由于我将这个坐标用于进一步的图像构建,所以我喜欢在绘图阶段用 标记它们pin=<...>:<coordinate name>
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
\coordinate[pin=120:A1] (A1) at ( 0, 0.0);
\coordinate[pin= 60:A2,below right=5.6 and 14 of A1] (A2);
\coordinate[pin=240:A3,below=12 of A1] (A3);
% grid
\draw[blue!25,dashed,thin] (A1) grid[step=1] + (14,-12);
\draw[blue!50,thin] (A1) grid[step=2] + (14,-12);
% podboj (surovec)
\draw[fill=brown!30, fill opacity=0.5, draw opacity=1, thick]
(A1) -| ++ ( 6.0,-1.6) coordinate (sa)
-- ++ ( 2.8, 0.0) coordinate (sb)
-| ++ ( 3.2,-1.6) coordinate (sc)
-- ++ ( 0.0,-0.8) coordinate (sd)
-| (A2)
|- ++ (-1.0,-1.4) coordinate (x)
|- ++ (-4.4,-5.0) coordinate (se)
|- ++ (-6.0, 2.0) coordinate (sf)
|- (A3) -- (A1);
\coordinate[pin=120:A1] (A1) at ( 0, 0.0);
\coordinate[pin= 60:A2,below right=5.6 and 14 of A1] (A2);
\coordinate[pin=240:A3,below=12 of A1] (A3);
% grid
\draw[blue!25,dashed,thin] (A1) grid[step=1] + (14,-12);
\draw[blue!50,thin] (A1) grid[step=2] + (14,-12);
% podboj (surovec)
\draw[fill=brown!30, fill opacity=0.5, draw opacity=1, thick]
(A1) -| ++ ( 6.0,-1.6) coordinate[pin=60:sa] (sa)
-- ++ ( 2.8, 0.0) coordinate[pin=60:sb] (sb)
-| ++ ( 3.2,-1.6) coordinate[pin=60:sc] (sc)
-- ++ ( 0.0,-0.8) coordinate[pin=60:sd] (sd)
-| (A2)
|- ++ (-1.0,-1.4) coordinate[pin=300:x] (x)
|- ++ (-4.4,-5.0) coordinate[pin=240:se] (se)
|- ++ (-6.0, 2.0) coordinate[pin= 60:sf] (sf)
|- (A3) -- (A1);
(sb) |- (sc);
- 在序言中我补充
\tikzset{make append after command safe/.style={/tikz/append after command/.code=%
every label/.append style = {align=center},
every pin/.append style = {make append after command safe,
pin distance=7mm, pin edge={blue,solid},
text opacity=1 % for cases, if underlying drawings are (semi)transparent
- 按照
\draw[fill=brown!30, fill opacity=0.5, draw opacity=1, thick]
(A1) -| ++ ( 6.0,-1.6) coordinate (sa)
-- ++ ( 2.8, 0.0) coordinate (sb)
-| ++ ( 3.2,-1.6) coordinate (sc)
-- ++ ( 0.0,-0.8) coordinate (sd)
-| (A2)
|- ++ (-1.0,-1.4) coordinate (x)
|- ++ (-4.4,-5.0) coordinate (se)
|- ++ (-6.0, 2.0) coordinate (sf)
|- (A3) -- (A1);
经过一番挖掘,我们发现 pin 选项的使用append after command
这种方法可能有充分的理由,但在这种情况下(可能会对其他代码产生副作用),一种解决方法是重新定义密钥append after command
以使用 保护路径\pgfinterruptpath...\endpgfinterruptpath
\documentclass[tikz, margin=5]{standalone}
\tikzset{make append after command safe/.style={/tikz/append after command/.code=%
\coordinate[pin=120:A1] (A1) at ( 0, 0.0);
\coordinate[pin= 60:A2,below right=5.6 and 14 of A1] (A2);
\coordinate[pin=240:A3,below=12 of A1] (A3);
\draw[blue!25,dashed,thin] (A1) grid[step=1] + (14,-12);
\draw[blue!50,thin] (A1) grid[step=2] + (14,-12);
% podboj (surovec)
\draw[make append after command safe,
fill=brown!30, fill opacity=0.5, draw opacity=1, thick]
(A1) -| ++ ( 6.0,-1.6) coordinate[pin=60:sa] (sa)
-- ++ ( 2.8, 0.0) coordinate[pin=60:sb] (sb)
-| ++ ( 3.2,-1.6) coordinate[pin=60:sc] (sc)
-- ++ ( 0.0,-0.8) coordinate[pin=60:sd] (sd)
-| (A2)
|- ++ (-1.0,-1.4) coordinate[pin=300:x] (x)
|- ++ (-4.4,-5.0) coordinate[pin=240:se] (se)
|- ++ (-6.0, 2.0) coordinate[pin= 60:sf] (sf)
|- (A3) -- (A1);
\draw[dashed,red,thick] (sb) |- (sc);