使用 IEEEtran 打包多方位问题

使用 IEEEtran 打包多方位问题

我正在使用 IEEEtran 模板,我必须将参考文献列表分成两个列表,一个是主参考文献列表,另一个是附录中的列表。我正在使用该multibib包,但附录中的第二个列表显示为空。






 \title{Title goes here}
   abstract goes here...

  Lorum ipsum....
  main reference citation \cite{gamma}
  appendix reference citation \citePS{cook}





% arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
% arara: bibtex: { files: [ paperdraft, PS ] }
% arara: makeindex
% arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
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% arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }


title = {Gamma, alpha, delta, and theta oscillations govern cognitive         processes},
volume = {39},
number = {2-3},
journal = {International Journal of Psychophysiology},
author = {Basar, Erol and {Basar-Eroglu}, Canan and Karakas, Sirel and    Schürmann, Martin},
month = jan,
year = {2001},
pages = {241--248},


 author = {Cook, D.J. and Augusto, J.C. and Jakkula, V.R.},
 title = {Ambient intelligence: Technologies, applications, and opportunities},
  journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing},
 year = {2009},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {277--298},
 number = {4}


您的代码中存在一些错误,例如您没有\IEEEtitleabstractindextext{用关闭命令},我将\bibliographyS/更正\bibliographystyleS\bibliographyPS/ \bibliographystylePS

我使用包filecontents创建了一个可编译的 MWE,其中包含给定的 tex 代码(已更正)和两个 bib 文件。请将以下 MWE 复制到您的计算机并命名399998.tex

  title = {Gamma, alpha, delta, and theta oscillations govern cognitive         processes},
  volume = {39},
  number = {2-3},
  journal = {International Journal of Psychophysiology},
  author = {Basar, Erol and {Basar-Eroglu}, Canan and Karakas, Sirel and    Schürmann, Martin},
  month = jan,
  year = {2001},
  pages = {241--248},
  author = {Cook, D.J. and Augusto, J.C. and Jakkula, V.R.},
  title = {Ambient intelligence: Technologies, applications, and opportunities},
  journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {277--298},
  number = {4},







\title{Title goes here}
  \IEEEtitleabstractindextext{test} % <=================================
   abstract goes here...

  Lorum ipsum....
  main reference citation \cite{gamma}
  appendix reference citation \citePS{cook}

\bibliographystylePS{plainyr} % <=======================================
\bibliographyPS{399998-ref} % <=========================================

\bibliography{399998-main} % <==========================================



pdflatex 399998.tex

现在您有两个文件399998.auxPS.aux。现在您可以对这两个文件使用 bibtex aux

bibtex 399998.aux
bibtex PS.aux

现在我们需要编译 TeX 文件两次才能获得正确的目录、页面等:

pdflatex 399998.tex
pdflatex 399998.tex

完成上述步骤后,我得到了最终的 pdf:

结果页面 2
