表格使用 tabularx 时出现错误,请帮我解决!

表格使用 tabularx 时出现错误,请帮我解决!

我制作了一个表格,将其插入到论文中,然后将其移动到我的论文中。由于某些原因,它给出了一系列我无法理解的错误,你能帮助我吗?我尝试复制我在论文 tex 中拥有的各种包和表格代码





\usepackage{booktabs} % For professional looking tables




    \caption{Example of different attributions by three representative participants (A, B and C)}
        \textbf{Part A} & \textit{Sally speaking} & \textit{Narrator} & \textit{Sally speaking} & \textit{Narrator} & \textit{Sally speaking} \\
        & Oh yes, & Sally remembered; & she had it still, a ruby ring which Marie Antoinette had given her great-grandfather. & She never had a penny to her name in those days & and going to Bourton always meant some frightful pinch.\\
        \textbf{Part B} & \multicolumn{5}{l}{\textit{Sally thinking}} \\
        & \multicolumn{5}{l}{Oh yes, Sally remembered; she had it still, a ruby ring which Marie} \\
        & \multicolumn{5}{l}{Antoinette had given her great-grandfather}




正如@Zarko 在评论中所述,\hlinea 中的所有stabular都应以 a 开头。我还将第一列的对齐方式更改为,因为它比所有其他列都短。\\l

    \caption{Example of different attributions by three representative participants (A, B and C)}
        \textbf{Part A} & \textit{Sally speaking} & \textit{Narrator} & \textit{Sally speaking} & \textit{Narrator} & \textit{Sally speaking} \\
        & Oh yes, & Sally remembered; & she had it still, a ruby ring which Marie Antoinette had given her great-grandfather. & She never had a penny to her name in those days & and going to Bourton always meant some frightful pinch.\\
        \textbf{Part B} & \multicolumn{5}{l}{\textit{Sally thinking}} \\
        & \multicolumn{5}{l}{Oh yes, Sally remembered; she had it still, a ruby ring which Marie} \\
        & \multicolumn{5}{l}{Antoinette had given her great-grandfather} \\



你忘记了\\之前的内容\hline。另一方面,你可以对代码进行一些改进,例如如何更好地处理\multicolumnB 部分中的跨列。



\caption{Example of different attributions by three representative participants (A, B and C)}


\textbf{Part A}
  & \textit{Sally speaking}
  & \textit{Narrator}
  & \textit{Sally speaking}
  & \textit{Narrator}
  & \textit{Sally speaking} \\
  & Oh yes,
  & Sally remembered;
  & she had it still, a ruby ring which Marie Antoinette
    had given her great-grandfather.
  & She never had a penny to her name in those days
  & and going to Bourton always meant some frightful pinch.\\
\textbf{Part B}
  & \multicolumn{5}{l}{\textit{Sally thinking}} \\
  & \multicolumn{5}{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash\hsize=\dimexpr5\hsize+8\tabcolsep}X@{}}{%
      Oh yes, Sally remembered; she had it still, a ruby ring which
      Marie Antoinette had given her great-grandfather} \\







\usepackage{makecell, tabularx}

    \caption{Example of different attributions by three representative participants (A, B and C)}
\textbf{Part A} & \textit{Sally speaking} & \textit{Narrator} & \textit{Sally speaking} & \textit{Narrator} & \textit{Sally speaking} \\
        & Oh yes, & Sally remembered; & she had it still, a ruby ring which Marie Antoinette had given her great-grandfather. & She never had a penny to her name in those days & and going to Bourton always meant some frightful pinch.\\
\textbf{Part B} & \multicolumn{5}{l}{\textit{Sally thinking}} \\
        & \multicolumn{5}{l}{Oh yes, Sally remembered; she had it still, a ruby ring which Marie} \\
        & \multicolumn{5}{l}{Antoinette had given her great-grandfather}

最后一行以 结尾\\。当行后有任何规则( 、 等)时,这是必要\hline\cline



因为您的代码是booktabs包,所以使用它是明智的,正如 AboAmmar 的回答中所示。


\usepackage{makecell, tabularx}
%    \renewcommand\theadfont{\itshape}


    \caption{Example of different attributions by three representative participants (A, B and C)}
                                @{} }
Part A
    &   \textit{Sally speaking}
        &   \textit{Narrator}
            &   \textit{Sally speaking}
                &   \textit{Narrator}
                    &   \textit{Sally speaking}                               \\
    &   Oh yes,
        &   Sally remembered;
            &   she had it still, a ruby ring which Marie Antoinette had given her great-grandfather.
                &   She never had a penny to her name in those days
                    &   and going to Bourton always meant some frightful pinch. \\
Part B
    &   \multicolumn{5}{l}{\textit{Sally thinking}}                             \\
    &   \multicolumn{5}{l}{Oh yes, Sally remembered; she had it still, a ruby ring which Marie} \\
    &   \multicolumn{5}{l}{Antoinette had given her great-grandfather}          \\

