

IIUC,通常情况下,如果部分不是列/页面中的第一个部分,则部分只会在其前面添加垂直空间。令我惊讶的是,在之后它的行为相同\begin{figure}[t] ... \end{figure}。有没有办法让部分像对待其他任何东西一样对待这些数字?IE使下面的第 2 列更像第 3 列,而不影响第 1 列?

第 1-2 列:

pdf 输出第 1 页

第 3-4 列:

pdf 输出第 2 页



    {-5\baselineskip}% this does not get applied after figures


            \draw (0,0) -- (8,0) -- (8,4) -- (0,4) -- (0,0);


\image{Good. A normal paragraph is nice and close to the caption.}

\image{Bad. A title should have space no matter what comes before it.}
\section{This title has almost no space before it}

\section{This title has much more space before it}
\textbf{Good. This is how a title usually adds space when anything is preceding it.}

\section{This title rightly has no space before it}
\textbf{Good. There is nothing above the title in this column.}

