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\theoremstyle{definition} % See Lesson Three of the LaTeX Manual for more on this kind of "proclamation."
\newtheorem*{dfn}{A Reasonable Definition}
\title{Authentication Codes}
\author{Abigail A. Villa\\ Skezeer John B. Paz}
\institute{Ph.D. Mathematics \\ De La Salle University\\ \texttt{abigail\[email protected] // skezeer\_john\[email protected]}}
\date{November 27, 2017}
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\AtBeginSection[] % The commands within the following {} will be executed at the start of each section.
\begin{frame} % Within each "frame" there will be one or more "slides."
\frametitle{Outline} % This is the title of the outline.
\tableofcontents[pausesections] % This will display the table of contents and highlight the current section.
} % Do not include the preceding set of commands if you prefer not to have a recurring outline displayed during your presentation.
\section{Orthogonal Array} % Since this is the start of a new section, our recurring outline will appear here.
\textbf{Latin Square}\\ \pause
A Latin square of order $n$ with entries from an $n-set~X$ is an $n \times n$ array $L$ in which every cell contains an element of $X$ such that every row of $L$ is a permutation of $X$ and every column of $L$ is a permutation of $X$.
A Latin square of order 4.\\
\textbf{Definition:} Let $X$ be a finite set of cardinality $n$, and let $\circ$ be a binary operation defined on $X~(i.e., \circ: X\times X\longrightarrow X)$. We say that the pair $(X, \circ)$ is a quasigroup of order $n$ provided that the following two properties are satisfied:\\
\item For every $x,y\in X$, the equation $x\circ z=y$ has a unique solution for $z\in X$.\\
\item For every $x,y\in X$, the equation $z\circ x=y$ has a unique solution for $z\in X$.
The \textit{operation table} of a binary operation $\circ$ defined on $X$ is the $|X| \times |X|$ array $A=(a_{x,y})$, where $a_{x,y}=x\circ y$
\textbf{Idempotent/Symmetric quasigroup}\\
\textbf{Definition:} Suppose $(X,\circ)$ is a quasigroup. We say that $(X,\circ)$ is an \textit{idempotent quasigroup} if $x\circ x =x$ for all $x\in X$, and we say that $(X,\circ)$ is a \textit{symmetric quasigroup} if $x\circ y= y \circ x$ for al $x,y \in X$.
These concepts can also be defined for Latin squares in the obvious way: A \textit{symmetric Latin square} $L=(\mathscr{l}_{x,y})$ .
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