\caption{University of Toronto Sample Indicators for Investigation Skills}
\textbf{02B Collect existing information}& No information collected &Information collected covers few/no important concepts or relevant prior work in research area.&Information collected covers some important concepts and relevant prior work in research area. &Information collected covers most important concepts and relevant prior work in research area.& Information collected covers all important concepts and relevant prior work in research area. \\
&&Information collected is not at all credible &Information collected is somewhat credible. &Information collected is mostly credible. &Information collected is entirely credible. \\
\textbf{02C Perform a pedagogical review of a research paper or article} &Review does not contextualize the article. &Review contextualizes the article incorrectly or superficially. &Review contextualizes the article ineffectively. &Review contextualizes the article. &Review contextualizes the article very effectively. \\
&No identification of: ☐ trends and patterns ☐ gaps in article ☐ major findings related to research questions &Incorrect identification of: ☐ trends and patterns ☐ gaps in article ☐ major findings related research questions & Minimal identification of: ☐ trends and patterns ☐ gaps in article ☐ learnings to research questions& Sufficient identification of: ☐ trends and patterns ☐ gaps in article ☐ learnings to research questions& Comprehensive identification of: ☐ trends and patterns ☐ gaps in article ☐ learnings to research questions \\
\textbf{02D Perform a critical review of a research paper or article}&☐ No summary provided ☐ No key ideas captured &☐ Summary is incorrect ☐ Incorrect ideas captured&☐ Summary is marginally sufficient ☐ Some key ideas missing &☐ Summary is complete ☐ Captures key ideas of the article &☐ Summary demonstrates substantial depth of understanding ☐ All key ideas emphasized\\
&☐ Criticism of key components not covered &Criticism of key components: ☐ incorrectly covered ☐ complete lack of insight &Criticism of key components: ☐ missing some key components ☐are superficial &Criticism of key components: ☐ mostly covered ☐ shows sufficient insight&Criticism of key components: ☐ exceptionally well covered ☐ are insightful \\
这是我建议的解决方案,由于需要手动调整长度和高度,因此绝对不是最优雅的解决方案。使用 enumitem 来制作带有复选框的列表的原始想法是从这里借鉴而来的:https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/247688/134144
\caption{University of Toronto Sample Indicators for Investigation Skills}
\textbf{02B Collect existing information}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item No information collected \end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Information collected covers few/no important concepts or relevant prior work in research area.\end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Information collected covers some important concepts and relevant prior work in research area. \end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Information collected covers most important concepts and relevant prior work in research area.\end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Information collected covers all important concepts and relevant prior work in research area. \end{todolisttop} \\
&&\begin{todolisttop}\item Information collected is not at all credible \end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Information collected is somewhat credible. \end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Information collected is mostly credible. \end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Information collected is entirely credible. \end{todolisttop}\\
\multirow{2}[0]{\hsize}[-0.7\normalbaselineskip]{\textbf{02C Perform a pedagogical review of a research paper or article}} &
%\textbf{02C Perform a pedagogical review of a research paper or article} &
Review does not contextualize the article. &
Review contextualizes the article incorrectly or superficially. &
Review contextualizes the article ineffectively. &
Review contextualizes the article. &
Review contextualizes the article very effectively. \\
&No identification of: \begin{todolist}\item trends and patterns \item gaps in article \item major findings related to research questions \end{todolist}&
Incorrect identification of: \begin{todolist}\item trends and patterns \item gaps in article \item major findings related research questions \end{todolist}&
Minimal identification of: \begin{todolist}\item trends and patterns \item gaps in article \item learnings to research questions \end{todolist}&
Sufficient identification of: \begin{todolist}\item trends and patterns \item gaps in article \item learnings to research questions \end{todolist}&
Comprehensive identification of: \begin{todolist}\item trends and patterns \item gaps in article \item learnings to research questions\end{todolist} \\
\textbf{02D Perform a critical review of a research paper or article}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item No summary provided \item No key ideas captured \end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Summary is incorrect \item Incorrect ideas captured \end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Summary is marginally sufficient \item Some key ideas missing \end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Summary is complete \item Captures key ideas of the article \end{todolisttop}&
\begin{todolisttop}\item Summary demonstrates substantial depth of understanding \item All key ideas emphasized \end{todolisttop}\\
\begin{todolisttop}\item Criticism of key components not covered \end{todolisttop}&
Criticism of key components: \begin{todolist}\item incorrectly covered \item complete lack of insight \end{todolist}&
Criticism of key components: \begin{todolist}\item missing some key components \item are superficial \end{todolist}&
Criticism of key components: \begin{todolist}\item mostly covered \item shows sufficient insight \end{todolist}&
Criticism of key components: \begin{todolist}\item \hspace{0pt}exceptionally well covered \item are insightful \end{todolist}\\