

我想要一个使用作者-年份格式的参考书目。应该有没有标签。但是,我不知道如何使用多书目来实现这一点。我尝试使用\usepackage[round]{natbib},但 latex 告诉我“参考书目与作者年份引用不兼容”。



Reference without prefix \cite{Creighton2006} and a reference with prefix \citeA{Johnson2000}.




包含两个参考文献的库 bibtex 文件如下所示:

author = {Johnson, W Lewis and Rickel, Jeff W and Lester, James C},
journal = {International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education},
number = {11},
pages = {47--78},
title = {{Animated pedagogical agents: face-to-face interaction in interactive learning environments}},
volume = {Internatio},
year = {2000}
author = {Creighton, Oliver and Ott, Martin and Bruegge, Bernd},
booktitle = {Requirements Engineering, 14th IEEE International Conference},
isbn = {0769525555},
pages = {109--118},
publisher = {IEEE},
title = {{Software cinema-video-based requirements engineering}},
url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs{\_}all.jsp?arnumber=1704054},
year = {2006}



下列 MWE 命名mwe.tex

  author    = {Creighton, Oliver and Ott, Martin and Bruegge, Bernd},
  booktitle = {Requirements Engineering, 14th IEEE International Conference},
  isbn      = {0769525555},
  pages     = {109--118},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  title     = {{Software cinema-video-based requirements engineering}},
  url       = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs{\_}all.jsp?arnumber=1704054},
  year      = {2006},
  author  = {Johnson, W Lewis and Rickel, Jeff W and Lester, James C},
  journal = {International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education},
  number  = {11},
  pages   = {47--78},
  title   = {{Animated pedagogical agents: face-to-face interaction in 
              interactive learning environments}},
  volume  = {Internatio},
  year    = {2000},


\usepackage[round]{natbib} % <==========================================


Reference without prefix \cite{Creighton2006} and a reference with 
prefix \citeA{Johnson2000}.

\bibliographystyle{plainnat} % <========================================

\bibliographystyleA{plainnat} % <=======================================
\bibliographyA{A} % <===================================================


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