我不断收到错误“未定义的控制序列”。 \begin{longtable}
{\normalfont\large}{Chapter \thechapter:}{1em}{}
\graphicspath{ {images/} }
\usepackage{booktabs} ... more after this
\caption[Totals of listed buildings per category in each council from 2010.]{Listed Building per category.} \label{LBperCat} \\
\hline Local Authority & Category A & Category B & Category C & Totals \\ \hline
{{\bfseries \tablename\ \thetable{} -- continued from previous page}} \\
Local Authority & Category A & Category B & Category C & Totals \\ \hline
\hline \multicolumn{5}{|r|}{{Continued on next page}} \\ \hline
\hline \hline
Aberdeen & 68 & 679 & 464 & 1211 \\
Abredeenshire & 208 & 1640 & 1948 & 3796 \\
Angus \& Bute & 96 & 1019 & 1035 & 2150 \\
Argyll \& Bute & 143 & 988 & 738 & 1869 \\
Clackmannan & 17 & 134 & 152 & 303 \\
Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar & 19 & 172 & 84 & 275 \\
Dumfries \& Galloway & 224 & 1798 & 1382 & 3404 \\
Dundee & 82 & 564 & 247 & 893 \\
East AYRSHIRE & 45 & 339 & 364 & 748 \\
East Dunbartonshire & 16 & 89 & 75 & 180 \\
East Lothian & 136 & 1083 & 602 & 1821 \\
East Refrenshire & 5 & 93 & 37 & 135 \\
Edinburgh & 910 & 2646 & 1290 & 4846 \\
Falkirk & 27 & 195 & 128 & 350 \\
Fife & 212 & 2198 & 2549 & 4959 \\
Glasgow & 281 & 1273 & 286 & 1840 \\
Highland & 186 & 1669 & 1161 & 3016 \\
Inverclyde & 25 & 129 & 91 & 245 \\
Loch Lomond \& Trossachs National Park & 27 & 208 & 335 & 570 \\
Midlothian & 71 & 315 & 327 & 713 \\
Moray & 117 & 768 & 785 & 1670 \\
North Ayrshire & 41 & 406 & 391 & 838 \\
North Lanarkshire & 10 & 147 & 155 & 312 \\
Orkney Islands & 24 & 295 & 313 & 632 \\
Perth \& Kincorss & 160 & 1438 & 1500 & 3098 \\
Renfrewshire & 39 & 343 & 185 & 567 \\
Scottish Borders & 182 & 1247 & 1560 & 2989 \\
Shetland & 13 & 173 & 158 & 344 \\
South Ayrshrie & 74 & 438 & 429 & 941 \\
South Lanarkshire & 92 & 544 & 443 & 1079 \\
Stirling & 80 & 561 & 530 & 1171 \\
West Dunbartonshire & 16 & 83 & 39 & 138 \\
West Lothian & 43 & 215 & 179 & 437 \\
Totals & 3689& 23889 & 19962 & 47540 \\
任何帮助/解决方案都将非常棒..我还需要制作 45 张与此类似的桌子。
- 相反,
文档类 \usepackage{booktabs}
删除序言后的虚假文字- 添加
并`\end{document} - 添加两个新包:
(通过它们的使用,表格变得更加一致) - 使用在中定义的水平规则
对带有数字的列使用列类型- 第一列中的长名称使用“\makecell{...}˙˙”分成两行
\usepackage{siunitx} % <--- added
\begin{longtable}{@{} l*{4}{S[table-format=4.0,
@{} }
\caption[Listed Building per category.]
{Totals of listed buildings per category in each council from 2010.}
\label{LBperCat} \\
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Category} \\
Local Authority & {A} & {B} & {C} & {Totals} \\
\caption[Listed Building per category.]
{Totals of listed buildings per category in each council from 2010. (cont.)}
\label{LBperCat} \\
& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Category} \\
Local Authority & {A} & {B} & {C} & {Totals} \\
\multicolumn{5}{r}{\footnotesize\textit{Continued on next page}}
Aberdeen & 68 & 679 & 464 & 1211 \\
Abredeenshire & 208 & 1640 & 1948 & 3796 \\
Angus \& Bute & 96 & 1019 & 1035 & 2150 \\
Argyll \& Bute & 143 & 988 & 738 & 1869 \\
Clackmannan & 17 & 134 & 152 & 303 \\
Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar
& 19 & 172 & 84 & 275 \\
Dumfries \& Galloway
& 224 & 1798 & 1382 & 3404 \\
Dundee & 82 & 564 & 247 & 893 \\
East AYRSHIRE & 45 & 339 & 364 & 748 \\
East Dunbartonshire
& 16 & 89 & 75 & 180 \\
East Lothian & 136 & 1083 & 602 & 1821 \\
East Refrenshire
& 5 & 93 & 37 & 135 \\
Edinburgh & 910 & 2646 & 1290 & 4846 \\
Falkirk & 27 & 195 & 128 & 350 \\
Fife & 212 & 2198 & 2549 & 4959 \\
Glasgow & 281 & 1273 & 286 & 1840 \\
Highland & 186 & 1669 & 1161 & 3016 \\
Inverclyde & 25 & 129 & 91 & 245 \\
\makecell[l]{Loch Lomond \&\\
Trossachs National Park}
& 27 & 208 & 335 & 570 \\
Midlothian & 71 & 315 & 327 & 713 \\
Moray & 117 & 768 & 785 & 1670 \\
North Ayrshire & 41 & 406 & 391 & 838 \\
North Lanarkshire
& 10 & 147 & 155 & 312 \\
Orkney Islands & 24 & 295 & 313 & 632 \\
Perth \& Kincorss
& 160 & 1438 & 1500 & 3098 \\
Renfrewshire & 39 & 343 & 185 & 567 \\
Scottish Borders
& 182 & 1247 & 1560 & 2989 \\
Shetland & 13 & 173 & 158 & 344 \\
South Ayrshrie & 74 & 438 & 429 & 941 \\
South Lanarkshire & 92 & 544 & 443 & 1079 \\
Stirling & 80 & 561 & 530 & 1171 \\
West Dunbartonshire
& 16 & 83 & 39 & 138 \\
West Lothian & 43 & 215 & 179 & 437 \\
Totals & 3689 & 23889 & 19962 & 47540 \\