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\caption{\textbf{Impact of policy on psychosocial outcomes (ITT estimates)}}
\begin{tabular*}{\textwidth}{@{\extracolsep{\textwidth minus \textwidth}}l c c c c c c c c@{}}

 \hline \hline

  &(1)& (2)&    (3)&    (4)&    (5) &   (6) &   (7) &   (8) \\
         \multicolumn{1}{c}{{Variables}}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{{Self-efficacy}}  &\multicolumn{2}{c}{{Peer support}} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{{School experience}}&\multicolumn{2}{c}{{Teacher support}}\\

Treatment  & 0.115** & 0.117** & 0.031 & 0.035 & 0.036 & 0.036 & -0.023 & -0.017 \\
& (0.048) & (0.049) & (0.045) & (0.046) &     (0.047) & (0.048) &   (0.045) &   (0.045) \\
Age(in years) & & 0.092** & & 0.016 & & 0.020 & & 0.050 \\
& &  (0.038) & & (0.038) & & (0.037) & & (0.035) \\
Gender(boy=1) & & -0.074 & & 0.022 & &      0.014 & &       -0.001 \\
& &  (0.052) & & (0.051) & & (0.049) & & (0.048) \\
Scheduled Caste & & -0.139* & & -0.115 & & 0.071 & & -0.141 \\
& &  (0.074) & & (0.070) & & (0.060) & & (0.066) \\
Muslim & & -0.251*** & & 0.072 & & 0.013 & & 0.083 \\
& &  (0.063) & & (0.064) & & (0.059) & & (0.062) \\
Mothers education & & 0.016** & & 0.004 & & -0.001 & & 0.012* \\
& &  (0.007) & & (0.007) & & (0.006) & & (0.006) \\
Working Mother & & -0.008 & & -0.032 & & -0.093 & & 0.001 \\
& &  (0.066) & & (0.066) & & (0.063) & & (0.061) \\
Asset index & & -0.008 & & -0.009 & & -0.002 & & -0.015** \\
& &  (0.008) & & (0.008) & & (0.008) & & (0.007) \\
Number of rooms in house & & 0.000 & & -0.010 & & -0.019 & & 0.018 \\
& & (0.025) & & (0.024) & & (0.028) & & (0.022) \\
Constant & -0.058 & -0.802** & -0.015 & -0.128 & -0.018 & -0.786** & 0.012 & -1.098*** \\
& & (0.036) & (0.311) & (0.037) & (0.307) & (0.307) & (0.325) & (0.036) & (0.331) \\
Observations & 1553 & 1534 & 1577 & 1556 & 1585 & 1564 & 1557 & 1537 \\
R-squared & 0.003 & 0.071 & 0.000 & 0.122 & 0.000 & 0.159 & 0.000 & 0.173 \\

\multicolumn{9}{p{0.99\textwidth}}{\footnotesize  Notes: *** $p \geq 0.01$, ** $p \geq 0.05$, * $p \geq 0.1$. Regression in columns 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are univariate models regressing outcome variable on treatment. Regressions in columns 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 have sub-district dummies and controls. Standard errors are clustered at the pair level in all models to account for pairwise matching design.. The dependent variables, test scores, are standardized z-scores; hence, the coefficient estimate is the effect size. Gender, Scheduled Caste, Muslim and working mother are indicator variables. Age, asset index, mother’s education (in years) and number of rooms in the house are continuous.}



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%-------------------------------- show page layout, only for test

\caption{\textbf{Impact of policy on psychosocial outcomes (ITT estimates)}}
    \sisetup{input-symbols = {( - )},
%    \small%
Variables   & \mcc{Self-efficacy}       & \mcc{Peer support}
            & \mcc{School experience}   & \mcc{Teacher support} \\
            & \mcx{(1)} & \mcx{(2)}     & \mcx{(3)} & \mcx{(4)}
            & \mcx{(5)} & \mcx{(6)}     & \mcx{(7)} & \mcx{(8)} \\
Treatment   & 0.115**   & 0.117**   & 0.031     & 0.035
            & 0.036     & 0.036     & -0.023    & -0.017    \\
            & (0.048)   & (0.049)   & (0.045)   & (0.046)
            & (0.047)   & (0.048)   & (0.045)   & (0.045)   \\
Age(in years)
            &           & 0.092**   &           & 0.016
            &           & 0.020     &           & 0.050     \\
            &           &  (0.038)  &           & (0.038)
            &           & (0.037)   &           & (0.035)   \\
            &           & -0.074    &           & 0.022
            &           & 0.014     &           & -0.001    \\
            &           & (0.052)   &           & (0.051)
            &           & (0.049)   &           & (0.048)   \\
Scheduled Caste
            &           & -0.139*   &           & -0.115
            &           & 0.071     &           & -0.141    \\
            &           &  (0.074)  &           & (0.070)
            &           & (0.060)   &           & (0.066)   \\
Muslim      &           & -0.251*** &           & 0.072
            &           & 0.013     &           & 0.083     \\
            &           &  (0.063)  &           & (0.064)
            &           & (0.059)   &           & (0.062)   \\
Mothers education
            &           & 0.016**   &           & 0.004
            &           & -0.001    &           & 0.012*    \\
            &           &  (0.007)  &           & (0.007)
            &           & (0.006)   &           & (0.006)   \\
Working Mother
            &           & -0.008    &           & -0.032
            &           & -0.093    &           & 0.001     \\
            &           &  (0.066)  &           & (0.066)
            &           & (0.063)   &           & (0.061)   \\
Asset index &           & -0.008    &           & -0.009
            &           & -0.002    &           & -0.015**  \\
            &           &  (0.008)  &           & (0.008)
            &           & (0.008)   &           & (0.007)   \\
\multirow{2}{28mm}{Number of rooms in house}
            &           & 0.000     &           & -0.010
            &           & -0.019    &           & 0.018     \\
            &           & (0.025)   &           & (0.024)
            &           & (0.028)   &           & (0.022)   \\
Constant    & -0.058    & -0.802**  & -0.015    & -0.128
            & -0.018    & -0.786**  & 0.012     & -1.098*** \\
            &           & (0.036)   & (0.311)   & (0.037)
            & (0.307)   & (0.307)   & (0.325)   & (0.036) \\%& (0.331)
Observations& {1553}    & {1534}    & {1577}    & {1556}
            & {1585}    & {1564}    & {1557}    & {1537}    \\
R-squared   & 0.003     & 0.071     & 0.000     & 0.122
            & 0.000     & 0.159     & 0.000     & 0.173     \\
Notes: *** $p \geq 0.01$, ** $p \geq 0.05$, * $p \geq 0.1$.

Regression in columns 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are univariate models regressing outcome variable on treatment. Regressions in columns 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 have sub-district dummies and controls. Standard errors are clustered at the pair level in all models to account for pairwise matching design.. The dependent variables, test scores, are standardized z-scores; hence, the coefficient estimate is the effect size. Gender, Scheduled Caste, Muslim and working mother are indicator variables. Age, asset index, mother’s education (in years) and number of rooms in the house are continuous.}
