           & 278,807           \\
Seller (NPR) 
    & -0.007\sym{***}   & -0.015\sym{***}   & -0.020\sym{***}   & -0.026\sym{***}
    & -0.003\sym{***}   & -0.007\sym{***}   & -0.009\sym{***}   & -0.007\sym{***}   \\
    & (-27.16)          & (-35.94)          & (-34.19)          & (-31.97) 
    & (-13.08)          & (-17.68)          & (-15.65)          & (-8.76)           \\
    & 300,902           & 297,505           & 291,722           & 278,726  
    & 300,902           & 297,505           & 291,722           & 278,726           \\
    & -0.002\sym{***}   & -0.005\sym{***}   & -0.005\sym{***}   & -0.015\sym{***}
    & 0.000             & 0.000             & 0.003\sym{***}    & 0.001             \\
    & (-3.54)           & (-6.53)           & (-4.65)           & (-10.33) 
    & (0.88)            & (-0.31)           & (2.42)            & (0.67)            \\
    & 102,749           & 101,378           & 99,148            & 94,324   
    & 102,749           & 101,378           & 99,148            & 94,324            \\
    & 0.002\sym{***}    & -0.002\sym{*}        & -0.001         & 0.005\sym{**}
    & 0.003\sym{***}    & 0.005\sym{***}    & 0.014\sym{***}    & 0.038\sym{***}    \\
    & (2.43)            & (-1.55)           & (-0.44)           & (2.19)  
    & (4.17)            & (3.67)            & (7.59)            & (14.87)           \\
    & 57,001            & 56,326            & 55,230            & 52,905  
    & 57,001            & 56,326            & 55,230            & 52,905            \\
    & -0.002\sym{***}   & -0.008\sym{***}   & -0.010\sym{***}   & -0.021\sym{***}
    & -0.001            & -0.004\sym{***}   & -0.002\sym{**}    & -0.003\sym{**}    \\
    & (-4.52)           & (-10.34)          & (-9.60)           & (-14.28) 
    & (-1.11)           & (-4.67)           & (-2.30)           & (-2.08)           \\
    & 100,870           & 99,492            & 97,333            & 92,652   
    & 100,870           & 99,492            & 97,333            & 92,652            \\
    & 0.005\sym{***}    & 0.004\sym{***}    & 0.001             & 0.001
    & 0.007\sym{***}    & 0.011\sym{***}    & 0.014\sym{***}    & 0.030\sym{***}    \\
    & (5.64)            & (2.84)            & (0.55)            & (0.52)   
    & (7.74)            & (8.20)            & (7.47)            & (10.83)           \\
    & 48,490            & 47,999            & 47,176            & 45,153  
    & 48,490            & 47,999            & 47,176            & 45,153            \\
    & 0.001\sym{***}    & -0.004\sym{***}   & -0.006\sym{***}   & -0.010\sym{***}
    & 0.003\sym{***}    & 0.002\sym{***}    & 0.005\sym{***}    & 0.014\sym{***}    \\
   & (2.32)             & (-11.57)          & (-12.01)          & (-14.03)
   & (11.82)            & (6.10)            & (10.12)           & (18.43)           \\
    & 432,005           & 427,360           & 420,155           & 402,960  
    & 432,005           & 427,360           & 420,155           & 402,960           \\





这是表格布局的一些改进的变体,例如行组之间的间距,以及使用环境xltabular,将 的功能带入longtabletabularx我还定义了一个更紧凑的“三星”符号(\iiiast)。

    \usepackage[labelfont={footnotesize, bf},textfont ={large, bf}, labelsep=newline, justification=centering]{caption}
    \usepackage{makecell, graphicx, rotating, dcolumn, lscape}


