%empty first frame:
\xsbox{mygraph}{\tikz \path[use as bounding box] (0,0) rectangle (11.5,12);}%
\path[use as bounding box] (0,0) rectangle (11.5,12);
\draw (\XA,\YA) -- (\XA,\YA-\LengthProbe) -- (\XA+\widthProbe,\YA-\LengthProbe -\widthProbe) --(\XA+\widthProbe,\YA) -- (\XA,\YA); %linear probes
\foreach \gx in {0}{ %contact point on the first linear probe
\foreach \ix in {1,3}
\draw (\XA+0.1,\YA-\ix+\gx) rectangle (\XA+\contactPoint+0.1,\YA-\ix-\contactPoint+\gx);
\foreach \ix in {0,2}
\draw (\XA+0.3,\YA-\ix-0.2+\gx) rectangle (\XA+\contactPoint+0.3,\YA-\ix-\contactPoint-0.2+\gx);
\node[] at (10.5,9.5) {Channel 1};
\node[] at (10.5,8.5) {Channel 2};
\node[] at (10.5,7.5) {Channel 3};
\node[] at (10.5,6.5) {Channel 4};
\node [circle,draw] at (\neuronX,\neuronY) (N1) {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.15cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,above right = 0.05cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.8cm and 0.3cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 1.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 1.4cm and 0.0cm of N1] () {};
\node[yshift = 10.5cm,xshift = 3.5cm] () {Before Optimisation};
\coordinate (A1) at (2.5,10);
\coordinate (B1) at (2,6);
\coordinate (A2) at (4 , 10);
\coordinate (B2) at (4.5 , 6);
%repeat previous graph
%repeat previous graph
%append new line segment
\foreach \x in {-1,0,1,2}{
\path[use as bounding box] (0,0) rectangle (11.5,12);
\ifdim 7.3pt < \rx pt \relax
\ifdim 7.8pt > \rx pt\relax
\draw [red,line cap=round] (\oldx,\oldy+7.6+\x) -- (\rx,\y+7.6+\x);
\node[yshift = 10.5cm,xshift = 7.5cm] () {Light Pulse};
\shade[top color=orange,bottom color=orange,middle color = red,fill opacity=0.4] (A2) to [bend right=10] (B2) to [] (B1) to [bend right=10] (A1) to (A2);
\node [circle,draw] at (\neuronX,\neuronY) (N1) {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.15cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,above right = 0.05cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.8cm and 0.3cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 1.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 1.4cm and 0.0cm of N1] () {};
\draw [line cap=round] (\oldx,\oldy+7.3+\x) -- (\rx,\y+7.3+\x);
\shade[top color=white,bottom color=white,middle color = white] (A2) to [bend right=10] (B2) to [] (B1) to [bend right=10] (A1) to (A2);
\node [circle,draw] at (\neuronX,\neuronY) (N1) {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.15cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,above right = 0.05cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.8cm and 0.3cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 1.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 1.4cm and 0.0cm of N1] () {};
\draw [line cap=round] (\oldx,\oldy+7.3+\x) -- (\rx,\y+7.3+\x);
\shade[top color=white,bottom color=white,middle color = white]
(A2) to [bend right=10] (B2) to [] (B1) to [bend right=10] (A1) to
\node [circle,draw] at (\neuronX,\neuronY) (N1) {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.15cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,above right = 0.05cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.8cm and 0.3cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 1.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 1.4cm and 0.0cm of N1] () {};
\gdef\oldy{7.3}% initial value
% updated like this after appending a new line segment
\def\dy{7.3}% for 1st and 3rd graph sections
\def\dy{7.6}% for 2nd graph section
此外,使用单个保存框 ( mygraph
) 来逐步构建动画帧。当您将所有内容(包括许多静态图形元素)放入其中时,由于图形的新线段是通过递归引用其自身的保存框来添加的,因此每个新的动画帧都会引入越来越多的冗余。稍后,在 PDF 查看器中,每个新帧都会渲染越来越多的相同图形对象,这会减慢动画播放的速度。
\usepackage{xsavebox} %\xsbox, \xsavebox, \xusebox, `xlrbox' environment
% static objects shared by all frames
\draw (\XA,\YA) -- (\XA,\YA-\LengthProbe) -- (\XA+\widthProbe,\YA-\LengthProbe -\widthProbe) --(\XA+\widthProbe,\YA) -- (\XA,\YA); %linear probes
\foreach \gx in {0}{ %contact point on the first linear probe
\foreach \ix in {1,3}
\draw (\XA+0.1,\YA-\ix+\gx) rectangle (\XA+\contactPoint+0.1,\YA-\ix-\contactPoint+\gx);
\foreach \ix in {0,2}
\draw (\XA+0.3,\YA-\ix-0.2+\gx) rectangle (\XA+\contactPoint+0.3,\YA-\ix-\contactPoint-0.2+\gx);
\node[] at (10.5,9.5) {Channel 1};
\node[] at (10.5,8.5) {Channel 2};
\node[] at (10.5,7.5) {Channel 3};
\node[] at (10.5,6.5) {Channel 4};
\node [circle,draw] at (\neuronX,\neuronY) (N1) {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.15cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,above right = 0.05cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 0.8cm and 0.3cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 0.6cm and -0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below right = 1.2cm and 0.2cm of N1] () {};
\node [circle,draw,below left = 1.4cm and 0.0cm of N1] () {};
\node[yshift = 10.5cm,xshift = 3.5cm] () {Before Optimisation};
\coordinate (A1) at (2.5,10);
\coordinate (B1) at (2,6);
\coordinate (A2) at (4 , 10);
\coordinate (B2) at (4.5 , 6);
% save bounding box coordinates
\coordinate (LowerLeft) at (current bounding box.south west);
\coordinate (UpperRight) at (current bounding box.north east);
% two shaded objects
\path[use as bounding box] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
\shade[top color=orange,bottom color=orange,middle color = red,fill opacity=0.4] (A2) to [bend right=10] (B2) to [] (B1) to [bend right=10] (A1) to (A2);
\node[yshift = 10.5cm,xshift = 7.5cm] () {Light Pulse};
\path[use as bounding box] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
\shade[top color=white,bottom color=white,middle color = white] (A2) to [bend right=10] (B2) to [] (B1) to [bend right=10] (A1) to (A2);
% the empty graph to start with
\path[use as bounding box] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
% putting the animation together
\xusebox{staticElems} %first frame showing only the static objects
% set line colour, vertical graph displacement and which shaded
% object to use
\ifdim 7.3pt < \rx pt\relax%
\ifdim 7.8pt > \rx pt\relax%
% assemble the graph
%repeat previous graph
%append new line segments
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round, draw=\linecolor]
\path[use as bounding box] (LowerLeft) rectangle (UpperRight);
\foreach \x in {-1,0,1,2}{
\draw (\oldx,\oldy+\x) -- (\rx,\y+\dy+\x);
% shaded object in the background
% overlay the static objects
% put graph in the foreground