我正在使用 pgfplotsable,但似乎找不到一种简单的方法来同时实现 a) 为我的列设置特定的内容和 b) 将文本置于列内中心。无论我如何尝试,似乎一个都会覆盖另一个。
\usepackage{array, booktabs}
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
% Using this in conjunction with the pgfplotstable
col sep=&,
row sep=\\,
string type,
columns = {Divisor, Rule, Example},
columns/Divisor/.style={column name={ \bf Divisor},column type={p{.1\textwidth} } } ,
columns/Rule/.style={column name={ \bf Rule},column type={p{.4\textwidth} } } ,
columns/Example/.style={column name={ \bf Example},column type={p{.3\textwidth} } } ,
every head row/.style=
{before row=\toprule\toprule, after row=\bottomrule},
every last row/.style=
{after row=\bottomrule\bottomrule},
Divisor & Rule & Example \\
2 & If the last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 & $C'mon\ Man!$ \\ \hline
3 & If sum of digits is divisible by 3 & $ 921 \rightarrow \frac{9 + 2 + 1}{3} = 4 $ \\ \hline
4 & If number formed by last two digits is divisible by 4 & $ 524 \rightarrow\ \frac{24}{4} = 6 $ \\ \hline
5 & If last digit is 0 or 5 & $C'mon\ Man!$ \\ \hline
6 & If it is divisible by 2 AND divisible by 3 & $\frac{468}{2} = 234,\ \frac{468}{3} = 156$ \\ \hline
6 & If it is divisible by 2 AND divisible by 3 & \Gape[6pt]{\makecell{$\frac{468}{2} = 234$ \\ {} \\ $\frac{468}{3} = 156$}} \\ \hline
7 & No rule exists & {} \\ \hline
8 & If number formed by last three digits is divisible by 8 & $ 24,296 \rightarrow \frac{296}{8} = 37 $ \\ \hline
9 & If sum of digits is divisible by 9 & $549 \rightarrow \frac{5+4+9}{9} = 2$ \\
\caption{Divisibility rules for the integers less than 10.}
输出看起来像这样(忽略被 6 整除的规则的重复输入 - 我只是在玩 \makecell 和 \Gape 命令!)。
我所想要做的就是使用全局命令将文本置于每列的中心,而不是在每个单元格中添加 \centering。
并删除了“column type={p{.3\textwidth} }”命令。虽然这完成了将所有内容居中的任务,但它会使整个表格缩小,文本变得太小。
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell}
\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % <--- for centering
%-------------------------------- show page layout, only for test
col sep=&,
row sep=\\,
string type,
columns = {Divisor, Rule, Example},
columns/Divisor/.style={column name={\textbf{Divisor}},
column type={@{}C{.2\dimexpr\textwidth-4\tabcolsep}}} , % <--- correct calculation of column width
columns/Rule/.style={column name={\textbf{Rule}},
column type={C{.5\dimexpr\textwidth-4\tabcolsep} }} , % <---
columns/Example/.style={column name={\textbf{Example}},
column type={C{.3\dimexpr\textwidth-4\tabcolsep}@{} }} , % <---
every head row/.style=
{before row=\toprule\toprule, after row=\bottomrule},
every last row/.style=
{after row=\bottomrule\bottomrule},
Divisor & Rule & Example \\
2 & If the last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 & $C'mon\ Man!$ \\ \hline
3 & If sum of digits is divisible by 3 & $ 921 \rightarrow \frac{9 + 2 + 1}{3} = 4 $ \\ \hline
4 & If number formed by last two digits is divisible by 4 & $ 524 \rightarrow\ \frac{24}{4} = 6 $ \\ \hline
5 & If last digit is 0 or 5 & $C'mon\ Man!$ \\ \hline
6 & If it is divisible by 2 AND divisible by 3 & $\frac{468}{2} = 234,\ \frac{468}{3} = 156$ \\ \hline
6 & If it is divisible by 2 AND divisible by 3 & \Gape[6pt]{\makecell{$\frac{468}{2} = 234$ \\ {} \\ $\frac{468}{3} = 156$}} \\ \hline
7 & No rule exists & {} \\ \hline
8 & If number formed by last three digits is divisible by 8 & $ 24,296 \rightarrow \frac{296}{8} = 37 $ \\ \hline
9 & If sum of digits is divisible by 9 & $549 \rightarrow \frac{5+4+9}{9} = 2$ \\
\caption{Divisibility rules for the integers less than 10.}
- 为列内容的水平居中定义了新的列类型
。 - 在计算列宽时使用内核
您应该:- 确保表格宽度份额的总和在列之间排列,使得它们的总和等于 1(0.2 + 0.5 + 0.3 = 1)
- 在计算列宽时必须考虑
列规范的开始和末尾占用。因此,列之间共享的宽度是\textwidth - 4\tabcolsep
- 而不是
)。 - 由于
,因此应将其删除 - 而不是
- 使用环境
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
%-------------------------------- show page layout, only for test
col sep=&,
row sep=\\,
string type,
columns = {Divisor, Rule, Example},
columns/Divisor/.style={column name={\textbf{Divisor}},
column type={@{}C{.15\dimexpr\textwidth-4\tabcolsep}}} ,
columns/Rule/.style={column name={\textbf{Rule}},
column type={C{.5\dimexpr\textwidth-4\tabcolsep} }} ,
columns/Example/.style={column name={\textbf{Example}},
column type={>{$\displaystyle}%
@{} }} ,
every head row/.style=
{before row=\toprule, after row=\midrule},
every last row/.style=
{after row=\bottomrule},
Divisor & Rule & Example \\
2 & If the last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8
& \textit{C'mon Man!} \\
3 & If sum of digits is divisible by 3
& 921 \rightarrow \frac{9 + 2 + 1}{3} = 4 \\
4 & If number formed by last two digits is divisible by 4
& 524 \rightarrow\ \frac{24}{4} = 6 \\
5 & If last digit is 0 or 5
& \textit{C'mon Man!} \\
6 & If it is divisible by 2 AND divisible by 3
& \frac{468}{2} = 234,\ \frac{468}{3} = 156 \\
6 & If it is divisible by 3 AND divisible by 2
& {\begin{aligned}\frac{468}{3}&=156\\
\end{aligned}} \\
7 & No rule exists
& \\
8 & If number formed by last three digits is divisible by 8
& 24,296 \rightarrow \frac{296}{8} = 37 \\
9 & If sum of digits is divisible by 9
& 549 \rightarrow \frac{5+4+9}{9} = 2 \\
\caption{Divisibility rules for the integers less than 10.}