        \begin{xltabular}{\linewidth} {@{}X@{}*{8}{>{$}r<{$}@{}>{$}l<{$}}@{}}
     \caption{The Results of Future Abnormal Return \\[3ex] \parbox{\linewidth}{\normalfont\footnotesize This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the This table reports the }}
    \label{tab:addlabel} \\
    \multicolumn{17}{c}{\bfseries\footnotesize\tablename\,\thetable \textnormal{ (continued)}} \\[1ex]
     & \multicolumn{2}{c}{EW1M}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{EW3M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{EW6M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{EW12M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW1M} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW3M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW6M}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{VW12M}\\
     & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(1)} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{(2)} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{(3)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(4)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(5)} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{(6)}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(7)}& \multicolumn{2}{c}{(8)}\\ \midrule
    \multicolumn{17}{r@{}}{ \footnotesize(to be continued)}
     Purchaser \rlap{(NPV)}
     &0.019&^{***}&0.021&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.017&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.038&^{***}&0.060&^{***} \\
     &(36.58)&&(26.98)&&(23.34)&&(16.84)&&(34.03)&&(31.64)&&(34.72)&&(38.85) \\
     Count &130,982 &&129,738 &&128,316 &&124,121 &&130,982 &&129,738 &&128,316 &&124,121 \\
     Purchaser \rlap{(NPR) } &0.019&^{***}&0.021&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.017&^{***}&0.025&^{***}&0.038&^{***}&0.060&^{***} \\
     &(36.57)&&(26.99)&&(23.37)&&(16.89)&&(34.03)&&(31.64)&&(34.72)&&(38.85) \\
     Count &130,904 &&129,660 &&128,239 &&124,051 &&130,982 &&129,738 &&128,316 &&124,121 \\
     Seller (NPV) & -0.007 & {*}{*}{*} & -0.015 & \iiiast & -0.020 & \iiiast & -0.026 & \iiiast & -0.003 & \iiiast & -0.007 & \iiiast & -0.009 & \iiiast & -0.007 & \iiiast \\
     & (-27.13) & & (-35.89) & & (-34.16) & & (-31.93) & & (-13.05) & & (-17.63) & & (-15.62) & & (-8.71) & \\
    Count & 300,988 & & 297,590 & & 291,807 & & 278,807 & & 300,988 & & 297,590 & & 291,807 & & 278,807 & \\
    Seller (NPR) & -0.007 & \iiiast & -0.015 & \iiiast & -0.020 & \iiiast & -0.026 & \iiiast & -0.003 & \iiiast & -0.007 & \iiiast & -0.009 & \iiiast & -0.007 & \iiiast \\
     & (-27.16) & & (-35.94) & & (-34.19) & & (-31.97) & & (-13.08) & & (-17.68) & & (-15.65) & & (-8.76) & \\
    Count & 300,902 & & 297,505 & & 291,722 & & 278,726 & & 300,902 & & 297,505 & & 291,722 & & 278,726 & \\
    Mom12=5 & -0.002 & \iiiast & -0.005 & \iiiast & -0.005 & \iiiast & -0.015 & \iiiast & 0.000 & & 0.000 & & 0.003 & \iiiast & 0.001 & \\
     & (-3.54) & & (-6.53) & & (-4.65) & & (-10.33) & & (0.88) & & (-0.31) & & (2.42) & & (0.67) \\
    Count & 102,749 & & 101,378 & & 99,148 & & 94,324 & & 102,749 & & 101,378 & & 99,148 & & 94,324 & \\
    Mom12=1 & 0.002 & \iiiast & -0.002 & * & -0.001 & & 0.005 & ** & 0.003 & \iiiast & 0.005 & \iiiast & 0.014 & \iiiast & 0.038 & \iiiast \\
     & (2.43) & & (-1.55) & & (-0.44) & & (2.19) & & (4.17) & & (3.67) & & (7.59) & & (14.87) & \\
    Count & 57,001 & & 56,326 & & 55,230 & & 52,905 & & 57,001 & & 56,326 & & 55,230 & & 52,905 & \\
    Mom24=5 & -0.002 & \iiiast & -0.008 & \iiiast & -0.010 & \iiiast & -0.021 & \iiiast & -0.001 & & -0.004 & \iiiast & -0.002 & ** & -0.003 & ** \\
     & (-4.52) & & (-10.34) & & (-9.60) & & (-14.28) & & (-1.11) & & (-4.67) & & (-2.30) & & (-2.08) & \\
    Count & 100,870 & & 99,492 & & 97,333 & & 92,652 & & 100,870 & & 99,492 & & 97,333 & & 92,652 & \\
    Mom24=1 & 0.005 & \iiiast & 0.004 & \iiiast & 0.001 & & 0.001 & & 0.007 & \iiiast & 0.011 & \iiiast & 0.014 & \iiiast & 0.030 & \iiiast \\
     & (5.64) & & (2.84) & & (0.55) & & (0.52) & & (7.74) & & (8.20) & & (7.47) & & (10.83) & \\
    Count & 48,490 & & 47,999 & & 47,176 & & 45,153 & & 48,490 & & 47,999 & & 47,176 & & 45,153 & \\
    Overall & 0.001 & \iiiast & -0.004 & \iiiast & -0.006 & \iiiast & -0.010 & \iiiast & 0.003 & \iiiast & 0.002 & \iiiast & 0.005 & \iiiast & 0.014 & \iiiast \\
     & (2.32) & & (-11.57) & & (-12.01) & & (-14.03) & & (11.82) & & (6.10) & & (10.12) & & (18.43) & \\
    Count & 432,005 & & 427,360 & & 420,155 & & 402,960 & & 432,005 & & 427,360 & & 420,155 & & 402,960 &


