

我使用 algorithm2e-package 和选项“linesnumbered”。现在每行都有一个编号,但我想只对特殊行进行编号。例如第二行和第五行。









\caption{Test algorithm}

\Initialization{Set $U=\infty$}

\While{($\exists$ pending nodes in the tree)}{

    Select an unexplored node. \\

    \Repeat (\{iteration\}){

        Solve problem (5). \\

    \eIf{(5) infeasible}{fathome node.}




两种变体:根据行的位置对行进行编号(第 2 行 = 2,第 5 行 = 5),或者按顺序对行进行编号(第 2 行 = 1,第 5 行 = 2)。

第一种变体设置隐藏数字并显示所选行的数字。请注意初始化语句未编号,这是设计使然(如果您也希望该语句也编号,algorithm2e请用 替换该行)。\textbf{Initialization} Set $U=\infty$\\



\caption{Test algorithm}
\Initialization{Set $U=\infty$}
\While{($\exists$ pending nodes in the tree)}{
    Select an unexplored node. \\
    \Repeat (\{iteration\}){
        Solve problem (5). \\
    \eIf{(5) infeasible}{fathome node.}






\caption{Test algorithm}
\Initialization{Set $U=\infty$}
\While{($\exists$ pending nodes in the tree)}{
    Select an unexplored node. \\
    \Repeat (\{iteration\}){
        Solve problem (5). \\
    \eIf{(5) infeasible}{fathome node.}



在自动生成行时,使用命令在行前添加数字的方法不起作用,例如结尾if 和 for 语句的行。


同样,这可以通过两种变体来实现,一种是打印位置编号,另一种是打印顺序编号。第一种变体\LnListPos{line indexes}在算法开始时输入命令时使用,第二种变体使用\LnListSeq{line indexes}。当不使用这两个命令时,默认情况下会打印所有行号。


\usepackage{etoolbox} % for \AtBeginEnvironment
% result of list membership check
% use list check or not
% number sequentially or not
% separate counter for sequential numbers
% set the default to not using the list check
% command to setup positional numbers
% command to setup sequential numbers
% list membership command
\makeatletter% for \@for see e.g. https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/100684/
% from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/498576/
% this version from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/501776/

% modified algorithm2e command to print line numbers
% store current line number (argument #1) in a macro
% check the list if the list check setting is true
% if the check is not performed, pretend that the number is always in the list
% if the number is in the list (or the check not performed),
% print the number
% if numbers are sequential then
% increase the sequential counter
% and set the current number to this counter
% otherwise the number is unchanged,
% i.e., the regular line counter from algorithm2e
\fi% definition from algorithm2e follows, replaced #1 with \currentln
    \skiplinenumber=\skiptotal\advance\skiplinenumber by\leftskip%
    \skiplinenumber=\hsize\advance\skiplinenumber by-\leftskip\advance\skiplinenumber by-\skiptext%
    \advance\skiplinenumber by\algomargin\advance\skiplinenumber by.3em\advance\skiplinenumber by-\wd\algocf@nlbox%
    % to handle particular case of until: printnl is after 'until' keyword has been writen, so we need to substract length of this keyword
    \advance\skiplinenumber by-\algocf@skipuntil%

\textbf{Data}: \\
\For{$\omega = 1,2, \cdots, N$}{
Vectors $Z_n=(z_{1},\cdots , z_{n})$:
$x = y + z$\;
\If{$\tau \in \{\chi\}$ in $\sigma$}{       
\caption{default, all lines numbered}

\textbf{Data}: \\
\For{$\omega = 1,2, \cdots, N$}{
Vectors $Z_n=(z_{1},\cdots , z_{n})$:
$x = y + z$\;
\If{$\tau \in \{\chi\}$ in $\sigma$}{       
\caption{positional line numbers from list}

\textbf{Data}: \\
\For{$\omega = 1,2, \cdots, N$}{
Vectors $Z_n=(z_{1},\cdots , z_{n})$:
$x = y + z$\;
\If{$\tau \in \{\chi\}$ in $\sigma$}{       
\caption{sequential line numbers based on list}



