! LaTeX 错误:命令 \item 在数学模式下无效。在- l.367 \item {\bf 大型产品目录:}\\ 您几乎可以得到所有内容

! LaTeX 错误:命令 \item 在数学模式下无效。在- l.367 \item {\bf 大型产品目录:}\\ 您几乎可以得到所有内容
\subsection{FEATURES: }

\item {\bf Amazon Prime:}\\ This is a big customer acquisition tool for Amazon. Once registered a customer will keep coming back to Amazon. The customer has invested $79 to subscribe to a service. His goal is to derive maximum value of the service. This results in more sales for Amazon.
\item {\bf Large  Product Catalog:}\\ You can almost get everything on Amazon. (Not everything but one of the largest catalog on the Internet").
\item {\bf Frequently Bought Together:}\\ This is a feature where people are given product suggestions based on what they are interested in. The quality of suggestions ensure that only relevant product suggestions are made.
\item {\bf Search:}\\ People are not lost in the large catalog of products and are provided with good search results.
\item {\bf Product Reviews by Customers: }\\ Reviews helps people make decisions. An additional service that Amazon provides and makes it easier for customers to select a product.
\item {\bf Amazon 1 click Ordering : }\\ Conversions are crucial in the payment process. 1-click ensures there are no drop offs there.
\item {\bf Search Results:  }\\ Amazon ranks high in search results for various reasons. It has many inbound links, has quality content, good product description, almost everything about the product.
\item {\bf Excellent Customer Service: }\\ Amazon is no.1 in customer service. But Will This Lead To Sustainable Loyalty?, is not sure.
\item {\bf Excellent Supply Chain:}\\ Amazon invests heavily in its Supply Chain and is considered one of the best Supply Chains in the world.
\item {\bf Market Place:}\\ I am unsure about the percentage impact on sales, but this is definitely a feature that helps increase sales.
\item {\bf Affliate Marketing:}\\ It  is a commission based program. The registered user in affliate program will be given a unique code along with the site links, so if someone purchases from amazon using the link, then a commission of some percetage of the cost of the product will be credited to the registered affliate user. 


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\item[Amazon Prime:]
This is a big customer acquisition tool for Amazon. Once registered a customer will keep coming back to Amazon. The customer has invested \$79 to subscribe to a service. His goal is to derive maximum value of the service. This results in more sales for Amazon.
\item[Large  Product Catalog:]
You can almost get everything on Amazon. (Not everything but one of the largest catalog on the Internet").
\item[Frequently Bought Together:]
This is a feature where people are given product suggestions based on what they are interested in. The quality of suggestions ensure that only relevant product suggestions are made.
People are not lost in the large catalog of products and are provided with good search results.
\item[Product Reviews by Customers:]
Reviews helps people make decisions. An additional service that Amazon provides and makes it easier for customers to select a product.
\item[Amazon 1 click Ordering:]
Conversions are crucial in the payment process. 1-click ensures there are no drop offs there.
\item[Search Results:]
Amazon ranks high in search results for various reasons. It has many inbound links, has quality content, good product description, almost everything about the product.
\item[Excellent Customer Service:]
Amazon is no.1 in customer service. But Will This Lead To Sustainable Loyalty?, is not sure.
\item[Excellent Supply Chain:]
Amazon invests heavily in its Supply Chain and is considered one of the best Supply Chains in the world.
\item[Market Place:]
I am unsure about the percentage impact on sales, but this is definitely a feature that helps increase sales.
\item[Affliate Marketing:]
It  is a commission based program. The registered user in affliate program will be given a unique code along with the site links, so if someone purchases from amazon using the link, then a commission of some percetage of the cost of the product will be credited to the registered affliate user. 

