

[flushleft] 使整个表格左对齐。我只希望脚注与表格开头一起缩进。



\caption{Data of Pareto optimals of symmetrical Steffen flexible polyhedra}
\centering \label{table:StefResultAppen}
& Result&\multicolumn{2}{c}{Objectives}&\multicolumn{5}{c}{Parameters} & \\
& Index&$\Theta$ & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$R$} & $a$ & $b$ & $c$ & $d$ & $e$ & \\ \midrule
\rowstyle{\bfseries}& J&\ang{10.4} & 0.34  & 8.1383 & 5.7008 & 5.5161 & 8.5020& 8.5\\
\item All results chosen here are on the Pareto Front in Figure~\ref{fig:ParetoSteffen}. 
\item Results labelled in letters A$\sim$J are from Table~\ref{table:StefResult} and are presented in bold font.




  • 表格注释旨在用于threeparttable
  • 定义的列数大于使用的列数
  • 抱歉,但不清楚你喜欢如何对齐表格注释。因此下面的例子可能不是很有帮助
  • 还使用文档类不公开知道,所以姆韦以下是我使用的标准book
  • 你的问题似乎源于\rowstyle{\bfseries}


\usepackage{array, booktabs}



\caption{table notes with \texttt{threeparttable}}
\centering \label{table:StefResultAppen}
\begin{tabular}{+l @{} ^c ^c ^l ^c ^c ^c ^c ^c}
& Result    &\multicolumn{2}{c}{Objectives}&\multicolumn{5}{c}{Parameters}  \\
& Index     &$\Theta$   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$R$}
                        & $a$   & $b$    & $c$    & $d$    & $e$            \\
& J         &\ang{10.4} & 0.34  & 8.1383 & 5.7008 & 5.5161 & 8.5020 & 8.5   \\
\item All results chosen here are on the Pareto Front in Figure~\ref{fig:ParetoSteffen}.
\item Results labelled in letters A$\sim$J are from Table~\ref{table:StefResult} and are presented in bold font.

\caption{table notes without \texttt{threeparttable}}
\begin{tabular}{+l @{} ^c ^c ^l ^c ^c ^c ^c ^c}
& Result    &\multicolumn{2}{c}{Objectives}&\multicolumn{5}{c}{Parameters}  \\
& Index     &$\Theta$   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$R$}
                        & $a$   & $b$    & $c$    & $d$    & $e$            \\
& J         &\ang{10.4} & 0.34  & 8.1383 & 5.7008 & 5.5161 & 8.5020 & 8.5   \\
\item All results chosen here are on the Pareto Front in Figure~\ref{fig:ParetoSteffen}.
\item Results labelled in letters A$\sim$J are from Table~\ref{table:StefResult} and are presented in bold font.

\caption{table notes in multi column cells}
\begin{tabular}{+l @{} ^c ^c ^l ^c ^c ^c ^c ^c}
& Result    &\multicolumn{2}{c}{Objectives}&\multicolumn{5}{c}{Parameters}  \\
& Index     &$\Theta$   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$R$}
                        & $a$   & $b$    & $c$    & $d$    & $e$            \\
& J         &\ang{10.4} & 0.34  & 8.1383 & 5.7008 & 5.5161 & 8.5020 & 8.5   \\
All results chosen here are on the Pareto Front in Figure~\ref{fig:ParetoSteffen}.
Results labelled in letters A$\sim$J are from Table~\ref{table:StefResult} and are presented in bold font.

