图像包装 Pandoc Latex 输出

图像包装 Pandoc Latex 输出

我使用 pandoc markdown 将 markdown 文本转换为 pdf。我的需求是让文本在右侧带有项目符号,在左侧带有图像。我尝试使用 pandoc 内联图像,但没有按预期工作。


在 Latex 上,我在 Mac 上使用 Xelatex 引擎。在此处输入图片描述


Pandoc 标记


## Demo Page

\begin{center}\includegraphics[width=3.0in,keepaspectratio].  {Demo.jpg}\end{center}
\caption{Basic layout}

### Demo Content - Checking for Image Wrap

__Some Weird Content__

We will show something on related to Image Wrapping


* Apple Store Screenshot
* Demo Content for filling this page

__UI Component__

1. *Title*: Title of the App that you are looking.  This content is cooked for this sample
2. *App Name*: What is that app name you are looking for?
3. *Tabs*: Are you sure you are on the right tab? If not pick the right tab
4. *Image*: right image of the screenshot
5. *Video*: If it is applicable for this section place it here

由 Pandoc 生成的 Tex


\subsection{Demo Page}\label{demo-page}

\caption{Basic layout}

\subsubsection{Demo Content - Checking for Image Wrap}\label{demo-content---checking-for-image-wrap}

\textbf{Some Weird Content} We will show something on related to Image Wrapping


Apple Store Screenshot
Demo Content for filling this page

\textbf{UI Component}

\emph{Title}: Title of the App that you are looking. This content is
cooked for this sample
\emph{App Name}: What is that app name you are looking for?
\emph{Tabs}: Are you sure you are on the right tab? If not pick the
right tab
\emph{Image}: right image of the screenshot
\emph{Video}: If it is applicable for this section place it here


