我有许多格式的数据文件count: frequency of count
1: 3691
2: 1492
3: 651
4: 922
5: 818
6: 1475
7: 335
8: 286
9: 165
10: 152
11: 208
12: 197
13: 137
14: 159
15: 87
16: 84
17: 40
18: 20
19: 37
20: 16
21: 38
22: 25
23: 17
24: 9
25: 18
26: 21
27: 4
28: 6
29: 3
30: 1
31: 5
33: 1
34: 1
35: 4
36: 3
37: 1
38: 2
39: 8
40: 3
42: 1
44: 1
46: 1
47: 12
52: 2
58: 1
83: 1
88: 1
xtick distance=10
\addplot[ybar interval] table [x, y, col sep=colon] {results/data.txt};
% this line is sort of what I want but I want the 7 to be calculated automatically as the average count
%\draw[] (axis cs:7, \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) -- (axis cs:7, \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
请注意,任何时候都不允许任何值超过 16383.9999。否则您将得到尺寸太大错误。为了防止这种情况,您可以在求和时将某个值除以某个常数,然后再乘以平均值。
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=colon]{pgfplots-histo-average.dat}\datatable
% old code, table and macros for results fixed
% \pgfmathsetmacro\dtcsum{0}%
% \pgfmathsetmacro\dtfsum{0}%
% \pgfmathsetmacro\dtcfsum{0}%
% \pgfmathsetmacro\dtcnt{0}%
% \pgfplotstableforeachcolumnelement{[index]0}\of\datatable\as\cellValue{%
% \pgfplotstablegetelem{\pgfplotstablerow}{[index]1}\of\datatable
% \pgfmathsetmacro{\dtfreq}{\pgfplotsretval}
% % now: \cellValue = count; \dtfreq = frequency
% % calculate sums
% \pgfmathsetmacro{\dtcsum}{\dtcsum + \cellValue}%
% \pgfmathsetmacro{\dtfsum}{\dtfsum + \dtfreq}%
% % dividing \cellValue by 100 prevents dimension to large error
% \pgfmathsetmacro{\dtcfsum}{\dtcfsum + (\cellValue / 100 * \dtfreq)}%
% \pgfmathsetmacro{\dtcnt}{\dtcnt + 1}%
% }
% % calculate the averages
% \pgfmathsetmacro{\dtcavg}{\dtcsum / \dtcnt}%
% \pgfmathsetmacro{\dtfavg}{\dtfsum / \dtcnt}%
% \pgfmathsetmacro{\dtcfavg}{\dtcfsum / \dtcnt * 100}%
% new code, table and macros for results as parameters
% now: \cellValue = count; \dtfreq = frequency
% calculate sums
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dtcsum}{\dtcsum + \cellValue}%
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dtfsum}{\dtfsum + \dtfreq}%
% dividing \cellValue by 100 prevents dimension to large error
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dtcfsum}{\dtcfsum + (\cellValue / 100 * \dtfreq)}%
\pgfmathsetmacro{\dtcnt}{\dtcnt + 1}%
% calculate the averages
\pgfmathsetmacro{#2}{\dtcsum / \dtcnt}%
\pgfmathsetmacro{#3}{\dtfsum / \dtcnt}%
\pgfmathsetmacro{#4}{\dtcfsum / \dtcnt * 100}%
xtick distance=10
\addplot[ybar interval] table [x, y] {\datatable};
% this line is sort of what I want but I want the 7 to be calculated automatically as the average count
\draw[blue] (axis cs:\dtcavg, \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymin}) --
(axis cs:\dtcavg, \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgfplots/ymax});
Average of column count is: \dtcavg
Average of column frequency is: \dtfavg
Average of count $\cdot$ frequency is: \dtcfavg